I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 876: Lin Qin has a guilty conscience

Listening to Li Mufeng's words for granted, Li Muyu didn't want to pay any attention at all. He did not answer the conversation, but looked down at the vamp, and then looked at Li Muyang. He knew that his younger brother was more reliable than himself at this time.

At this moment, Li Muyu is already blaming himself. Last night he really began to change some of his views on his mother and Li Mufeng, his eldest brother, but today he was immediately beaten in the face. The so-called people who want to reconcile with their brothers and their sisters today are so shameless and take it for granted that it is really uncomfortable.

Li Muyang rolled his eyes at Li Mufeng, then stood up and walked to Lin Qin's bed: "Mom, just tell me, did the text message you sent last night meant by yourself or by Li Mufeng?"

In fact, Li Muyang wants to know, what exactly does Li Mufeng think about his missing wife and daughter? What kind of brain circuit did he use to think about the problem, which actually blamed his sister?

Lin Qin was lying on the hospital bed with some guilty conscience, avoiding the eyes that the younger son was looking at. She dodged her gaze for a while and received a signal from her elder son to relieve her, Lin Qin sighed heavily. In a tone of voice, the eldest son said before the beginning of the exchange: "It is my own meaning, I really want to apologize to Yaoyao.

After all, she is my biological daughter. She has taken the college entrance examination again. I am really happy for her. This is your father's long-cherished wish. I want to wait for Yaoyao's college entrance examination results to come out, and I will return to Pinglan County to invite everyone to eat Yaoyao's college wine and food.

I heard Xiaoyu say that Yaoyao's grades have been very good since she repeated her studies, and she has no problem getting into a university in Jincheng. "

Lin Qin's image of a good mother who cares about her daughter's college entrance examination results and gentle words once again made Li Muyu's low and low. It was mainly Li Muyu who did answer some questions when Lin Qin's mother called him.

What's more, Li Muyu's younger brother is indeed very proud and proud of Li Muyao's sister's grades. He can be better than those in Jincheng High School who are already very good in repetition. When chatting with Lin Qin's relatives, he accidentally became young. The little one showed off and praised it.

"Since it's your own intention, mom and I can help you out with your own change money for the medicine. But Li Mufeng's medical expenses are not what we can pay. After all, both my brother and I can help you out. Still a student.

Therefore, Li Mufeng must write an IOU for medical expenses, and then when you are discharged from the hospital and returned to Yangcheng, the money must be returned to me and my little brother. If Li Mufeng can’t do it, then my little brother and I won’t pay for him. . "

Li Muyang didn't believe that his mother Lin Qin would really want to reconcile with his sister. After all, the shock that flashed through Lin Qin's eyes could not deceive anyone. However, Li Muyang couldn't guess what Li Mufeng meant.

Now that I can't guess it clearly, Li Muyang is not anxious that Li Mufeng returns to China from Jincheng to Hong Kong, and he will never give up. Li Muyang decided to wait and see the results, anyway, Huo Jiling will take the initiative to check. Whether or not the supermarket entrance was made by Li Mufeng before the college entrance examination, you should know the result after returning to Jincheng from Gangcheng.

"What? Let your eldest brother pay you back? It's just your pocket money for one or two months. Is Li Muyao so stingy?" Okay, Lin Qin didn't pay attention to any real thoughts, and faced Li Muyang and Li Muyu again. They yelled. Obviously, she still regarded her two sons as the one she had yelled at and scolded a year ago.

Moreover, the self-disgust of Li Muyao's daughter from the heart still passed for so long, and Lin Qin couldn't ignore it at all.

I really responded to that sentence, the country is easy to change, and its nature is hard to change!

After Lin Qin's words subconsciously yelled at Li Muyu and Li Muyang, Li Muyu and Li Muyang's expressions were again gloomy to the bottom. Li Muyang walked directly away from her bed and took Li Muyu's hand to the door before turning his head back. Li Mufeng and Lin Qin said, "Mom, I will help you out with your medical expenses, hospital expenses, and nutrition expenses.

As for all the expenses of Li Mufeng, my little brother and I have nothing to do. I hope mom, you can recover well in the hospital. If there is nothing important in the future, please don't contact us. After all, the expenses that my brother and I helped you with today are enough for the pension we will pay you in three years.

There is one last thing. It was said at the beginning that you no longer have a mother-daughter relationship with moon cakes. Then just cut it off, don’t want to use me and my little brother to repair the poor so-called mother-daughter relationship between you and moon cakes. She doesn’t want moon cakes. My little brother and I don’t allow you to find any excuses to hurt her. ,So be it! "

Li Muyang directly took Li Muyu's wrist and walked out of the ward, and went to the Yintai of the inpatient department to pay all the expenses for Lin Qin, and then saved a sum of money, which was probably enough for her to stay in until she was discharged from the hospital.

As for Li Mufeng's money, Li Muyang didn't pay a cent.

Li Muyang felt that Li Mufeng had changed so much, and he was so capable in front of them, but it was just some ‘small money’, Li Mufeng definitely had a way to pay it all off.

After leaving the hospital, Li Muyu still bowed his head and gloomy. Li Muyang was not in the mood to comfort the little brother. Instead, he picked up his mobile phone to call Li Muyao, first apologized, and then told Li Muyao about what happened after they came to the hospital. After repeating it, finally said: "Moon cakes, do you think I am ruthless? I told my brother not to pay Li Mufeng money. Anyway, I think he has such great ability, so I can definitely do it. I’ll find someone to help pay for the medical expenses in the hospital, but this person is definitely not me and my little brother."

Li Muyang is not afraid that his sister feels ruthless and cold-blooded. He just said this deliberately, because he didn't want to make his sister feel uncomfortable. It also directly stated the position of him and his younger brother, and would always stand by his sister's side.

Li Muyao’s gentle laughter came over the phone: “How can Yangyang in my family be a ruthless person? He is very passionate, OK? I believe that every decision you make will also support you.

Yangyang, I understand what you mean, as long as you and Xiaoyu are okay, then I won't have any problems. I said that in this world, you and Xiaoyu are my most important family members now. As for other people, they have long been unimportant to me, and even become familiar strangers. So, you don't care about me anymore, and you don't have to bear any burdens anymore. "

It is true that Li Muyao understands the meaning of Li Muyang's words, she is really moved and feels happy.

Although one of the two younger brothers occasionally gets confused, the other is smart and learns from Huo Jiling, spoiling his sister, relatives like Li Mufeng and Lin Qin. For Li Muyao now, what they really do, Li Muyao will do. Too much to care about. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 876 Lin Qin's guilty conscience) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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