I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 877: Murder with a knife

"Hey, I know the mooncakes are the best. Well, my little brother and I will be at the hotel right away. Should we go out for a late night snack together? I want to see if the nightlife in Hong Kong City is as beautiful as it is shown on TV."

Listening to her sister's words, those in Li Muyang's heart were depressed by seeing Li Mufeng and Lin Qin, and under the comfort, understanding and support of her sister, they disappeared without a trace.

This feels so good.

"Okay, no problem. He has already slept in the afternoon, and he should have the spirit to go out with us." Li Muyao certainly agreed. At nine o'clock in Hong Kong, the night life has just begun.

Do you have to take your brothers out to travel together, so naturally you can't miss these wonderful times.

When Li Muyu and Li Muyang arrived at the hotel, they saw Li Muyao holding the hand of Freetract and Huang Yuying sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby waiting for them, and the six set off directly on the spot.

That's right, Wu Yuanyuan continued to be a tour guide.

Along the way, Li Muyao found that Li Muyu didn't seem to be very interested, and after asking twice, she said it was nothing. Li Muyao worried whether it was because of Li Mufeng and Lin Qin that Li Muyu was uncomfortable, but Li Muyu still said no.

In the end, Li Muyang pulled Li Muyao aside and explained to her: "Moon cakes, you don’t have to worry about my little brother, he just couldn’t turn around. Because before Li Mufeng and his mother had a car accident today, my little brother was still thinking of helping mom with You talk, let you and mom get back together.

It was I who scolded my little brother, experienced and heard Li Mufeng's unreasonable request in my mother and Li Mufeng's ward, that made my little brother feel uncomfortable and even feel sorry for you.

This is indeed my fault, so don’t worry about my mooncakes. This matter must be clear to the little brother himself. Otherwise, the younger brother will become the second Li Mufeng in the future. "

They are indeed twins. Li Muyang really knows his little brother who is a few minutes older than himself. I must have discovered that when today's mothers all came to my sister, they no longer shouted "Mooncake" as intimately as them, but called Yaoyao.

Outsiders sound like Yaoyao to be the nickname for their close friends. In fact, everyone in the family knows that only moon cakes are their family's most intimate name for their sister!

With such an obvious change, Li Muyang knew that his little brother must have clearly seen the hypocrisy of Lin Qin's mother. Whatever restores the mother-daughter relationship is just an excuse to approach his sister for Li Mufeng's benefit. Li Muyu will remain silent forever, so he really needs to think about it.

Then the more Li Muyao didn't take Li Muyu seriously, Li Muyu's mood slowly stabilized, and he began to play with them seriously.


The mother and son Li Mufeng and Lin Qin in the VIP ward suddenly became quiet after Li Muyu and Li Muyang left.

After a while, Lin Qin asked what Li Muyu and Li Muyang wanted to ask Li Mufeng before: "Do you really think Li Muyao knows where your daughter is? You know, when the woman Liu Xiufang gave birth, Li Muyao didn't In Yangcheng.

No, it should be that Li Muyao was not in Yangcheng at all when Liu Xiufang ran away with your money.

Besides, Liu Xiufang hates Li Muyao more than you and me. It is impossible for her to cooperate with Li Muyao. So, are you making a mistake? If Li Muyao knew where your daughter was, it would be impossible for her to keep telling you with the same character as your father, let alone make your daughter suffer. "

That granddaughter here is really nothing wrong with Lin Qin, because the granddaughter is lost, she is not a grandson.

However, Li Mufeng was very sure that his daughter was taken away by Liu Xiufang and then sold, and he especially believed that it was related to Li Muyao. This kind of thinking, even Lin Qin, who doesn't like Li Muyao's mother, finds it incredible.

You know that Li Muyao has been taught by Li Dajian, a member of the National Guard since he was a child, that the Three Views are exceptionally righteous, and his heart is also particularly soft and kind.

From the fact that Li Muyao founded the Student Aid Foundation in Pinglan County under the name of Li Dajian, it can be seen that Li Muyao's heart is kind and it is impossible to do anything to a young baby.

Besides, Li Muyao can never do it like abducting a baby. Even if Li Muyao hates Li Mufeng and Liu Xiufang, it is impossible to target an innocent baby.

"Mom, I can't make a mistake. Someone told me that as long as I keep staring at Li Muyao, I will definitely be able to find my daughter. Mom, I may be such a biological child in my life. Collect the thoughts of the light girl when it's in front of me?

That **** Liu Xiufang, someone said she was in Jincheng. As soon as I came back from abroad, I went to Jincheng to inquire about Liu Xiufang's whereabouts. My eldest lady will never lie to me. "

That's right, Li Mufeng was able to return home suddenly from abroad, mainly because he had a Mucang branch conflict with people abroad for the gold mine location that Li Muyao had chosen for him before, and his lower body was injured.

It’s impossible to have children of your own in this life, of course, it’s okay to live a male and female **** life.

Woman, Li Mufeng can solve it if he has money.

But the offspring, even if it's just a daughter. Even if it was something that the **** woman Liu Xiufang gave birth to to escape her, it was also Li Mufeng's biological daughter.

The only offspring, Li Mufeng had to find a way to get it back.

What's more, this time the eldest lady also specially helped remind Li Mufeng, how could Li Mufeng not chase him? Of course, Li Mufeng was able to chase Li Muyao all the way from Jincheng, only to get the order of the eldest lady to cause trouble for Li Muyao.

Especially before Li Muyao's college entrance examination some time ago, Li Mufeng wanted to borrow a knife to kill people like the last time Li Muyao took the college entrance examination. But he didn't want to. Li Mufeng was reported to **** DU inexplicably. Although he was found out later, he was innocent and served as a police officer. The bureau is released. When it was released, Li Muyao had already finished the college entrance examination.

In the end, Li Mufeng was severely trained by the eldest, and then he went to investigate Li Muyao's whereabouts. After learning that Li Muyao and his company had reported a group three-day trip to Hong Kong City, Li Mufeng immediately called and brought Lin Qin's mother to him. Around.

The eldest lady also said that if Lin Qin is brought with her, she should be able to resist a little bit of the metaphysics of koi transportation in Li Muyao's body through her family relationship. The result...no, Li Mufeng and Lin Qin were both in a car accident and lost their wallets and mobile phones. They even had a little trouble contacting individuals. They didn’t have any documents. They just tried to trick Li Muyu and Li Muyang into the two kid brothers, but they all failed. .

This really made Li Mufeng a little angry. He didn't care about the extent of his mother's injury. He just wanted to find his daughter through Li Muyao. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 877 Borrowing a Knife to Kill If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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