I Have Awesome Luck

Chapter 941: Report enrollment

"I'm not angry, Yang Yang, why are you angry? We are not only those projects that can invest, there are many other projects waiting for us to discover and invest, so there is no need to let people who are not worth it It's not necessary to be angry.

The previous projects that grabbed the company were nothing, mainly because this time they wanted a men's beauty shop a bit disgusting, but I think even if they took over the men's beauty shop, they would not be able to surpass our current beauty shop. They are not angry.

As for the reason for me...I can't think of it now. If it's Karnashan Mesa, it might be because of jealousy? But I feel that I am not good enough to have a woman and I will be jealous of myself, and I can't wait to take everything in my hand. "


Li Muyao is also a general guess, but if her and Huo Jiling's initial reasoning is really true, if she and Huo Jiling are both marginal cannon fodder figures in the same book, then it makes sense.

Li Muyao, who was only regarded as a cannon fodder or a supporting role, was not reconciled and became a tool for others.

Although Li Muyao only wants to live his own life for the time being, and don't want to be troublesome with these troublesome people, but these people don't seem to want to let Li Muyao go. It is not that Li Muyao disagrees.

Li Muyao is willing to take things slowly because she is unable to guess. Even if she is reborn, she will have various butterfly effects. Li Muyao is willing to accept it, but it does not mean that she can be dominated by others.

Thinking about Li Muyao's fear of being invisibly dominated by Chu Ranran, Li Muyao was uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable.

The appearance of Chen Tao seemed to be guiding something, and it was indeed very strong to tell Li Muyao directly.

"Yes, I'm not angry. You really don't want to be angry with mooncakes. Just as you said, there is no need to be angry with insignificant people.

Then let's go to the school to report tomorrow. My little brother and I will accompany us to report the name, and then we will go back to our own school. By the way, your Huaqing University requires military training for the first half of the month. Are you mentally prepared?

My brother and I have participated in the military training of the school before, and we have sunburned a few degrees a week. How is your sunscreen on mooncakes? There are also facial masks and skin care products. You have to prepare multiple copies.

The female students in our school are crazy. I heard that a bottle of sunscreen can be used up in two days.

You don’t need me and my brother to remind you with fair and smooth skin like yours. You should pay more attention and prepare things yourself, right? "Li Muyang breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that his sister was really not angry.

Sometimes Li Muyang is really worried that her sister will feel uncomfortable because she can't make money for a while. Fortunately, his sister is still the same person, and she doesn't particularly value money.

As long as she doesn't fall into the money pit, Li Muyang feels that her sister is the cutest in the world, and she should never change her original intention.

Li Muyang's topic shifted to the military training sunscreen, Li Muyao immediately became nervous, yes, Li Muyao seemed to forget to prepare sunscreen products for herself.

"Hey, don't worry. You forgot, my brother and I didn't. I packed it into the suitcase for you, and I will take it out for you after we report to the dormitory with you tomorrow.

Originally, my brother and I were planning to go to the mall to buy it. We also called and asked the manager of the beauty shop Chen. As a result, the store manager Chen said that the sunscreen produced in his factory had better effects than the big brands on the market and imported.

I heard that my brother and I said it was prepared for your military training. Manager Chen directly matched us with three sets for us. My brother and I brought them all to you, so don’t worry. Being called the little butler by you, you can’t really care about things. "

Speaking of the last, Li Muyang was still a little proud.

Indeed, now the little brother is also changing and growing in a good direction; and their sister finally looks like a cute little girl and is willing to let them take care of it.

"Not bad, not bad, our two little butler fathers are awesome, even these help my sister think and arrange them, it's really good, send you a little red flower for each?"

Li Muyao was a little surprised but very pleasantly surprised.

The doubts and unhappiness brought from Chen Tao were all dispelled by this. But she has two handsome, cute and clever younger brothers who accompany her to take care of them. There is no need to worry about things that are not related to people and are not related. .

Anyway, the truth will come to the surface one day. The most important thing for Li Muyao now is to study hard and improve his knowledge and professional knowledge. The most important thing is to work hard and grasp the results.

Of course, the sun protection and skin care of military training are also very important. Li Muyao doesn't want to have half a month of military training. She has grown up from a fairy in Baixue to an African with only white teeth with a black carbon smile.

