I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 931: Alarm handling

Li Muyao shook his head: "It doesn't have to be him. After all, when I was in high school, he was already an apprentice chef in Yangcheng. You know, at that time, I always reported good news to my family.

I have not told anyone about my feud with Wang Zhenzhen and others except you.

It's you, none of which I said, so I think it shouldn't be Li Mufeng. Although Li Mufeng feels that the loss of his girl is related to me. But, he wouldn't stretch his hand to Yang's side. "

If Li Mufeng changes again, his selfishness will not let him do such a mind-numbing task of finding Wang Zhenzhen to do it. The method is not so gentle.

Therefore, this should be done by someone who knows Li Muyao better.

If this matter had not been investigated in detail, it would be impossible to know what happened six or seven years ago.

Jincheng... the name of the city made Li Muyao think of Chu Ranran and Karnashan Meisha instead. It's just that these two people are not in the country now, so Li Muyao can't imagine who they will be.

Chu Ranran?

No, she should be more interested in Cai Mao.

Karnashan Mesa?

No, she went back abroad before Li Muyao's college entrance examination.

After all, Li Muyao's conflict with the two of them was more important on Chu Ranran's side, but no matter what kind of guess Li Muyao finally applied to them, it would not be true.

"But Yaoyao, you didn't notice one detail, Wang Zhenzhen said, the other party knows a lot of what happened to you in the county. Of course, it is more about drawing a lot of cakes for Wang Zhenzhen.

Originally, I thought that Wang Zhenzhen was related to the case investigated by my uncle and the others. Looking at Wang Zhenzhen, who is not followed by my uncle and the others, maybe she has nothing to do with the case I mentioned to you before. "

Li Zhuoyue still has more reason to believe that it was Li Mufeng's ghost. After all, as far as he knew, Li Mufeng had sent some fake photos to Yang Standard's counseling goods to slander the relationship between Li Muyao and Huo Jiling.

Therefore, in Li Zhuozhu's view, Li Mufeng will do it the first time and do it the second time.

Although Li Mufeng's methods are very gentle every time, he is indeed disgusting.

Li Mufeng may think that Li Muyao is his sister, and he can't say that he is too vicious, but he just doesn't want to see Li Muyao having a good life.

As long as Li Muyao is not well, Li Mufeng may be well.

Li Mufeng now has this kind of psychology.

Li Zhuozhu felt that this guess is eight|nine, but Li Zhuo knew that he could not convince Li Muyao to believe his inference before he got the evidence.

"Oh, it doesn't matter. Anyway, there will soon be professionals from A Ling who will take over from the student fund. Uncle Yang will not take care of it anymore. It won't be easy for some people to get in.

Moreover, even if we do not invite professional people to take over the management, Uncle Yang also said that next year, he will give up the position of managing the fund. His biggest idea and love is to continue to be a civil servant.

As for Brother Standard and Wang Zhenzhen... this, let them play by themselves. Anyway, it's a big deal, just recognize Uncle Yang and Aunt Lan. "

Originally, Yang Standard was with Li Muyao and their third elder brother, but it was indeed because he was the son of Yang Hongzhi and Wu Xiaolan that he recognized him as the elder brother.

If you marry a wife who doesn't like Li Muyao, Li Muyao will not rush to make trouble for herself.

Anyway, Li Muyao's future career, studies, love and affection will all be placed on the Jincheng side, and her hometown will only come back occasionally. With less contact, everyone will know each other's psychology.

"Well, I support you in doing this."

After Li Zhuozhu nodded his support, he asked about the list of the teachers who will be invited to the school banquet tomorrow, as well as some interesting things about the high school with the teachers.

The next day, before nine o'clock, Li Muyao took Li Zhuozhu and his two younger brothers to the largest restaurant in the county. When they came, Yang Hongzhi and Wu Xiaolan, as well as several uncles and aunts familiar to Li Muyao, were already there.

Several other uncles and aunts, when they saw Li Muyao, came over and talked to Li Muyao immediately, mainly because after Li Dajian passed away, their birthday friends had less time to visit their children. The main reason was that Lin Qin didn’t like them. .

In addition, Li Muyao is going to class and is still a student... Two years ago, Li Muyao failed the college entrance examination at the age of 18. They were all regretful and wanted to send Li Muyao back to school for repetition.

