I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 419 Assassination!

The voice just fell.

A bright starlight appeared on Su Zhan's body!

Behind him running Star Wuji.

The original secret technique that simulates the breath of the demons also expires on its own.

The three lords immediately noticed that they were all unbelievable.

"You are actually a human race!"

"Humans dare to come to our Demon Realm, isn't this looking for death!"

"No wonder! The lowly tribes of the Three-Eyed Demon Race will go with you. It turns out that you are a human race inferior to the Three-Eyed Demon Race!"

After the shock of the three owl heads, they all smiled.

Xiaoxiao laughed wildly: "Great! You still need to worry about your possible identity, but now, since you are a lowly human race, there is nothing to worry about!

Two Elders, help me capture him alive!

I want to torture him so that he can't survive or die! "


The two owlhead Elder rushed towards Su Zhanyi from left to right.

The power of a point stronger than the mid-heavenly saint king broke out.

Su Zhan glanced at them.

Can't survive.

I can't die!

The ferocity of the owl heads is beyond my imagination!

After all, other cruel people just wanted to kill me, but they wanted to torture me to death!

Too cruel!

Too vicious!

so horrible!

Su Zhan took a deep breath and exploded directly into the Sun Moon Star divine body!


The space above is trembling, the night star, the golden sun, the cold and bright moon!

Three visions of heaven and earth appeared instantly!

The starlight on Su Zhan's body surface is even brighter!

The body of Star, one hundred and eight divine veins, and the blood of demon gods, all inspire!

That horrible breath radiated.

The two strong lords who rushed past were all stunned.

"I actually feel danger from this celebrity?"

"An illusion, it must be an illusion. This Human Race Realm has not yet reached the Holy King. Both of us are not weaker than the Heavenly Holy King in the Human Race!

What danger can he cause us? "

The two strong lords stopped for a moment, looked at each other, and rushed towards Su Zhan again!

A punch was blasted directly.

In his state, he is fully open and his cards are all out.

This fist blasted, the space in front rumbling, and the ripples of the space dispersed towards both sides of the path of fist energy.

A path visible to the naked eye presents the sky!

"This kind of power... how is this possible!"

Feeling the terrifying power contained in this fist, the eyes of the strong man of the owlet clan who faced Su Zhan's fist suddenly shrank, and his heart was extremely shocked!

Hurriedly threw a few defensive treasures in front of him.

It's no use.

Those directly shattered under Su Zhan's fist!


Before the screaming screams, the strong man of the Owhead Clan at the level of the Saint King in the sky was blown away by Su Zhan!

The internal organs shattered instantly, and the chest area was completely sunken!

Extinct life!

Kill with a punch!

The remaining strong owlet clan, as well as the owl looting, were all stunned.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, I thought I had hallucinations!

Elder, who is slightly stronger than the Heavenly Saint King in the human race, was actually killed by a punch?

Not even a little resistance!

This kind of terrifying arrogant power...I'm afraid that the Saint King of the Great Heaven will not be able to reach it, right? !

"Run away!"

"Go back and move rescue soldiers!"

The two looked at each other in horror, turned around and fled at the same time!

Su Zhan punched directly at the owlhead Elder who was closer to him.

Under the horror fist, that Elder was directly bombarded and killed just like the first one!

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan turned into an electric light and stopped in front of Xiao Liu.

Seeing that he couldn't escape at all, Xiao Rao was immediately persuaded, begging for mercy again and again.

"It was our owlet clan who offended you, son, I apologize, it is my fault, I am willing to compensate, I am willing to compensate!"


Su Zhan said: "You not only want to kill me, but also tortured me to death. Would a vicious guy like you apologize?

Maybe you just want to sneak attack me while I relax, right? "

"you you you……"

Seeing the softness and uselessness, Xiaoxiu gritted his teeth and threatened: "You may be very strong, and you have reached the level of the Great Heavenly Sage King, but you have to know that there are three of my Xiaoliu Clan who are not weaker than the Great Heavenly Sage King. name!

The clan king, that is, my father!

He is even more like the Little Extreme Saint King!

Do you dare to kill me?

Do your whole family want more!

Don't think that you are a human race, don't worry, our owl head race is famous for holding grudges, Yazi will pay!

As long as you dare to kill me, even if one hundred years or ten thousand years pass, it will be a million miles away, tens of thousands of miles away!

We will also find you, find your family and friends, and kill them all! "

Su Zhan's eyes condensed: "What you mean is that you want to destroy my whole family?"

Seeing Su Zhan reacting in this way, Xiao Liu felt relieved and continued: "Yes, so you should let me go as soon as possible, maybe it's okay--"


Su Zhan blasted out with a punch, directly blasting Xiaoluo to death!

"You want to kill my whole family! How can I forgive you so vicious and cruel!"

Afterwards, Su Zhan collected all the things that Xiaoxiao had plundered the three people. Looking at the three people's corpses, he did not immediately release the Yanbing Saint Chariot to leave.

"Master Su, why aren't you leaving?"

The purple-haired holy demon asked cautiously.

"I'm leaving like this, the owl head clan is bound to come to seek revenge."

"Then Young Master Su, what do you mean?"

"The Owheads are so cruel and vicious, they want to destroy my family and my family. In order to prevent this from happening, I can only go to the Owheads!"

"What! Su Gongzi, you want to go to the Xiaoshou clan alone?!"

The face of the purple-haired holy demon changed drastically, and he hurriedly persuaded: "Master Su, you may be very strong now, but as one of the three overlords in the Wumeng Sea, the Xiaoshou Clan has a very deep background!

The islands they occupy are connected together, and once the big formation opens, even the Little Extreme Saint King will be strangled by the power of formation!

Moreover, there are many strong people in the Xiaoshou clan, you go alone, and they join hands. Isn't Su Gongzi you dangerous? "

"There is some truth to it. The Owheads occupies such a large area. I was found on the edge of their Realm. Then they will use their formation to fight and gather all their strength to besieged. The little king is the Holy King... I haven't beaten it yet. If you’re too young to be a Saint King, you don’t know if you can beat it..."

Su Zhan frowned slightly, not knowing what to do.

Heavenly Demon Six Luo's voice suddenly came out: "Little friend Su, why don't you sneak in?"

"Sneak in? Isn't it difficult?"

"If you look like you are, of course it's difficult, but what if you become the owlhead clan and exude the atmosphere of the owlhead clan?"

Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo smiled: "I know a secret technique of the demon clan, called the art of blood illusion, as long as you take some blood from the heart of the owl head clan and use this secret technique, you can transform into the appearance of the owl head clan!

By then, will it be easy to sneak into the owl head clan and assassinate the owl head clan king? "

"Sneak into... assassination?"

Su Zhan's eyes lit up.

"You are right!

Although the owl head clan is powerful, if I can suddenly launch an attack without it, I will kill with one blow!

After the assassination, with my speed, it would be difficult for them to catch up with me. Even if they catch up, without the King of the Xiaoshou clan, they can't help me!

Silently lurking in, giving a fatal blow to the king of the owl head, and then assassinating the vicious and powerful lords of the owl head one by one. When their strength is greatly reduced and they are not enough to pose a threat, I withdraw and retreat silently.

This is simply a perfect assassination plan! "

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