"Little Honghua? It's easier for me and my little brother to give a little red envelope." Li Muyang saw that he had coaxed his sister well, and began to learn to say witty things.

"Okay, I'll seal a big red envelope for admission to each of you. Wait, I won't forget it tomorrow."

Li Muyao was a person who did what he said. The next day, Li Muyu and Li Muyang both received a big red envelope containing five hundred yuan. The attitude of Li Muyu and Li Muyang towards her sister has become more diligent.

When I came to Huaqing University to report, I had already different studies. This year's freshman report. There are also many older seniors and sisters who helped lead the way for the freshmen and helped drag the suitcases.

As soon as Li Muyao and his two younger brothers appeared at the reporting point of the Department of Finance, several senior and senior sisters greeted him enthusiastically. After all, Li Muyao was beautiful, and there were two handsome guys around her who looked exactly the same. The young man is even more noticeable.

"Senior girl, are you here to report? Our finance department is here, come here to fill in the registration form, and..." A senior girl wearing gold-rimmed glasses squeezed out all the male students and took the first place. Li Muyao's side introduced to Li Muyao in considerable detail, what forms should be filled out for freshmen to enter the school, as well as which class and dormitory she was assigned to and other information and conditions.

When the elder sister saw Li Muyao's name, she was shocked and asked her: "Li Muyao? You are the Li Muyao classmate who passed the national champion in liberal arts? Oh my goodness, you actually look so beautiful. It's not like a schoolmaster. Are they all ugly and dumb?

Sorry, Li Muyao, I'm not talking about you.

It's just that you look so beautiful, a little surprised. I heard some rumors about you before...well, rumors killed people. By the way, I am Xu Lan from J067, a junior in the Department of Finance. In the future, you can ask me if you have any questions, and the dormitories we live in are very close, we live on the first floor above you.

By the way, Li Muyao, can we take a photo together? My sister likes you so much. If I know that I can take a photo with the goddess she yearns for and the role model, I will be very happy. "

Xu Lan is quite familiar, mainly because she really did not expect that the legendary national champion in liberal arts would be so beautiful, so that she listened to the rumors and told her sister when she went home and almost had a fight with her sister. Whoever makes her younger sister recognize Li Muyao as a role model, she can’t listen to others saying bad things about her role model, even if it’s a sister.

As a result, after seeing Li Muyao himself today, Xu Lan was slapped by the rumor that she believed.

Worthy of being a role model for my sister to follow, she is as beautiful as her sister described, and can read books and has a great temperament. It completely makes it impossible to connect with the ugly and stupid nerd in the rumors. The rumors have mistaken me!

Li Muyao wanted to refuse, but Xu Lan used her sister to use Li Muyao as a role model, and Li Muyao couldn't refuse.

"Uh...Okay, do I still need to write a paragraph to encourage sisters and sisters?" Okay, Li Muyao only got the idol treatment after only a liberal arts college entrance examination champion.

"Can you?" Xu Lan asked in surprise.

Li Muyao smiled and nodded: "Of course."

As soon as she came, Xu Lan helped her sister get the blessings and autographs of the goddess who learned the role model. Lehad was not good. The students who were standing by to receive the new students were envious of them. They also wanted to take pictures with the school girls. Group photo.

"Fill in the information, I will take you to the dormitory to put things first, then take you to pick up the books, and then go to the school supermarket to buy some things you didn't bring, I will tell you, oh, buy things with me, it will definitely be better than usual. It's more favorable at times."

Xu Lan didn't wait for Li Muyao and their siblings to ask why. When she had a discount, she said: "Because the supermarket is opened by my aunt's house, and everyone else is at the original price, all I bring with me are 10% off. How about an extra bag of washing powder? Isn’t it interesting?

Hey, that's the Li Muyao school girl. If my sister wants to see you, I hope you can agree to it.

You don't know, our family took a lot of effort in order for my sister to study hard.

However, school sister Li Muyao, don’t worry, my sister is white and fat and super cute, really, by the way, my sister is Xu Zhu, next time I bring her over to play with you, can you? "

"Uh... yes, as long as I have time, yes. Senior sister Xu Lan, you call me Li Muyao or Muyao, it is too polite to call the younger sister."

