I Have A Trillion Protagonist Halo

Chapter 489 Feng Family, Feng Xing Tian! (Fourth)

Su Zhan said: "There are not many, just 55 million holy stones."

As soon as this remark came out, Qing Yulan was immediately stunned.

not a lot?

Just... 55 million holy stones?

There are more than three thousand sacred stones, right?

Even if she is the strongest Elder in the Kamikaze Sacred Land besides the Holy Lord, her net worth is only about 100 million holy stones.

Now she is half of her net worth, not much? ? ?

Qing Yulan slandered in her heart, and asked a little surprised: "Why would they owe you so much?

Fifty-five million, didn't they return you at all? "

Su Zhan thought for a while and said, "Didn't I chase and kill the God of Blood Demon the other day?

It was because that Feng Lin suddenly appeared, which delayed me for several seconds and caused Blood Demon to escape. I originally planned to make him responsible for the owner’s mistake. I was punched by me. I didn’t expect that he would take the initiative to admit his mistake and have to pay five thousand. Give me the Halloween Stone.

I was not a bloodthirsty person, so I agreed, and I saw that Fengshan behind.

As soon as you speak, you recognize me as some insidious and cunning villain. Isn't this slandering me?

I also asked him to pay 50 million sacred stones for compensation.

It adds up to 100 million. I confiscated the storage rings of the two of them. They are probably worth 45 million, leaving 55 million. "

After listening to Su Zhan's words.

Qing Yulan was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

I just said, why do they borrow money from you when they are idle.

It turned out to be unlucky to be caught by you!

But one hundred million sacred stones, isn't it a bit too cruel...

Give it to you voluntarily, and you will die if you don’t voluntarily.

Can it be involuntary?

Qing Yulan slandered in her heart, and hesitated: "Feng Lin and Feng Shan are indeed not good things, but Su Zhan, you want 100 million... Feng Family might not give it?"

Tang Wujian also shook his head and said, "Feng Xingtian, the Patriarch of the Feng Family, is notoriously old and stubborn!

The current Holy Lord of Kamikaze Sacred Land, and a member of the Feng family...

Su Zhan!

If we can go, I guess they will not give you the remaining sacred stone, I am afraid that they will even take back the sacred stone that has already been vomited out! "

"No way?"

Su Zhan said: "The Feng Family is the first family of the Kamikaze Dynasty after all, and its status is not even lower than that of the royal family. It's just 100 million sacred stones. They can't get it out!"

"It's one thing whether to take it out or not, it's another thing to give it or not."

Tang Wujian said helplessly: "What if they just don't give it?"


Su Zhan's eyes were cold: "Treachery, without integrity, then the people of their Feng Family are not good people!"

Not a good person?

Qing Yulan smiled helplessly when she heard this.

Su Zhan was still a kid after all.

Even if they are not good people, what can they do?

How many good people are there in this world?

Tang Wujian was stunned. He faintly felt something wrong, and said, "Su Zhan, don't mess around!"

"I never mess around."

Su Zhan shook his head: "I am a kind and good person, so I will travel thousands of miles, 100,000 miles to Fengjia to return to the sacred stone that belongs to me, I also hope...

People from the Feng family can be good people. "

Seeing this, Tang Wujian couldn't say anything more.

Qing Yulan thought for a while and said: "The Feng Family is quite far away, and you are not familiar with the Kamikaze Dynasty. Why don't I take you there!"

It just so happened that I returned to Kamikaze Sacred Land, which also happened to be the same as the route to Feng's house! "

"Thank you Qing Elder, then."

Su Zhan nodded and agreed.

After chatting for a while, Tang Wujian saw that he couldn't convince Su Zhan, so he had to go with him.

Although he felt that going to the Feng Family to ask for debts like this might cause trouble.

But thinking of Su Zhan's strength.

He also relaxed.

Something may happen.

But it doesn’t necessarily matter who has an accident...

With this in mind, Tang Wujian turned into Sword Ray and followed Su Zhanqing Yulan.


Two days later.

Kamikaze Dynasty.

Lingfeng Mansion, Fengcheng, Fengjia.

As the largest family of the Kamikaze Dynasty, the Feng Family directly occupied the entire city as a family stronghold, and its influence diverged the entire dynasty!

At this time, in the center of the city, in the core residence of the Feng Family, in a bright lobby.

Feng Xingtian, who is more than 3,570 years old, stood in front of the lobby with his hands on his back, looking at the two kneeling holy kings in front of Elder, passing by Feng Lin Fengshan, coldly said: "Am I following You said, don’t disturb the Holy Lord Kamikaze?"

Feng Lin quickly said: "Patriarch, but Na Su Zhan is really terrifying——"


Feng Xingtian snorted coldly: "Don't talk about him, it's his master Tang Wujian, in front of me, that's just a junior!

I just have to speak, he dare not Giving face? "

"That's, that's, of course the Patriarch's majesty needless to say!"

Feng Shan hesitated and said: "It's just the Patriarch, Su Zhanyouyan won't enter, and Tang Wujian's old thing is also an unreasonable person, and Qing Yulan is there. If he doesn't listen to Patriarch you..."

"He dare!"

Feng Xingtian glared: "The old man has been in the Eastern Wasteland domain for thousands of years. When I entered the holy, he was not born yet!

If he is really so stubborn, the old man doesn't mind teaching him a lesson! "


Feng Lin couldn't help it: "Patriarch, have you forgotten, I told you that Su Zhan's strength is stronger than Blood Demon God!"

"so what?"

Feng Xingtian snorted: "Blood Demon was seriously injured five hundred years ago, and now it is estimated to be about the same as Tang Wujian's strength, and defeating him is easy for the old man!

Besides, Su Zhan has just broken into the Holy King, even if he is really as rumored, what true immortal reincarnation is, I don't believe it, he can match Deva in a half step now!

And after half a step Deva, I haven't been afraid of anyone! "

Feng Shan said: "But Patriarch, we ask the Holy Lord to come over to reconcile, and there is no harm!"

"Asshole! Do you dare to talk too much!"

Feng Xingtian said angrily: "Elder, the great master of the dignified style family, was bullied by a younger generation and snatched the storage ring!

I owe 55 million sacred stones!

If this is spread out, wouldn't it make others laugh out loud?

It's already very embarrassing. You have to inform the Holy Lord of Kamikaze. Is it not embarrassing enough? ! "

"Patriarch, Holy Lord, he and we are actually a family, it doesn't matter!"


Feng Xingtian snorted coldly: "You also know that it is a family. Since it is a family, who is the biggest in this family?

Could it be that you don't think I, the Patriarch, can't do it, and he has to come over? ! "

"No, it's not!"

"We definitely didn't mean that!"

Both Feng Lin Fengshan were sweating profusely, and they didn't know how to answer the conversation.

At this moment, another wind master Elder hurriedly walked in and said to Fengxingtian’s cupped hands: “Patriarch, young master Su Zhan of Xuantian Sacred Land, Elder Tang Wujian, and Shenfeng Sacred Land’s big master. Elder Sapphire is here!

They said that the two Elders of our Feng family owed them the sacred stone and came to ask for a debt! "

Su Zhan is here!

Feng Lin Fengshan was shocked in their hearts, both showing fear.

Feng Xingtian glanced at them and said angrily: "What a shame!

It's just a junior, so I scare you like this!

Follow me to see Su Zhan!

Today, I will let you see what the majesty and attitude of our Feng Family should have! "

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