I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 940: Inexplicably familiar

"No, it's not as exaggerated as you think, okay? Let's go, let's just take our IDs with us. If we go there, it's okay to report to school later."

I wanted to report to the school in advance, but now, if something happens temporarily, it doesn't matter if I am late.

Li Muyao took Li Muyu and Li Muyang and followed Chen Tao on the plane to Yicheng. When they arrived at Yicheng, Chen Tao arranged to pick him up.

As for Li Muyao and their third siblings who were supposed to carry the luggage to school, they took care of them directly to Jincheng Airport.

When she arrived at the gate of the ancient town that Chen Tao said in Yicheng, Li Muyao was a little dazed, because she seemed to have been here. When she was very young, she followed her father out of the province once, and that was the only time her father took Li Muyao out.

Li Muyao had no impression before, after all, she was too young; she followed her father to Jincheng and signed a baby kiss; later, she flew to Yicheng.

Don't ask why Li Muyao didn't have any impression of the procedure for signing the baby kiss, but rather had an impression of this Yicheng, which had nothing. Li Muyao himself couldn't explain this.

I can't even say why there is a sense of familiarity.

Li Muyao didn't think it was as simple as his father took her here once. There must be other reasons. After all, Li Muyao was really too young and too young at that time, but he only remembers this huge pair of lions at the gate of the ancient town.

"This pair of lions is also the treasure of Yicheng's town. It is precisely because of these two large lions that are more than three meters high that the official side has contracted the restoration and expansion of the ancient town.

In fact, if the entire ancient town is fully planned, the capital needed is as high as 500 million yuan.

In this way, we are only standing at the gate of the ancient town, and what we see inside is indeed the half-built ancient town that feels a little bit tattered. In fact, some houses and buildings do not need to be completely moved, and can be put into use only by repairing. To a certain extent, it can save us a lot of costs while retaining the characteristics of the original house. "

Chen Tao did not understand why Li Muyao stood at the gate of the ancient town facing two super-large lions, but he also knew that the gates of the ancient town were indeed very grand, especially the great sense of collision that this pair of lions brought to people’s hearts and souls. , Very shocking!

Even if he couldn't figure out the reason for Li Muyao's face change, Chen Tao did his best to introduce him to Li Muyao. After Li Muyao returned to her senses, she began to follow Chen Tao in and further in, and the familiar feeling that came over her face became even stronger.

Indeed, those houses that have not been demolished and rebuilt can be put into use again after repairs and have a more original flavor, leaving the true charm of ‘ancient’.

It is said that it is an ancient town, but it is not too big. It is composed of three or five horizontal and vertical streets; if according to Chen Tao's words, the old houses that were originally intended to be demolished and rebuilt are repaired and preserved with the current original ecology. If it comes down, it does not need about 500 million funds.

But 100 million is not enough.

"How is it? Muyao, how do you feel? The scenery here is really good, the ancient town, of course, the most important thing is to retro. Stone houses like this are also a feature here, and you have long seen these in other ancient towns.

And the wall paintings in each alley are of great research value. As well as the simultaneous carvings of the beams on the old buildings, they all have a century-old history and culture. a lot of……"

Chen Tao talked like a tour guide. Finally, Chen Tao pointed out the direction to Li Muyao and his three siblings: "There are Guoshan and the farmhouse that I contracted. It's only five minutes away from here. Kilometers, and I arrived soon by car. People who come here to travel in the ancient town in the future can not only enjoy the visual pleasure of the ancient town, but also the satisfaction of the mouth and stomach.

After all, my fruit mountain and the various fruit trees contracted by the nearby villagers can basically eat seasonal fruits in every season, and they can also pick and truly experience farm life in person. It is the same development direction as Muyao's plan for the Golden Farm that you mentioned before. "

You know, here is actually not too far away from the golden farm that Chen Tao originally sold to Li Muyao, only a hundred kilometers away. If you drive by yourself, go to Golden Farm and experience the large amusement park, then continue to drive forward to this ancient town of Chen Tao, and experience farm life by the way.

To be honest, if you are the kind of people who have time and money, they are definitely willing to go along the way.

After listening to Chen Tao's narration, Li Muyao reacted. Indeed, the mountain and farmhouses currently contracted by Chen Tao are really all developed in accordance with the advice Li Muyao gave to Chen Tao before.

