I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 995: Door by the bed

The third sick building was a turning point for Chen Ge. He used to evade blindly. Here he tried to resist for the first time, and then suddenly discovered that the "bad guy" was not afraid.

Back to where the dream started, Chen Ge turned over the fence of the sick building and found the location of the door.

Because he missed twelve in the morning, Chen Ge could only use other methods to open the door.

In fact, he had long wanted to experiment with something, but he never had a chance.

There are countless mysteries around the "door" that have not been solved. Many doormen know nothing about the door they opened, let alone the ordinary person Chen Ge.

Calling Xu Yin and red high-heeled shoes, Chen Ge took turns using the bloodshot and curse, but the door did not change much.

Then he evoked the stench and headless female ghosts. The number of red clothes was increasing, the wind was blowing, and countless bloodstains were spreading on the wall, as if to paint the entire corridor into blood red.

Several red clothes used their abilities against the door, but none of them could actually open it. Chen Ge took the comic book and was about to release the other red clothes. The door suddenly trembled without warning. .

Blood oozed from the door panel, and footsteps sounded in the empty room.

"Finally, there is a reaction. Is the person coming over from Nan Nan?"

The sound of footsteps was approaching. When the door of the room was covered with blood, the door was opened, and a child in red who was only higher than Chen Ge's knee was lying on the side of the door, and he looked up at him.

"Men Nan, it's been a long time ..."


The blood-red door was closed instantly, and Chen Ge didn't even react.

A few seconds later, the door of the room was opened again. Men Nan's eyes swept through the red clothes. He raised his little hand and gave himself a slap.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw several red clothes standing outside the door to deliver warmth. There was no more real nightmare than this.


The door was closed again, and the blood stains on the door plate disappeared quickly.

"Men Nan, Brother Nan, this time I came to have an important thing. The fetus separated from the shadow body is about to be resurrected. He is mad and vengeful." Chen Ge knocked on the blood-red door panel: "Now The situation is dangerous, you open the door first. "

A few seconds later, the blood door was opened again, and Mennan lay on the door and secretly looked out: "Are you here to kill your mouth?"

"How can you think of it this way? We were born and died, and it's considered a dead relationship. I'm definitely not going to harm you."

The blood door slowly pushed open, and Men Nan's eyes had been hovering around the red clothes around him.

He was a little scared. It felt like the first grader was surrounded by tattooed underworld brothers.

"I know the existence of the unborn child. At first, I heard from the people who talked about the association, that thing is very scary. I guess I have no one look." Men Nan Chao Chen Ge gently waved: "I can't help you. , Let ’s see you later, I ’m going to repair the windows. I do n’t know what happened in the scarlet city recently, and the number of blood fog has skyrocketed. I have to fix the windows before the disaster. ”

"Men Nan, you don't have to be too humble. You really are not as good as other red clothes in terms of strength, but maybe it is because you are too weak. You have completely retained your reason as a person. This is the most important point." Chen Ge squatted in Men Nan Before me: "You can communicate with me freely, and you are far more intelligent than ordinary people. If I have an accident, you can also make the most correct choice by yourself."

Men Nan is the weakest among the red clothes, but he has an advantage that most red clothes do not have. He retains reason and is not affected by negative emotions.

"Hearing your praise, why am I not only unhappy, but also have a feeling of being offended?" Men Nan scratched his neck, his small eyebrows ruffled together: "Let me think about it."

"There is no one who can push the door alone. If we can't stop the unborn child, he will come to the door one day. Do you remember the days when you were imprisoned by the blame society? The unborn child would be more cruel than they did."

After tangling for more than ten minutes, Mennan agreed: "Okay, I will help you one last time."

"I will send you back immediately after I get rid of the unborn child." Chen Ge opened the comic book. The reason why he valued Men Nan so much was to complete a plan.

A plan that can be carried out normally even if one loses consciousness and is dying.

"That's it. If you dare to lie to me, I will never let you go if I'm a ghost." Shutting the door of the third sick building, Men Nan was not resisted and was included in the comic book.

"This kid is the knife mouth, the tofu heart." Chen Ge took back the red clothes one by one, and finally left Xu Yin beside him.

The two stayed in the empty corridor for a while. Chen Ge took out the repeater from his backpack: "Xu Yin, if you can't find me on a certain night, don't do anything impulsive. You can Go ask Men Nan, he is actually a very clever ghost, he will help you make the right choice, understand? "

With an unsolvable melancholy in his eyes, Xu Yin nodded gently.

"Let's go, let's go to the next place." Withdrawing Xu Yin, Chen Ge left the third sick building, he did not go back to rest, and directly took a taxi to the community where Jiang Ming lived.

"As soon as tonight is over, there are only seven nights left, so think about how fast time passes."

Jiang Ming lives in a high-end community in the center of Hanjiang. According to the employee of the virtual future park, this house is Jiang Ming's own, and only he and the child live here.

The taxi stopped at the gate of the community, the gate of the community was closed, and the security guard was secretly playing with the mobile phone.

It was difficult to get in from the main entrance. After getting off the bus, Chen Ge carried the bag directly to the other side of the community. He sat on the road and called out Mennan.

"Block A has three floors and four floors. Let's take a look first. The goal is a child about your age. He has deafness in both ears. It is called Jiang Ming. It should be one of the nine children chosen by the unborn child." The task can only be given to Men Nan. He has a flexible mind and is in red. He can move casually at night and does not need any deposits. His own strength is enough to deal with general dangers.

"Am I going by myself? If the womb was really on him, wouldn't I be dead?" Men Nan shook his head like a rattle.

"Midborn will wake up after eight nights, I just want you to make sure to see if there is anything abnormal about the child and the place where he lives ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Ge quietly pointed to the monitoring next to the community : "There is a monitoring dead zone on the left. If you make a major discovery, I will rush over immediately. "

"I suspect you are pitting me." Men Nan entered the community "swearing", while Chen Ge watched him with Yin Tong.

Ten minutes later, Men Nan, who had disappeared from Chen Ge's sight, suddenly appeared. His small hands were cold, and the blood on his red dress danced wildly.

"You started with them? Is there a ghost in that room?"

"There is no ghost." The shock in Men Nan's eyes had not gone, and he looked up at Chen Ge: "But there was a looming door in the room, right next to the child's bed."

"There is a door next to the boy's bed?"

"Yes, there seems to be something to come out of that door!" Men Nan was puzzled: "When I approached, the door lock vibrated violently, and then something even stranger happened. The boy who was asleep was awake! Didn't you say that he has deafness in both ears? "

"Even if he has normal hearing, do you think ordinary people can hear the sound of the door?" Chen Ge was also surprised.

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