I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 932: Already arranged

"Aqin, let's go back first. The police will really come later, but we won't... go first. Come here later. See you, his uncle is the policeman. Go first and come to Li Muyao later. This daughter."

Dai Jianren quietly walked to Lin Qin's side, pulled her aside, and whispered to persuade him that he really wanted Lin Qin to scrape off a layer of skin from Li Muyao's daughter.

But the son said, as long as they can come to trouble Li Muyao this **** woman from time to time, they will recognize him as his father.

Although Dai Jianren has a second son in Daijia Village, he is the oldest son Li Mufeng most proud of.

Don't look at the mountains and dews before. When Lin Qin was sent back last time, he had a detailed discussion between father and son with Dai Jianren. After the talk, Dai Jianren decided to listen to the words of his elder son Li Mufeng.

As long as Li Muyao is there, he will take Lin Qin to find Li Muyao. They don’t need Li Muyao's real money. Of course, it is the best to get the money; even if there is no money, he can succeed. Li Muyao Yi It's better to make Li Muyao's reputation stink. The eldest son said that Dai Jianren and his eldest granddaughter were missing because of Li Muyao.

Therefore, if you can't fight Li Muyao head-on, it is best to make Li Muyao disgusting first.

Every time Dai Jianren and Lin Qin find trouble with Li Muyao, the eldest son receives a sum of money, and Li Mufeng is willing to use the money to buy a house for their couple in Yangcheng and Jincheng.

Today, Dai Jianren and Lin Qin have successfully disgusted Li Muyao. If the trouble goes on, they may really have to enter the police station. That is not very good. It is the same if you admit the counsel and wait until later to make trouble.

Lin Qin listened pretty much to Dai Jianren's words now. As soon as he said to retreat, he immediately looked at Li Muyu and Li Muyang pitifully, crying and scolding them: "Xiaoyu, Yangyang, you are really unfilial sons. You guys. Actually treat me like this to my mother... ooh... I'm leaving, I'm leaving now, but Li Muyao is my biological daughter of Lin Qin. This is a fact God admits."

Lin Qin and Dai Jianren, who were crying fake, and several other helpers who called out, came here inexplicably, and they were scared off by the police. Li Muyu hadn't reacted yet, he felt that his own mother shouldn't shrink back so easily.

It was Li Muyang who pushed Li Muyu: "Brother, do you understand now? Lin Qin and this surname Dai came here to deliberately disgust us. Did you see her fake cry just now?

Not a single drop of tears fell.

It seems that Lin Qin may continue to trouble with moon cakes in the future, we have to think of a way. And that Dai Jianren's eyes are obviously different when he sees us.

Before, at most, it was just disgust and disgust, but today it's concealed calculations and looks like money, which is very abnormal. I don’t think it’s Li Mufeng’s neurosis who is doing something wrong, right? "

In the past, Li Muyang only felt that Li Mufeng had changed. Now Li Muyang discovered that Li Mufeng's eldest brother was probably sick.

First, it was confirmed that Li Muyao knew that Li Mufeng's daughter was missing.

Later, he instigated Lin Qin to coax Li Muyu deliberately, wanting Li Muyu to come to Li Muyao’s sister to intercede and say what mother-daughter reunion...Bah, let alone Li Muyao, it is impossible for Li Muyang to reunite with Li Mufeng, let alone talk about it. Li Muyao and Lin Qin's mother and daughter are in love.

"Yeah, I remember. Brother Zhuoyue, can you let your uncle help us watch Dai Jianren's actions? Although it means that our third sister and brother will return to Yangcheng tomorrow, but my mother and this The surname Dai always comes to trouble with my moon cakes, which is too annoying.

Why don't you ask your uncle to find some reason and keep him in there for a while.

It's best to wait until my mooncakes graduate from university before coming out. Although we are not afraid of Dai Jianren and my mother getting into trouble, there are so many disgusting things, and it's really annoying.

My mooncakes hate trouble the most, so it's better to just solve the problem all at once. "Long before Lin Qin came today, Li Muyu received Li Muyang's warning and some things he might encounter after returning to his hometown.

It is better to let Li Muyu know in advance what Lin Qin and Dai Jianren might do next. Let Li Muyu understand more clearly what they should do and how to protect their favorite sister.

"Uh? Are you sure you want to do this?" Li Zhuo didn't expect that Li Muyu would make such a request when he opened his mouth, but before Li Muyu was shocked, Li Muyang said something other than super surprise.