The ancient town is just an additional part of this part.

"It sounds very good indeed, and the development idea of ​​Guanyin Mountain in our hometown is also in the same direction. But, Mr. Chen, since you all have such a plan, why are you still looking for moon cakes from my house?

I think with your ability, there is no need to worry about the problem of not being able to attract investors. If you simply want to rub the luck of my mooncakes, I don't think your statement can convince us!

Although an investment of 100 million yuan is not too much for my mooncakes, it is not too small. If you just listen to your advocacy and start investing, isn't that too sloppy? "

After listening to Chen Tao's development direction for this area, Li Muyang realized that many of these scenic spots and farmhouses have the same operating thinking.

If the extra project of ancient town is not added here, Li Muyang can guarantee that Chen Tao's farmhouse project is not understandable, mainly because it is too far away from the urban area.

Besides fruit trees...it seems that there is no special desire to run here|hope; unlike their hometown of Guanyin Mountain, there are hot springs, and minerals... Besides, Guanyin Mountain is close to Yangcheng, local specialty dry goods and Some traditional crafts have also been published in national newspapers, and they are all used for publicity, which has a more promising future than Chen Tao said.

"Uh...it is true, so I just want Mu Yao to come and investigate on the spot. If Mu Yao still doesn't want to invest here, I really have nothing to say.

Mainly because Grandma Huo also mentioned that the Feng Shui here is indeed very good. It’s a good thing for people like Mu Yao who are born with koi big luck and great luck. It’s a good thing to invest in such an ancient town. After all, if no one takes over the unfinished project, it’s likely to be auctioned to some real estate agents here Now everything will be torn down and razed to the ground!

That's a real pity. Many of them have grown up from here, and they have lost the beautiful paintings that are deep in memory. "Chen Tao was secretly observing Li Muyao's reaction while talking to Li Muyang. Chen Tao didn't understand Chu Ranran, why suddenly let him take over this ancient town and let him try to persuade Li Muyao to invest in this ancient town together.

You should know that Chen Tao himself is not optimistic about the ancient town of this unfinished project, and even the hills he contracted himself, Chen Tao is not interested, but Chu Ranran came up with a condition that convinced Chen Tao and was willing to do things for Chu Ranran.

Otherwise, Chen Tao would not be willing to waste nearly half a year to arrange this round according to Chu Ranran's intentions.

"Actually, Muyao, I am not telling you a lie. There is another reason why I asked you to invest. The company that took over your Yangcheng Men's Beauty Shop also wanted to take over this ancient town project.

Speaking of it, the opponent has a bigger win than ours. After all, the opponent is a foreign company and has a natural advantage. Apart from funding, I can basically determine it first.

If you can invest in this unfinished ancient town project, you can make a time difference and take the project one step earlier than the other party. Their company just wants to take over this unfinished project and then the villa. After all, it is not far from the golden farm. The environment is good and beautiful. The rich people like this kind of small mountain village away from the hustle and bustle of the city. "

According to Chu Ranran's intention, Chen Tao finally said the purpose of the foreign Karnashan company. Sure enough, just as Chu Ranran expected, I heard Li Muyao's answer: "Is it the company of Karnashan again? Okay, then I will consider it? For such a large investment project, I also need to cooperate with The company team is here to discuss.

Now that your side has reached a semi-stable state, I think Chen Tao, you can delay it for a while, right? "

"At most one month, I think Mu Yao, you should be able to negotiate the results? It's okay, you think about it slowly, and I will see if there are suitable investors on my side.

It's okay, anyway, we can't cooperate, we are still friends, right? When A Ling returns to China, I will invite you couple to dinner, right? "

Chen Tao already understood Li Muyao's meaning, so naturally he would not pursue any more, but appropriately slowed down, brought up Huo Jiling's name, and asked Li Muyao to put down his guard.

"I listen to A Ling. When he comes back, A Ling agrees to me. If that's the case, then my two brothers and I will go back to Jincheng first. In about 20 days, I will agree to you. Don't take this investment."

Li Muyao nodded to Chen Tao and gave Chen Tao a time.

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news from Mu Yao, let's go, I'll take you to the airport." Chen Tao got a result similar to Li Muyao's answer that Chu Ranran originally guessed and was naturally satisfied.

