I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 929: Come here

"Indeed, I never thought that you would become a rich woman one day, Yaoyao, we must remember Master's teachings when we are rich."

In short, Li Zhuo did not expect that after Li Muyao, the younger sister, really started to be lucky as the master said after being with Huo Jiling, the baby's fiancé.

And it's the big fortune!

Girls can make money with their own ability and luck. Of course, Li Zhuozhu supports and appreciates, but he must always remind the younger sister Li Muyao to abide by the law, do good deeds and pay more taxes.

Even more can't lose yourself because of money, and lose your original heart.

"Don't worry, I won't. Although it was a bit flustered to win the jackpot at first, it's okay now. When I know how to regulate myself, I also know what a company should do. Taxation. We will never evade taxes, nor will I Tax evasion and no tax evasion!"

Li Muyao has always known that he really succeeded in investing by luck in many cases. Li Muyao has never thought of any means when it comes to paying taxes to the country.

Even doing charity is not to avoid the problem of paying taxes, it is purely to do charity, so in this respect Li Muyao never let the public relations department make a big statement, and does not use the charity policy of some people given by the state to do anything. , Keeping oneself safe is not only a personal rule, but also the foundation of a company.

Li Zhuozhu made a few more points, and even wanted Li Muyao to supplement his knowledge of law. Finally, he suggested to Li Muyao: "Yaoyao, you might as well take a sub-major. Law studies will be pretty good.

Anyway, studying financial management and knowing more about law will definitely be more beneficial to you. If it doesn't work, you can go to your Huaqing University law-related courses to be an auditor or something. "

"Okay, I accept your suggestion. Let's watch it then. If I can keep up with my professional courses and have free time, I can indeed learn more professional subject knowledge.

Mainly, I am afraid that after I go to college, I will be less clever than I was in junior high and high school. The repetitions over the past six months have actually been quite stressful for me. Fortunately, I will reap the rewards if I pay. Otherwise, if I fail again in the college entrance examination, I really will not try to repeat the college entrance examination and the college entrance examination again. It's tiring. "

All that was said was the truth, but also because he didn't want to go through the third college entrance examination again, so Li Muyao really worked hard when repeating the exam. Especially after getting to know the Xueba introduced by Jiang Liu and Deng Chaoshao, Li Muyao has never let go of their study notes.

Although recalled now that Li Muyao's operation was a bit clever, it was real and effective.

"The harvest is very good! Okay! The national college entrance examination liberal arts champion is not something that ordinary people can get. After a while... when I get to the coffee shop, I won't sit in front of Wang Zhenzhen and Yang Standard?

I'm afraid that after they see me, they won't be willing to tell who is behind Wang Zhenzhen. And I feel embarrassed to see Wang Zhenzhen now. "Don't say that you are embarrassed when you see it. Now that Li Zhuozhu mentions the name, Li Zhuozhu feels extremely uncomfortable.

"Ah...no, you have to sit together, you are not here, I may not be able to analyze what the people behind Wang Zhenzhen want to do to me. Brother, you just come together, come here, do you still want to avoid it?"

It's all here.

Of course, Li Muyao would not let Li Zhuoyao back down. Moreover, Li Zhuoyao and Wang Zhenzhen did not have a real boyfriend relationship when they were in high school. Now Wang Zhenzhen and Yang Standard invited Li Muyao to come, and also agreed to Li Muyao to bring a friend.

Naturally, I wanted to figure out what Li Muyao could do for people to calculate.

Besides, if you really think like Li Zhuozhu, Wang Zhenzhen shouldn't make such a fuss when going to Yang's house for dinner. No matter how you think, it is Wang Zhenzhen's stupid performance.

As a Chinese, I heard these four words all the time. It's really hard to refuse again. It is hypocritical to refuse again.

Li Muyao went to the front desk of the only cafe in the Municipal Plaza, reported Wang Zhenzhen's name, and was soon taken to the box. Yes, Wang Zhenzhen and Yang Standard will remember to book a box first to discuss matters.

Li Muyao and Li Zhuoyue followed behind the waiter and entered Wang Zhenzhen's box. Before Li Muyao took the initiative to say hello, when Wang Zhenzhen saw Li Zhuoyue, she stood up from Yang Standard in shock and came to Li Zhuo with a very thoughtful sentence. The woman's words: "A Yue, why don't you contact me when you come back?"

This question is too convincing and misunderstood.

If Li Zhuoyue hadn't confessed his relationship with Wang Zhenzhen to Li Muyao in advance, Li Muyao would have thought that Li Muyao and Wang Zhenzhen had a very close relationship.

But Yang Standard was unknowingly behaving now, his eyes staring out unbelievably, his face was very hurt, look at Wang Zhenzhen, then at Li Zhuozhu, and finally he looked at Li Muyao and asked her: "Yaoyao, between them what's going on?"

Yang Standard is now more shocked and uncomfortable than learning that Wang Zhenzhen deceived him and had a pregnancy abortion. After all, in Yang Standard's view, those are all things that happened before Wang Zhenzhen knew him. Yang Standard can forget Wang Zhenzhen's past and create them together. A new future for each other.

However, the appearance of Li Zhuozhu and Wang Zhenzhen's words and eyes made Yang Standard feel that the top of his head was green at this moment.

"Yang Standard, you asked the wrong person, you should not ask Yaoyao, but Wang Zhenzhen, who is beside you. And Miss Wang Zhenzhen, we are not familiar with each other, so please call my full name, A Yue Such a name is only called by my family.

Okay, don't stand still, sit down and talk business.

Yaoyao and I both want to know who is behind Wang Zhenzhen's mouth. After all, this matter is a little bit unexpected and weird. "

Li Zhuozhu was still a bit embarrassed, but after seeing Wang Zhenzhen's words that seemed to be familiar with him again, Li Zhuozhu was uncomfortable and disappeared in an instant.

And stood up like a brother, and helped Li Muyao speak.

"Brother Standard, my elder brother and Wang Zhenzhen really have nothing to do with them. There was no relationship before, not now, and there will not be any in the future! I still believe in the appreciation level of my elder brother. My elder brother doesn't like her character, and she doesn't deserve it either.

Well, let's talk about business now.

Wang Zhenzhen, you said that your blind date with Brother Standard was promoted by someone, so let's talk about it. Finish talking earlier, go home early, and your complexion doesn't look good, it is recommended that you rest more after going home, women, good health is the most important thing. "

Li Muyao said seriously.

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