As a result, not to mention that Li Muyao's head teacher and school leaders did not find Li Muyao, even their uncles and aunts were the same.

Fortunately, after two years, they received that Li Muyao took the college entrance examination and won the title of the national college entrance examination liberal arts champion in the college entrance examination. It was really shocking and surprising.

"Yaoyao, it's really getting more and more beautiful, and more and more like your father. It's great to be admitted to Huaqing University. After going to university in Jincheng, if you have any taste of hometown you want to eat. Tell auntie, auntie will do it for you and send it over.

Don't feel wronged when you live and study outside in the future... Here is a small red envelope prepared by my aunt, you can't not accept it! "

One aunt took out the red envelope, and the other uncles and aunts also took out.

Li Muyao had said in advance that they would not be allowed to take the red envelopes, but in the end they brought all of them, and they gave a lot of them, including five hundred and one thousand yuan.

There are also a few Li Dajian’s best brothers, who directly sealed Li Muyao's five thousand yuan red envelope, not to mention, and gave Li Muyu and Li Muyang also sealed two hundred yuan small red envelope, saying that they were given to their brothers as pocket money. money.

There are three...then, as long as it's Li Dajian's friends, the uncles and aunts who come to attend the college banquet will not have empty hands. However, Li Muyao also asked Yang Hongzhi and Wu Xiaolan to write down these things. In the future, she will return the gifts from other places. After all, everyone's living standards are not as good as Li Muyao's.

Li Muyao won't take advantage of everyone, and everyone knows that everyone is kind, thinking about supplementing Li Muyao and their three siblings by sealing red envelopes.

"Mooncakes, Uncle Yang, my father's friend, said that it's almost time to come. It will be our teachers and school leaders." Li Zhuozhu, who is also Li Muyao's brother today, naturally followed to help with things.

Sure enough, the teachers familiar to Li Muyao arrived, and they all nodded to her, especially the head teacher who taught Li Muyao for three years. Tears welled up in his eyes emotionally, holding Li Muyao's hand and patted straight. : "Li Muyao, you are really good, and finally admitted to the university. You don't know, you failed in the college entrance examination and went to work in Yangcheng. How heartache do we teachers feel?

Fortunately, you child has ideas and ideas. He is willing to repeat the exams and get good grades in the country. Very good. We, as your teachers, are proud of you! "

In this case, not only Li Muyao's head teacher said, but also the teachers of his subjects.

Teachers have always preferred and cherished more sensible students with good grades. Li Muyao is one such one. Back then, it was true that Li Muyao went to Yangcheng to avoid all the teachers and classmates, which really made the teachers feel distressed for a while.

Now, fortunately, Li Muyao, a good student, finally got on the track of a student again. Although he was two years late, he at least returned to school.

The entrance banquet was very lively. The two groups of people who didn’t know each other had a conversation because they both cared about and loved Li Muyao, the same child. The teachers and Li Dajian’s friends all got together.

Li Muyao took his two younger brothers and Li Zhuozhu to express his gratitude to everyone with a table of drinks, and to respect everyone with drinks instead of wine.

The table opened at 11:30 noon and eaten until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Except for some of the children who brought Li Muyao and the four who drank drinks, most of them were all drunk.

However, Li Muyao had already arranged for her to rent all the taxis in the county, and let them help send the teachers, uncles and aunts home safely.

Of course, everyone who came to the entrance banquet today received a box of milk and a box of apples in return.

And when Li Muyao and the others sent everyone away safely, the whole person was tired and paralyzed. When they returned home, lying on the sofa, they asked Li Zhuozhu who was still pouring water, "Brother, you send Uncle Yang and Aunt Lan home. At the time, is Brother Standard at home? Did he say anything?"

Yes, today Li Muyao's college entrance banquet, because yesterday Li Muyao asked Yang Standard not to bring Wang Zhenzhen, as a result, Yang Standard did not come.

Yang Hongzhi and Wu Xiaolan were very angry when it came to mentioning that Yang Standard did not come. But, after all, it was their biological son, and it was on such an occasion that their husband and wife could not scold too much.

