I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 930: Biggest suspicion

After Wang Zhenzhen finally spoke to Li Muyao, the obsessive gaze shifted from Li Zhuozhu's body to Li Muyao's body. Of course, the obsessive gaze turned into a cold, disgusting and hostile look.

"Zhenzhen, don't be angry, talk about business first."

Yang Standard also found reason in Li Muyao's words, and he knew best what he needed now. He promised that his parents would officially break up after Wang Zhenzhen was discharged from the hospital.

But when Wang Zhenzhen was discharged from the hospital today, Wang Zhenzhen seduced Yang Standard. Yang Standard, who was still a boy in his twenties, could not stand the stimulation of Wang Zhenzhen, so he naturally obeyed Wang Zhenzhen's will and asked Li Muyao to make an appointment.

It was also when Yang Standard and Wang Zhenzhen really had a substantial relationship that when Wang Zhenzhen looked at Li Zhuozhu, the top of his head was green; it was also at this moment that Yang Standard caught Li Zhuozhu’s eyes. Zhuoyue really has no interest in Wang Zhenzhen as Li Muyao said.

It was just Wang Zhenzhen's unilateral wishful thinking.

So, let's talk about business!

"Huh! Let me just say it! A few months ago, when I was working in Yuncheng, a tall man gave me a stack of money and asked him to come back to Pinglan County to have a blind date with Standard. It is best to succeed and then marry me. he.

As long as I and Standard can get married smoothly, the other party will give me a house. Well, it’s not a two- or three-million-yuan house like Pinglan County, but a one-million-yuan house in a big city like Yuncheng. , And give me another Yuncheng account.

I don’t know exactly what I will do later. Anyway, I'm finished with what I should say, you can do whatever you want, believe it or not. "As for why Wang Zhenzhen suddenly confessed to Li Muyao and Yang Standard?

And this question, Li Muyao also asked: "Don't you hate me very much? Why do you suddenly want to tell me this. I don't think you are a kind person, let alone want to be friends with me.

And your set of words is really fake, it's completely like a comedy that you wrote, directed and acted by yourself. "

That's right, the three of Li Muyao and others present didn't believe Wang Zhenzhen's rhetoric.

"No, everything I said is true! Standard, you have to believe me. That person asked me to marry Standard, and then, find a way to become a small accountant in the student fund managed by Uncle Yang. I do it every year. You can get a salary of at least 500,000 yuan.

And this salary was not given to me by Uncle Yang and the others, but the man said he would give it to me. I didn't lie to you, you also know that my past was not very glorious, and you also know that after this miscarriage, there will be no childbearing.

In this world, there is only the standard fool who is willing to marry me. Of course, I can't hurt him because of outsiders.

Li Muyao, don't be proud, I wouldn't be too lazy to tell you this if it wasn't for your standard sister's sake. "Wang Zhenzhen explained half-truth and half-false for her mysterious behavior.

Wang Zhenzhen definitely looks down on a man like Yang Standard, whether it is before the blind date or now, still looks down on it.

However, after getting in touch with Yang Standard for many things, Wang Zhenzhen discovered that Yang Standard is a stupid man, and he is really easy to control. Then there is Yang Hongzhi who really supports him, and the entire Pinglan County is super famous. The Li Dajian Educational Aid Foundation.

I heard that this foundation is raised by Li Muyao’s boyfriend, who deposits one million yuan in it every month.

It was only established last year that until now, the entire Pinglan County, large and small schools, have received more or less funding to help students, and the highest school is the high school where Wang Zhenzhen and Li Muyao are studying together. There is only one student fund for three grades from high school to high school, which costs over 100,000 yuan per semester.

The school also needs a new library and a super-diversified scientific computer room, all of which cost more than one million yuan.

Therefore, it is true that Li Muyao is super rich!

Although Wang Zhenzhen has not witnessed it with her own eyes, she really feels that if she catches the fool of Yang Standard, maybe she can really live a rich life in the future without having to betray her body and laugh.

"Oh... I got it."

Although Li Muyao was a little surprised, Wang Zhenzhen's words really came from the Lixue Fund named after her father, just as Li Zhuoyue had guessed before coming.

But yes... Li Muyao still thinks this reason is a little bit ridiculous.

"Li Muyao, what's your attitude? Don't believe what I said is it? All I said is true. The other party is from Jincheng. At first glance, it is the kind of running errands for people.

Did you provoke anyone in Jincheng? Otherwise, why should others use my little hand to rectify your family's student aid fund? "

Wang Zhenzhen was a little dissatisfied with Li Muyao's reaction. Shouldn't she be very grateful for telling her all this?

"Maybe, I don't know. However, Wang Zhenzhen, your calculations are in the wrong direction. Even if you and Brother Standard are really married in the future, neither you nor Brother Standard will have the opportunity to work in the Student Aid Foundation.

And Uncle Yang is only temporarily taking care of me, and soon, a professional manager will take over. So, no matter what you are thinking about right now, I would advise you to keep some, don't be like a chicken, you have nothing.

Brother Standard...so do it yourself! My brother and I went home first. By the way, Brother Standard, don't bring Wang Zhenzhen to my college banquet tomorrow, otherwise Uncle Yang and Aunt Lan may be upset. "

Li Muyao and Li Zhuoyao went out of the coffee shop with Li Muyao. After Li Muyao came out, he was really thinking about who was behind Wang Zhenzhen.

She is not interested in whether Wang Zhenzhen can enter the student fund. What Li Muyao is interested in is why the other party knows so surely that Yang Standard will like Wang Zhenzhen.

Li Muyao's question has not been asked yet, and Li Zhuoyao, who is walking aside, suddenly stopped and looked at Li Muyao: "Yaoyao, do you think it was Li Mufeng's handwriting?"

Both Xiaoyu and Yangyang told me that Li Mufeng has changed a lot now, to the point of...er, not very close to humanity and has a certain degree of hostility towards you. I remember that the master left you a lot of dowry. The former master told Xiaoyu and Yangyang that she wanted to get it back from you... So, is it because of your money?

Just like Yaoyao you think, the other party can bring Wang Zhenzhen back from Yuncheng to Pinglan County and arrange for her to have a blind date with Yang Standard. How did the other party know that Yang Standard would like Wang Zhenzhen and identify her?

I also thought that Yang Standard would break up with Wang Zhenzhen under the pressure of Uncle Yang and his wife. But you can clearly see just now that Yang Standard values ​​Wang Zhenzhen very much, and some like her, they obviously won't break up.

As for what Wang Zhenzhen said just now, I can be sure that part of it is true. I have been paying attention to her eyes when she said it. Wang Zhenzhen did not lie.

In this way, the person behind Wang Zhenzhen should know you, Yang Standard and the Yang family in particular. "

As an outstanding student of the National Defense University, Li Zhuoyue learned a little mixed, but it was all related to his future work. Evaluating whether a person lied is also one of the skills of reconnaissance, but it is part of psychology.

Psychology is also one of the compulsory additional courses for national defense students.

Li Zhuoyue's approximate answer in this analysis is that Li Mufeng is most suspicious. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 930 The biggest suspect) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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