Chen Tao wanted to send Li Muyao back to Jincheng, but Li Muyao refused. Directly sent to Yicheng's airport, let Chen Tao go back.

And Li Muyao came in a hurry with two younger brothers, and then returned in a hurry; along the way, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening when they arrived in Jincheng.

The three sisters and brothers ate casually together, but they didn't even return home with their luggage, and went straight to the hotel closest to Huaqing.

One suite, one room for Li Muyao, one suite for two younger brothers.

When Li Muyao went back to the room to take a shower and sat in the living room of the suite to apply a facial mask, Li Muyang couldn't help but sit over and ask her: "Moon cakes, since you came back from that ancient town in Yicheng, your face and mood are not very good, are you there? what idea?

In fact, if you want to spend 100 million to invest in this unfinished ancient town, it is not impossible. After all, the ancient buildings in various cities in the future will indeed follow the development and progress of our country. There will be fewer and fewer ancient buildings that can be preserved. Although the old houses in this ancient town in Yicheng are only a hundred years old, even They are all a little shabby.

But at least it is the original building, and it has a real vintage. If it is used for publicity, it is also a kind of heat. "

The Guzhen project is just such an advantage. Others, Li Muyang is really not optimistic. But, I heard that a local attraction can be so popular that it makes people like it. This is really metaphysical.

And Li Muyang and their three elder brothers heard from Chen Tao that he specifically mentioned Mrs. Huo twice, indicating that the Feng Shui in this ancient town might be really good.

As for Chen Tao’s persistence, I finally told them that the Karnashan company that had just robbed Li Muyao’s men’s beauty shop in Yangcheng also wanted to grab this item... I always felt that Chen Tao was deliberate, a bit like a pick. From the anger of my sister.

"Yangyang, do you remember what happened when I was a kid? When I went to see the big lions at the gate of the ancient town today, I thought I had seen it. And I went to see it with my father.

But my father only took me out once, and at that time I was very small, so small that I didn’t even have the impression of signing a baby kiss with Aling, but I was very impressed with the pair of three meters tall. The lion has an impression, do you think it feels strange? "

And this feeling is a bit similar to that when Cai Sixiu took Li Muyao and Cai Mao to meet Chu Ranran in the ancient town more than a year ago.

"...Are you sure you really went there with your dad? Could it be a dream? I think your personality doesn't even remember the big thing about signing a baby with Ji Ling, how can you remember with dad? Have been to the ancient town together? Just because of a pair of big lions, and then remembered it?

Could it be that Dad said something bigger than the matter of you and Ji Ling set up a baby? That makes you so impressed? "

Li Muyang directly assisted his sister in the analysis in two directions.

It's just that Li Muyang remembered that his parents had said that when his sister and Huo Jiling ordered a doll together, they were both very young, and they really belonged to the doll level.

Li Muyao shook her head: "I don't know which kind, maybe I have really dreamed about it. However, let me call Sister Ying first and let the company send someone to Yicheng to actually investigate the results. Let’s look at whether it’s suitable for investment. Anyway, twenty days will be enough for the company to make a new investment evaluation report."

Yes, Li Muyao is not in a hurry. Anyway, Li Muyao really thought about it for a long time. She had no impression of Yicheng in her previous life. If it weren’t for the big lion over three meters high, Li Muyao really didn’t feel anything. .

But this familiar feeling, and related to her father, Li Muyao felt surprised again, and even a hint of surprise. Once again, I felt that Chen Tao deliberately came to contact him this time to invest in this ancient town and there are other meanings, but, Li Muyao can't say it. Come, where does this feeling come from.

Maybe this is the sixth sense of a woman!

"Then let's follow the company's investment process, and don't worry about giving a reply. Just, mooncakes, should you go to the foreign Kanasan company for a snack?

Is it really the company of your friend's Karnashan Meisha? Why is she targeting you? There must be a reason for you, right? it is good? Is it a bit too much to grab your project twice this time? "Li Muyang didn't know it before, but the same company name has been continuously appearing on Li Muyao's list of competitors.

And again and again to grab Li Muyao's project, this is annoying! After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751 .htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of koi luck. Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read /119751/After rebirth, I have koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/ down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi lucky mobile phone. Read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com /read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time ( Chapter 940 Inexplicably familiar) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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