I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 488 Leaving the Ruins!

With the green wolf kneeling down.

Elder also knelt down instantly and said in unison: "Congratulations to the Lord Blood Demon for the triumphant return!"

Above the sky, I heard the words of those below.

The God of Blood Demon, who was already badly hurt, only felt that his face was slapped severely, and another mouthful of blood was vomited out of anger!

The body fell down!

"Blood Demon, what's wrong with you!"

When the God of Blood Demon fell, Qing Lang also noticed that the God of Blood Demon's breath was very weak, and quickly supported his body, looked at the empty sleeve of the left hand of God of Blood Demon, and asked with shocked face.

The other Blood Demon taught Elder was also in an uproar. Some people even rubbed their eyes in disbelief, thinking that they were mistaken!

The leader of the Eastern Wasteland domain evil repair, and the strong man who wrestles with the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord!

At this moment, his face was pale, his breath was weak, and even his left hand was gone!

Is this still the Lord Blood Demon? ? ?

Those Elders were shocked one by one, and they did not expect that the greatest Blood Demon god in their hearts would appear in this way!

"I failed!"

The God Blood Demon took a deep breath, barely suppressed the injury, and instructed: "Let the people below the Holy King Realm disperse! No need!"


Although the Blue Wolf was very puzzled, he didn't dare to ask directly at this time, and quickly dispelled the holy realm Elder.

In the end, only him and five or six holy king-level Elders were left here.

Reaching the Holy King Realm, it is also a high level in the Blood Demon Sect. Blood Demon God needs to tell them if they have something to do, so naturally they can't leave.

When those people left, the God Blood Demon also took out a Medicine Pill and swallowed it.

It took a full ten minutes before his breath became stable. He glanced at the sage king who was full of doubts but did not dare to ask, his face was gloomy: "This failure is because I underestimated the enemy!"

"Could it be..."

Green Wolf's heart moved: "Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord Li Yuandong has also arrived?!"

"not him!"

Blood Demon gritted his teeth: "It's Su Zhan!"

"Su Zhan?"

The green wolf immediately stunned: "Blood Demon God, Su Zhan seems to be a junior. It is said that he is the young master of Xuantian Sacred Land, who has just broken through the Holy King Realm. How could he be your opponent?"

"Generally, it is impossible! After all, to become a holy king, whoever is not talented has good chances, and fighting at higher levels is as difficult as reaching the sky. Even when I was in the small heavenly king, I could fight hard with the weaker big heavenly. The Saint King fights, Su Zhan this guy..."

Recalling Su Zhan's terrifying strength, God Blood Demon clenched his right hand fist, and shouted unwillingly: "He actually jumped to half a step Deva!!!

The battle strength of the little heavenly king is equal to that of Deva...

How could such a perverted guy exist in this world?

God is blind!

This kind of guy doesn't fit the logic of this world at all, and shouldn't exist at all! "

The God Blood Demon roared, venting the anger in his heart, unwilling.

And the blue wolf and other holy kings, when they heard the words of the god Blood Demon, all of them were shocked!

The great Lord Blood Demon was actually defeated by Su Zan who had just entered the Saint King Realm!

And that Su Zhan was just a genius who had only emerged in the last year in their data!

In one year, Realm, the ichthyosaur who disrupted their plans in the Void Hall, has grown to such a point that it has been able to stand proudly on the top of the Eastern Wasteland domain!

This kind of perversion... terrible!

too frightening!

Those holy kings wiped their foreheads with cold sweat.

They thought about it before, find an opportunity to kill Su, and take the head to receive the reward from the God of Blood Demon.

Now it seems.

Su Zhan and the others can't be killed, even if they are sent to death for sure!

so close!

After a while.

The Green Wolf asked cautiously: "Blood Demon Lord God, now?"


Blood Demon said in a deep voice: "Go back first! Wait until my injury recovers... No, that Su Zhan's others are okay, but the Sword Technique is really too strong!

I lost to him because his Sword Technique is too powerful!

With the advantage of that Sword Technique, even if I recover from my injury, I still won't be his opponent! "


The green wolf's eyes rolled: "If you also get that Sword Technique for the God of Blood Demon, wouldn't it be much better than before?"

"If it is cultivated into the Sword Technique that can forcibly absorb the vitality of the world and burst out..."

The God Blood Demon's eyes shimmered slightly: "He can burst out with such power in a small heavenly realm. If I know the Sword Technique, who can resist the power that burst out?

Pass my order!

Let Xuantian Sacred Land's dark children activate for me!

At all costs, bring this Sword Technique to me! "


Green Wolf respectfully nodded and left.

Blood Demon looked at the site of the Emperor Puppet, clenched his right fist, and coldly said, "Su Zhan! After I cultivation your Sword Technique, I will let you know what an absolute powerful force is!!! "


Inside the ruins of the puppet emperor.


Su Zhan cut off the head of Demonic Beasts, who was so powerful in Qing Yulan's mouth, with a sword, and suddenly sneezed.


Is anyone jealous of my handsomeness?

Shaking his head, Su Zhan took out the Monster core of Demonic Beasts, swung the long sword in his hand a few times, divided the body into three parts, and put one part into the ring of the cave.

Although he does not rely on these flesh and blood to sell money, but the extreme level of Demonic Beasts, if it is braised, steamed, stir-fried, barbecued, braised in oil... it will definitely be delicious, right?

"It's gone?"

Green Yulan was taken aback for a moment.

Tang Wujian laughed and said, "Get used to it, just get used to it."

With that said, he was not polite, and put away a Demonic Beasts flesh and blood.

Qing Yulan hesitated for a moment, and put it away.

Afterwards, Su Zhan was a few miles away and found the treasure in the mouth of Qing Yulan in the nest of this Demonic Beasts.

Some Spiritual Qi is extremely rich in demon spirit flowers, there are also four top-quality holy king artifacts, and dozens of other human treasures.

This is all from the people killed by this Demonic Beasts before.

With Qing Yulan's insistence, Su Zhan took 60% of it alone, and Tang Wujian and Qing Yulan each took 20% and left.

In the following days, Qing Yulan and Tang Wujian were responsible for providing clues, while Su Zhan pushed all the way.

In the puppet emperor ruins, no one or Demonic Beasts, puppets, can block him with a punch, a sword!

A few days later.

The large formation of the Puppet Emperor ruins is about to be closed, and Su Zhan, Tang Wujian, and Qing Yulan are also leaving the ruins.

"Su Zhan, Tang Wujian."

Qing Yulan smiled and said, "Would you like to go to our Kamikaze Sacred Land for a cup of tea?"

Tang Wujian's eyes were shining, and just about to speak, Su Zhan already said, "No, I still have an urgent matter. I'm going to Feng's house."

"Go to Feng's house?"

Tang Wujian was taken aback, and immediately thought of something: "Su Zhan, you are because the two Feng Family's previous words were rude?

Although it is true that they are too much, but to be honest, it is just these trivial things, there is no need to make a special trip, it is better to go to Kamikaze Sacred Land——"

"It's not about this, I'm going to ask for debt."

Su Zhan shook his head: "The two people from the Feng family owe me a little money. I can't just leave like this!"

"Feng Lin and Feng Shan owe you money?"

Qing Yulan was surprised: "These two people are quite rich, how can they owe you money?

This shouldn't be!

And even if they owe it, they are fully capable of paying off in person!

Could it be..."

Thinking of a certain possibility, Qing Yulan raised her brows: "Could it be that the two of them bullied your innocent nature, borrowing the sacred stone from you and failing to pay the bill?

But with their net worth, can they actually do this kind of thing?

Su Zhan, how much do they owe you? "

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