I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 895: Cai Jin Pao Lu

"Here, they are all suppliers who are accustomed to cooperation. They are prepared according to the quantity we need. And these are the places where we plan to donate hope... The detailed survey data will be late.

You will be able to come out after National Day, and because Mu Yao said that you want to provide the school with accessories such as libraries, computers, etc., you need to negotiate with the local government and build roads... The project is a bit big. Manager Jiang said that it is determined to be really settled, and it will be around the end of the year. As for the start of construction, it will also start at the beginning of next year, or the beginning of spring. "

Li Muyao listened to Huang Yuying’s suggestion that in addition to basic charity every month, a hope school should be built every year; and this school must have a library, computer room, and various entertainment accessories. There are also roads leading to the school, not to mention all asphalt roads, simple cement roads still need to be repaired.

In this way, the school has become a small head of money, and the road is the big head.

Therefore, Huang Yuying hopes to work with the local government and villagers to fix it. The company will provide 80% of the dream come true, and the government or villagers will volunteer the remaining 20%.

Because Li Muyao decided to make his dream come true, every time the company donated to build a school, he also used his father's education fund together, so that there is no need to worry that there are school students who cannot go to school because the family does not have enough money.

It takes a lot of time to do these details one by one, and Manager Jiang from the Ministry of Public Welfare took the staff of the department out for inspection and has not come back.

"Manager Jiang said that we must be cautious about donating to build Hope School. After all, there will be one such school established every year in the future. Not only is it a mere school, but also road construction... it requires a lot of procedures."

Huang Yuying has always felt that public welfare can only be done by big companies, but it is not like the dream come true company founded by Li Muyao. It has to be done every month and it is a real donation.

Wanhong Technology also makes charitable donations of up to 10 million yuan every year, but it is implemented regularly; Li Muyao is not here, she treats charity as a project of the company, and creates one specially In such a department, Li Muyao's heart, and the entire company's people are equally concerned.

"It’s okay, then take your time. Our money is not brought by the wind. Every cent of donated money has to be spent on people who really need it. School matters are the same. Don’t worry, and because This is the first time to do such a thing this year, and it is normal to be unskilled. Tell Manager Jiang and the others, don't worry.

Then remember to transfer all their wages and rewards to them on time every month, and then tell them that if there are insufficient funds for a business trip, they must remember to apply to the Finance Department. "

Li Muyao heard Huang Yuying report on the progress of several projects currently in progress in the company. The mid-year quarterly table will be released next month. Soon Li Muyao will know how much the company’s revenue was in the first half of this year and can it be supported. Continue to do charity by yourself.

When Li Muyao returned to the office from the small meeting room, Cai Jin approached her.

Cai Jin came in and opened the door to Li Muyao: "Sister Yao, I sincerely suggest that you veto the investment in Wangjiacun. Wangjiacun and nearby barren fields are not worth buying, and your purchase will cost more than two or three hundred acres of land. , You must lose money.

If you invest the money in Wangjiacun, you might as well use it for charity. "

"Brother Jin, you don't need to worry. If you can pass the real estate investment standard that I originally formulated, our company will implement it. Therefore, you don't have to worry about my loss.

In general, I have to thank Brother Jin for recommending such a good place for me; when Manager Lin and the others go to talk, I also hope that Brother Jin can go there with Manager Lin and them. After all, there is a friend from Brother Jin's post over there. If we go to talk together, it should be much smoother. I am here to thank Brother Jin in advance.

As for charity, Brother Jin can rest assured that I will use one-tenth of the company's profits for charity every year, and I will never falsify. "

To be honest, Li Muyao took over Cai Jin's stall from the beginning of Jincheng under the instructions of Cai's father and Cai's mother, because he wanted to thank his father Cai to bring her into the game.

Even before that, Li Muyao had a good impression of Cai Jin.

After all, Cai Jin is Cai Mao’s elder brother, and is the person Cai’s father, Cai’s mother, and Cai Aunt have always been boasting about; however, they really see Cai Jin in their company and how they feel after they get along with Cai Jin. Views are not very good; even Li Muyao himself is the same.

Just like Huang Yuying said, Cai Jin should have stayed abroad for a long time; only some of the policies and policies of China and the customs and habits of the people of Yangcheng have been overlooked; even to Li Muyao, the boss and sister Vaguely disdainful, suspicious and puzzled.

"Sister Yao, I didn't mean that... OK, I will assist Manager Lin to work together completely."

After listening to Li Muyao's words, Cai Jin remembered his cousin Jiang Yunlong's evaluation of Li Muyao. It was indeed that Li Muyao was too idealistic, too authoritarian, and even a little naive; these were not problems.

The problem is that Li Muyao is very confusing, and everyone who has worked with her will treat her well.

Even if Jiang Yunlong and Wu Yuanyuan got the subsidy for the house through the demolition of the pig farm last time, and because he made some small actions, his father found out that he lost a few houses on Li Muyao's side; this made Jiang Yunlong's impression of Li Muyao is even worse.

Naturally, when Cai Jin returned to China and contacted Jiang Yunlong, Jiang Yunlong did not say anything bad about Li Muyao, saying that Li Muyao can have today’s situation, it is all the result of relying on Cai’s father to take Li Muyao to lie down and win, and now Li Muyao wants to give Cai even more. The family was brainwashed and wanted to take over the resources that Dad Cai had in Yangcheng.

Even Cai Siqi, who was most disobedient to discipline, was bewildered by Li Muyao.

In short, Li Muyao's persona that Jiang Yunlong told Cai Jin about was the type of person who "demonstrated the crowd".

"By the way, sister Yao, I have something to tell you. My uncle wants me to help in the past, so I can only help him meet my hair-boy and them on Manager Lin's side.

I may not be able to assist Manager Lin all the way. And my cousin Jiang Yunlong is now engaged in real estate, and he also needs manpower over there. I want to help him in the past. "Cai Jin didn't notify her parents of this decision.

As for making this decision... it was just made by Cai Jin when Li Muyao insisted on buying the land in Wangjiacun.

Cai Jin has a hunch that Li Muyao’s investment in Wangjiacun will definitely fail, and the loss of tens of millions at that time is all due to his own test of one sentence. When his parents know, Cai Jin’s life will definitely not be better, so he decided to run. Road and come to a chop first and then play. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 895 Cai Jin runs away) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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