"Yes, and I have some evidence of illegal things done by the surname Dai here. Although the time has passed for a long time, as long as you check it, it should be fine to sentence him to three to five years.

Brother Zhuoyue, why not go with us to get evidence and report the case by the way? It’s up to you to call the police, and then you to submit the evidence, and all the credit will go to Excellence, just right. "

Li Muyang's words not only shocked Li Zhuozhu, but also Li Muyang.

It seemed that Li Muyang knew about the trouble between Lin Qin and Dai Jianren today, and he was just waiting for them to come and perform such a show.

Evidence... Li Muyu never knew.

But Li Muyang knew...this made Li Muyu think about what Li Muyang's younger brother had mentioned to him on his own initiative, and discovered that his mother Lin Qin and Dai Jianren had cheated together, and that his father had confessed many things to Li Muyang before his death; Li Muyu also had it before. I thought about it, why didn't my father confess to Li Mufeng's eldest brother?

He did not confess to Li Muyao, the father's most beloved daughter, nor did he confess to his second son, Li Muyu, but instead directly placed the burden on the youngest son, Li Muyang.

Li Muyu was a little confused before.

Now I get it!

A person as clever as my father would be able to swallow his voice after discovering that Lin Qin had betrayed him and the whole family; it seemed that he hadn't done anything, but he had already secretly arranged it!

Weddings like moon cakes.

Such as dowry.

Ru Lin Qin brought Dai Jianren to make trouble...

There are corresponding solutions. Even if Li Muyu and Li Zhuo do not appear, Li Muyang can handle them all alone.

It’s no wonder that my father always talked about Li Muyu since he was a child, saying that he is too kind and his character is too gentle. Unlike him, when Li Muyu grows up, he has to learn to be cruel in his character and behavior, and he has to be cruel to himself and others; on the contrary; It was the youngest son of Li Muyang, but his father had never boasted, but when dealing with twin sons, his father would naturally always be stricter on Li Muyang in all aspects.

In the past, Li Muyu thought it was his father's preference for himself.

I don't even understand what the ruthless dad said.

Now I recall that my father always preferred mooncakes, but he did not worry about the life of mooncakes when he grew up, so he trained Li Muyang's little son early.

Li Muyu, who had figured out all of this, didn’t know for a moment whether he should be happy or sad because he was not entrusted by his father to take care of his sister; or if he was distressed for his brother’s heavy burden since he was a child... Indeed, Li Muyu was really for a while. I'm half gonna be speechless by the soreness on my chest|breast.

He was afraid that as soon as he spoke, tears would fall to his eyes.

"Then go, let's go and have a look together."

Li Zhuozhe was stunned for several seconds. Li Muyang looked seriously at him for a while before he answered Li Muyu's fragile expression for a few seconds. Li Zhuo understood something at this moment.

The waves in Li Zhuoli's heart are fierce at this moment, because this will be Li Muyu's small expression, just like Li Muyao's expression when he learned that Li Zhuo had known Huo Jiling a long time ago.

It was also at this moment that Li Zhuozhu realized that perhaps his master had arranged not only his apprentice, but also Li Muyang, the youngest son. Speaking of which, Master has always loved taking Li Muyao to exercise with him, but he often secretly took Li Muyang's little son to train.

I heard that the content and items of the training are more severe and rigorous than Li Zhuozhu and Li Muyao, and the time is very short. It was only temporarily practiced a few years before the death of Master. Now, the speculation in Li Zhuohua’s heart is again. My heart came to mind once.


After Li Muyao returned home, he really ignored Lin Qin and Dai Jianren's affairs, and immediately cleaned up the kitchen at home, and then prepared to cook for himself.

As a result, as soon as the meal was cooked, Li Zhuoyue's uncle called him personally and asked Li Muyao about some details about Dijiao Mountain.

The two talked on the phone for nearly an hour, and Uncle Li Zhuoyue finally said: "Yaoyao, it's better that you are lucky and take the stinky boy A Yue to escape. If it weren't for you to give up personally to save him. Going out of the cellar, that wave of prisoners will definitely come back to look for you, okay. But, Yaoyao, for your father, don't follow Ayue's kid in the future, don't you know?

It is Ah Yue’s duty to rush to encounter this kind of thing, but you are a little girl, don't show up. In short, your safety is the most important thing, otherwise, we will really be sorry to your father.

