I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 994: Get together!

It is not difficult to persuade the female ghost and his son in a car accident. They are more aware of the terrible shadow than Chen Ge, and they all know the existence of the fetus. They just did not expect that the fetus will appear so quickly.

The two red clothes in the Bailongdong tunnel agreed to help, but they only agreed to let the car accident female ghost follow Chen Ge to leave. The car accident female ghost's son did not want to leave the tunnel anyway.

This time the situation is different from Liwan Town. Chen Ge already has enough red clothes around. There are many female ghosts in a car accident that can't change the situation. What he needs is the special door in the tunnel. Both sides have discussed this issue for a long time.

Chen Ge also slowly understood the concerns of the two red dresses. The door pushed by the son of the car accident female ghost opened the tunnel to the world behind the outer door. No matter where he opened the door, he would eventually lead to that place.

The problem is that the son of the female ghost in the car accident only pushed the door in reality. He never tried to push the door in the world behind the red door. He could not guarantee that the door that was opened at that time would definitely return to reality. .

This is only one of them, and another very important reason is that the son of the female ghost in a car accident has a very strange ability-weaving dreams.

As long as he is swallowed by him, he can get a part of the memory of the other party, and then he can weave a dream based on this part of the memory.

Whether the memory is clear affects the duration of the dream. Most dreams are fleeting, but there are also a few dreams that can exist for a long time. As long as they are repaired, there is almost no possibility of dissipation.

The son of the female ghost in the car accident spent several years setting up many dreams in the tunnel. Once accidentally caught in it, even the shadow is very troublesome.

These dreams are terrible, but at the same time, the son of the car accident female ghost has to be repaired. If he leaves for a long time, the dreams will all be broken.

Under the nest, Chen Ge puts the facts in order to make sense, so to speak, finally, the son of the female ghost in the car accident agreed that within the next nine days, she can follow Chen Ge to leave for one night.

One night was enough for Chen Ge. He was very grateful for the two red clothes. After the two sides agreed, he left the car accident female ghost and rushed to Liwan Town.

"New Year, if one day, every page in your comic book is in red, won't you feel a lot of pressure?"

"You are the strongest existence under the red dress, you have to have confidence in yourself! You have to be fierce!"

"Don't care what others say, you are the best!"

"Look at Laobai, how powerful people are now, you should also try to absorb the obsession. Maybe one day you become a red dress, that is the strongest red dress under the fierce god!"

Chen Ge walked a long way on the road before he met a car willing to carry him.

On the way to Liwan Town, he held a comic book and said to himself, the driver thought he was on the phone until Chen Ge got off the bus and didn't see Chen Ge wearing headphones.

In a hurry, Chen Ge finally came to Liwan Town before twelve o'clock.

He found the position of the door, and when the door was covered with bloodshot at twelve midnight, he carried his backpack and pushed the door in.

Viscous blood mist sticks to the body, making breathing difficult, and every time you inhale the lungs will be filled with **** smell.

Chen Ge pressed the switch of the repeater, and after calling out Xu Yin, he wandered on the blood-red street.

Compared to the last time I left, it doesn't seem to have changed much.

"The door was pushed open, and as a doorkeeper, Xiao Bu should have noticed that I was coming."

Liwan Town is a half scene of Samsung, and half of the town is covered in blood. After killing the shadow, most of the indigenous people here secretly left, but there are also many new ghosts quietly living in the town.

Chen Ge only walked a dozen steps away, and he felt a few peeping eyes. Those guys were very interested in living people, but they didn't do it because of scolding Xu Yin.

"It's not easy for Xiaobu to manage such a large site independently. In the future, if I have time, I can help her."

With his pupils narrowed, Chen Ge smiled at the buildings on both sides: "Don't just look at it, come down and play?"

No one answered, Chen Ge originally wanted to release Yan Danian, let him stop the brush in his hand, and occasionally fight.

"Good luck."

After walking through a few uninhabited streets, the blood mist became thick, and a drop of blood rain fell on the body, and a figure appeared in the thick fog.

She was wearing a blood-red raincoat, her mouth was sewn, and her red eyes looked at Chen Ge and Xu Yin.

Red raincoat!

Chen Ge stopped and gently waved: "Have your child found it?"

The woman in the red raincoat slowly walked towards Chen Ge, and shook her head gently before and after Chen Ge.

"If he is not in the world behind the door, is there a possibility that he was not actually killed by the shadow, but was secretly hidden in other parts of Hanjiang." Chen Ge looked at the gradually bright eyes of the red raincoat: "Ming The fetus is pinned on a certain child, and your child is probably one of them. I have investigated through many parties, and now I have reduced the scope to nine children ... "

Chen Ge was about to continue. The red raincoat suddenly grabbed his arm, soaking cold into his skin, and the biting coldness followed his arm into the heart.

The mouth of the red raincoat was sewn, and she was speechless, and from her mouth only a whisper like crying.

"Calm down, I want to let you leave with me this time. Within eight days, I will find these nine children, but during this period you have to listen to my arrangements and you cannot act privately." Chen Gecong The red raincoat broke free: "Where is the small cloth? Take me to see her. I should explain something to her."

The red raincoat turned silently, beckoning Chen Ge to keep up, they traversed Liwan Town and came to the building where Zhang Ya, Doctor Gao and Shadow Fight.

The simple girl in red is lying on the wall at this time, using the blood in her body to remove the curse left by the shadow.

It would take several years or even decades to remove the curse that the shadow left on the entire Liwan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but Xiaobu didn't care about it.

Before Chen Ge approached, Xiaobu felt Chen Ge. She withdrew the blood on her body and came to Chen Ge.

The girl saw Chen Ge's reaction very special. Her eyes only stayed on Chen Ge for a second, then she looked at Chen Ge's shadow, as if there was something very interesting there, she even stared at Chen Ge's shadow Started dumb.

"Little cloth, what do you think?"

Chen Ge would like to walk over to touch Xiaobu's head, but considering that the opponent is the pusher of Liwan Town, where he can play the strength of the top red, he still gave up wisely.

"I came to you this time because of a very important thing. The dying fetus separated by the shadow many years ago is about to be resurrected. He is now in Hanjiang and may be hidden in a child. I want to invite you and me Go find him together. "

The confused eyes moved between Chen Ge and the shadow, and Xiao Bu finally nodded.

After coming out of the door of Liwan Town, Chen Ge glanced at the phone: "It's still early, just to go to the third sick building again. It feels like I haven't seen Mennan for a long time. I really miss him a bit."

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