I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 894: Charity Donation

Coming out of She's house, Huo Jiling had a gentle smile on his face and the corners of his mouth, and the expression in Li Muyao's eyes seemed to overflow with love.

"A Ling, are you so happy today?"

Li Muyao didn't know what to say. Since Huo Jiling came out with her, the smile on the corners of his mouth and the gentleness on his face have not disappeared. It seems that after getting closer to her feelings, Huo Jiling has settled down.

"Well, today is the happiest day and the happiest day in my more than 20 years of life." Huo Jiling freed up a hand while driving the car and clasped Li Muyao's fingers tightly.

Huo Jiling had never thought about getting married even if he knew that he had a baby-loving fiancé since he was a child; after all, his father was not a sentimental view he agreed with; even the brother and sister-in-law he saw seemed to be really emotional It looks very good and sweet. In fact, Huo Jiling doesn't agree with the abnormal marriage between elder brother and sister-in-law.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law seem to have everything in order. Actually, the relationship between love and marriage with normal men and women is always a little incompatible with marriage; maybe it is a man who always has a bit of excessive possessiveness towards his beloved woman!

But like the eldest brother, he directly trapped the capable sister-in-law by his side...It was like breaking and locking the wings of his favorite woman by himself. In Huo Jiling's view, it was cruel love and abnormal.

In order not to let herself fall into this kind of predicament and not to hurt a girl, Huo Jiling really never thought of going to like a girl, let alone the urge to get married.

Just like when grandma tricked Huo Jiling to return to China and forced him to approach Li Muyao, Huo Jiling still embraced the impossibility and tried to talk to Li Muyao about leaving the baby... But in the end Huo Jiling felt that he should be true. As grandma said, Li Muyao could not escape the disaster.

For grandma, Li Muyao was Huo Jiling's robbery.

But now for Huo Jiling, Li Muyao is not his calamity, but his salvation and everything in the future!

Li Muyao followed with a smile: "Well, I also think that I am very happy today, really like an adult."

Li Muyao, who was happy for a while, remembered Huo Jiling's beautiful hand. She stretched out her other hand and grasped her Huo Jiling's hand over and over again. The more she looked at her, the more distressed she became, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but press down: "Aling, Let me take care of your hand after you go back. It's all peeling like this. It's really uncomfortable."

Li Muyao's favorite beautiful hands, she once liked putting his beautiful hands on her cheeks the most. Nowadays, Li Muyao's face hurts every time she shaves.

"Okay, listen to everything baby."

It's just that Li Muyao didn't expect that she was only helping Huo Jiling to nurse her hands, who would have thought of nursing, and the two rolled onto the bed.

The next morning, when the East was white, Huo Jiling left heavy kisses on Li Muyao's forehead and lips, as well as the soup and breakfast he cooked by himself, and then took Jiang Chao to pick him up in the car and went to the airport.

Li Muyao woke up and looked at the empty bed beside him, feeling lost for a moment.

It was only a momentary loss. After moving, she was clean and refreshing. Huo Jiling helped her wash it. After another glance at the covers in the trash can, Li Muyao woke up comfortably, drinking with some Chinese medicine flavor warming. Li Muyao's mood improved.

This Chinese medicine was brought back by Huo Jiling from She's house last night, and it was specially used for Li Muyao's soup. It was used for body warming and tonic for two consecutive days when he was too tired.

This kind of medicated diet soup is really good for Li Muyao's body. The spirit of Li Muyao who drank two bowls of soup is indeed the same as usual. Even since yesterday, Li Muyao's temperament has undergone some changes.

Li Muyao, who went to work at the company, met several employees who praised her as today’s beautiful makeup and superb spirit. This gave Li Muyao a little illusion, did she adopt Huo Jiling’s yang?

So even with your own complexion changed?

Before Li Muyao could think about it, Huang Yuying and Lin Suqing came to her office and proposed to her the plan to invest in the wasteland in Wangjia Village, Huadu, and the nearby wasteland.

after an hour.

"Then let's make a decision. I will say hello to the finance side. If the money is not enough, just continue to apply. By the way, Cai Jin is really opposed to it?" Li Muyao really didn't mean it at all. Wangjiacun was able to pass her first The set of investment standards for the property; of course, if Cai Jin hadn't mentioned the term Huadu, Li Muyao had really forgotten the expansion of Yangcheng Airport.

It also happened to be Cai Jin's hint that Li Muyao caught this pie!

"Yes, after Cai Jin learned that our meeting here was unanimously passed, he had talked to me and Manager Lin several times in private. When he learned that we had decided to invest in Wangjiacun, he was even a little angry, and more often blamed himself. "

Huang Yuying said a little funny.

In her opinion, Cai Jin's behavior is indeed a bit funny, but she feels that Cai Jin is well protected by his family. No, it should be spoiled.

In short, Cai Jin learned from Huang Yuying’s experience. He shouldn’t be a man with this personality, but he feels normal after thinking about it. If it weren’t for this personality, most people would not be able to give up their family for a man, and almost settled down. In foreign countries, the unobvious factor of selfishness must exist.

The feeling of self-blame may even only be temporary.

If you really have the intention, you shouldn't pretend to Wangjiacun in front of Li Muyao. If you mention it, you should believe in the unanimous decision of Li Muyao, Huang Yuying and Manager Lin, the dreams come true.

That's why Huang Yuying felt a little ridiculous.

"It's okay, our project will continue according to the company's process... and have the orphanage condolences arranged in a few days? Have you bought all the clothes, books, toys and snacks for the children?"

Charity activities in Li Muyao's company will be held every month, such as going to orphanages, nursing homes, street volunteers, and some special institutions in cash donations, etc. Basically every month, Li Muyao will donate a donation of not less than one million yuan. .

There are also some support organizations for the disabled. Li Muyao Company often sends some small appliances and rice, grain, oil and salt to the organization to distribute to everyone.

Since the establishment of the company last year, Li Muyao has set a goal that the annual donation and charity should not be less than 15 million yuan; and this still does not add to the annual expenses of the Li Dajian Education Foundation.

In fact, at first Li Muyao decided to donate 10% of the company's annual profit. Huang Yuying felt that this amount was too large, so Li Muyao took his time.

Start in Yangcheng first, and then slowly expand; when the company's income stabilizes, let Li Muyao donate to build Hope Primary Schools in poverty-stricken areas and love meals. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 894 Charity Donations) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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