Those rewards, come back to Yangcheng for a trip tomorrow, and you can’t be fair and honest, but you have to take home this honor. "

"Okay, uncle, see you tomorrow."

Li Muyao didn’t expect it to be so thrilling. She made a mark on Li Zhuozhu’s cellar and left. She didn’t expect someone else to run back and wanted to go down and kill Li Zhuo. As a result, she saw someone doing it. After the mark, he ran away in a hurry.

If Li Muyao didn't make a mark, but stayed there to save Li Zhuozhuo, maybe Li Muyao would be attacked from behind, and he might also be injured.

In short, the police uncle really found it very thrilling, but he avoided it because of Li Muyao's good fortune.

The rewards given by the police department can be issued so quickly, mainly because Li Muyao and the others have indeed helped the county police station this time. The do-goods discovered at the end of last year finally achieved a major breakthrough and discovery.

Although this time I was still run away by those do-it-yourselfers a lot, but the raw materials and machinery for do-goods made in the cellar cave and some ‘transporters’ were all arrested.

Therefore, Uncle Li and the others can only take out the reward from the county seat before Li Muyao leaves his hometown in the county seat. When the entire big case is completed, the state will naturally reward Li Muyao.

Li Muyao, who hung up the phone, looked at the duration of the call and found that Li Muyu, Li Muyang and Li Zhuo had not come back yet. After a glance, there was no one downstairs.

Li Muyao thought for a while and wanted to know that nothing would happen to them, so she continued to cook.

Not long after the meal was ready, Li Muyu and the three of them came back. Li Muyao didn't ask where they were, nor did they say.

Li Zhuoyue went home after eating, and then said okay to Li Muyao that he would come to see them tomorrow, remember to wait for him.

As soon as Li Zhuozhu left, Li Muyao asked Li Muyu and Li Muyang: "What happened to them? Did they say anything after they left?"

"I didn't say anything, anyway, mooncakes, don't worry about this. My brother and I can handle it. The agreement has been signed before, so I won't come back again.

Have you packed everything up yet?

My brother and I are going out to buy more things, do you want to be together?

I think we will drive back to Yangcheng tomorrow. Why don't I buy some specialties and bring them to Freetract and Sister Ying? Didn’t you say that the sisters in your beauty salon also like to eat peppers from our county seat? Bring more! Also, isn't Aunt Cai and his husband a foreigner? Surely many of our specialties have not been tasted, moon cakes, would you also buy some and bring them with you? "

Li Muyang actually didn't have much to buy. He just answered that the county seat was short and rushed, but the interpersonal relationship in Yangcheng had to be maintained. He had to help his sister make more plans, and it wouldn't cost much to buy specialty products, but it was all his heart.

Furthermore, Li Muyang has to go out, and once he asks his little brother to accompany his sister to buy special products, he will join them when he finishes the business, which is very good.

"Yeah, let's go together. Let's hurry up while the market has not closed yet. Buy more chili, bacon and smoked dried fish. Sister Yu Jin likes to eat them.

I don't know if there is any price increase now. Smoked dried river fish will cost more than two hundred a catty during the Chinese New Year. There must be a lot of people going down the river in the hot weather, so the dried fish should drop a little, right?

No, buy more.

At that time, I will save some and take it to Jincheng to give a copy to Jiang Liu, Deng Chaoshao and our class teacher. "Speaking of the specialty products here, Li Muyao also thought of friends and teachers from Jincheng.

They all take good care of themselves and have a good relationship with themselves. It’s good to give them some special products to try; after all, it’s not suitable for classmates and teachers to give too expensive gifts, so it’s good to bring some hometown products.

Besides, Li Muyao also heard them mention the bacon, smoked dried river fish and chili from their hometown...These can be bought at a price for Li Muyao, so just take it with you. Anyway, you can bring a lot of it by driving yourself.

"Yes, let's go."

Li Muyao and his two younger brothers took advantage of the darkness and the people who came out to sell the vegetables before they got off work, hurried over. Among them, Li Muyang hadn't been with him for ten minutes, and Li Muyao didn't notice.

Li Muyu found out, but he didn't ask too much, nor did he deliberately remind his sister. He just followed his sister obediently and paid for the bill after listening to her bargaining with the stall owner.

When Li Muyang came back, Li Muyao had already bought it, and she and Li Muyu were almost unable to mention it, and they happened to share more than half of them with Li Muyang. After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 932 has long been arranged) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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