Therefore, at today's banquet, they even appeared as Li Muyao's closest uncle and aunt to accompany everyone to drink, and naturally they became drunk as soon as they drank too much.

"Yes, but we didn’t speak. I sent Uncle Yang and Aunt Lan to him and came back. Yaoyao, if you’re tired, go to sleep for a while, Xiaoyu and Yangyang, and I will help you make today The list of the red envelopes and the money are sorted together."

The list is remembered, but, not all the money in the red envelope has been opened on the spot.

At this time, when I get home, I have to take a good inventory.

"Okay, then I'll go to sleep for a while."

However, not long after Li Muyao slept, he was awakened by the sound outside the house. Li Muyao took a look at the time but only slept for about half an hour before being awakened.

Li Muyao came out of the room and saw no one, and kept walking outside, only to see Li Muyu, Li Muyang and Li Zhuozhu. The three of them stopped the three or five men brought by Lin Qin and Dai Jianren, and they were anxious not to let them go upstairs. Clamoring.

As soon as she appeared, the people downstairs saw Li Muyao.

Lin Qin was the first to rush out and ran in front of Li Muyao: "Li Muyao, why didn't you tell me about your entrance to university and the promotion banquet? Even if I am married, it is your real mother."

Li Muyu also ran over and stood in front of Lin Qin: "Mom, can you stop coming here again to make trouble? Mooncakes invite you to a college entrance banquet. It's normal if you haven't notified you.

At the beginning, we all signed a separation agreement.

If you want to marry him, it has nothing to do with moon cakes. Yangyang, Li Mufeng and I will send you alimony every month. As for moon cakes, it has nothing to do with you. This is what you personally agreed. You gave up your own daughter for this man. What do you want to do now?

I really think you are now taking this man to the house to make trouble, don't we know what the purpose is? Let me tell you, those red envelopes were all given to moon cakes by Dad’s friends, and they have nothing to do with you.

If you make trouble again, we will call the police. Don't blame us for not being affectionate. Mr. Dai, you'd better take my mother and leave now, otherwise I will really call the newspaper to warn you of harassing the residents, and I will definitely stay with you for a few days. "

Li Muyu is really angry!

When Dai Jianren did such a disgusting thing, Lin Qin didn't even divorce him. Now he is still carrying the idea of ​​playing the red envelope received at the college entrance banquet today with the surname Dai. Who is it that gives them the courage and confidence?

"Xiaoyu, don't you love your mother the most? How can you talk to me like that? I said that at the beginning and agreed to that way. But I am Li Muyao's mother. .

My hands are broken now and I have no money. She, a daughter, should give money to my mother. So, I can take away half of the red envelopes I received at the college entrance banquet today! "

Lin Qin said very naturally and arrogantly that she was really shameless and didn't take the agreement signed last year seriously. Now Lin Qin can do nothing, but she can't live without Dai Jianren.

Dai Jianren told Lin Qin that as long as Lin Qin became rich again, then Dai Jianren would never go back to the Daijia Village to see that **** woman and that bitch.

Anyway, Lin Qin now knows that Li Muyao's daughter had said that she had retired from the Huo family, but they secretly talked about it and fell in love. In the future, as long as Li Muyao marries the Huo family, it will be the rich wife of Jincheng. End of money.

Even now Lin Qin has also heard that Li Muyao is very rich, super rich, and professionally set up a student fund in the name of Li Dajian that dead ghost. All Li Muyao in it is given to others for free... For others, why can't you fight for happiness for Lin Qin's mother?

"Brother, call the police. Don't talk nonsense with them, Brother Zhuoyue, don't let them run away, and leave none of them to the police station. I don't believe it. Mooncake has attracted so many merchants for our Pinglan County , Can't even personal safety be protected?"

Li Muyang did not speak as well as Li Muyu, so he asked the police directly.

This disgusting man, Dai Jianren, really had a good calculation, and he actually used their stupid mother to make trouble.

If you don't teach them some lessons, you won't remember the pain.

"Well, call the police to deal with it, you guys also take care not to get hurt, I will go back first.

Li Muyao saw that her two younger brothers and Li Zhuoyue could handle it, so she went back. For Lin Qin, Li Muyao's mother, Li Muyao has long lost any feelings. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 931 Alarm Processing) Read the record and you will see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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