Li Muyao is now accepting more and more people with self-acquaintances. As long as he is not approaching him with modern intentions, Li Muyao is also very happy.

And Li Muyao was also the first time he came into contact with a real college student in two lives; of course, Li Muyao also liked people like Xu Lan, so he said everything straightforwardly.

"Okay, I will call you Mu Yao from now on, and you can just call me Xu Lan directly."

Xu Lan took Li Muyao and the others to the dormitory first. The dormitory is for four people and the environment is quite good. Three of the beds in the dormitory were covered with quilts, and books were placed on the desks, but no one was there.

Li Muyao directly spread the quilt on the last empty bed. Of course, she did not need to do it. Li Muyu and Li Muyang and their brothers have already arranged Li Muyao's bed expertly, and helped Li Muyao with everything in his suitcase. Take it out, lock it in and place it in front of the desk in Li Muyao's cabinet.

The mobility of Li Muyu and Li Muyang and their brothers shocked Xu Lan, who had wanted to go up and help. After reading it, she felt that her parents owed her such cute and capable brothers.

Because the bed, desk, and cabinet were all cleaned by the three roommates who had come in advance, Li Muyao and the others saved a lot of things. They made the bed and made it quickly.

I followed Xu Lan to pick up books, and then went to the supermarket to buy things. After tossing back and forth several times, I finally bought everything. Li Muyao also invited Xu Lan to have a simple meal before sending her two younger brothers to their school.

While in the car, Li Muyu and Li Muyang did not forget to tell Li Muyao to get along well with classmates and roommates after arriving at university.

"The three classmates in your dormitory should be pretty good. They cleaned up the beds, cabinets and desks for us. You can share some of your sunscreen with them before the mooncakes come and before the military training. Manager Chen said that three sets are not enough. Just call her and she will remember it to you again."

"There are still a lot of imported snacks in the cabinet. If you don't like it, you can share it with your roommate."

"Be more enthusiastic and generous, the roommates should be able to get along well. Anyway, our family is not bad at money now. You don't talk about showing money, but don't make yourself a stingy image."

"When you come to school, you should focus on learning. Of course, it is not bad to make some like-minded friends. But for those who can see through the purpose at a glance, you don't care.

If you feel that it is troublesome, just reject all possible troubles in the future. "


"Also, if you have a boy you like...you must tell Brother Ji Ling in advance to fall in love after breaking up!"

"Stop! Xiaoyu, don't talk nonsense about this. A Ling and I are in a good relationship, so we won't break up. You are not the kind to meet someone you like, so you can't say that anymore.

If A Ling knows, he will definitely be angry with you.

Okay, I'm not a kid, you two are my younger brothers, just like my brother. Talking non-stop, you can make a group debut and talk about cross talk in this way.

Good! Your sister entered this society earlier than you. She is not a simple little girl. Don't worry about me being bullied and deceived. Can you give me confidence? "

Really, Li Muyao doesn't hate that two younger brothers are like housekeepers. They have to say a few words on everything. What a sweet burden!

"Hey, yes, brother, you can't say that about mooncakes, mooncakes are not the kind of superficial people. Besides, Brother Ji Ling is also very good, and it is also good for us mooncakes.

Of course, if I support my little brother for mooncakes, if you really meet the boy you like better. You must break up first and then talk about it, otherwise you will really become the scum girl that the little brother thinks, but we believe that mooncakes, your character, will never do such a thing. "

Li Muyang looked at the elder sister who was irritated by his little brother, and answered with a smile, and agreed with the little brother's point of view.

They believe in their sister, but they don't believe in others!

Especially those who are admitted to Huaqing, think they are particularly good, all girls will like his kind of arrogant dog man.

Li Muyang and Li Muyu and their brothers said this deliberately, but they only used a trick to remind their sister to come in. It was worth it. Huo Jiling sent them a text message in the middle of the night last night saying that he had prepared a school gift for their brother.

"It’s good to know, you two children, keep worrying about these unnecessary! Okay, you are not allowed to say such things in the future, do you hear? You should know that more than A Ling will be unhappy after you say this, and I will also I'm not happy, after all, you are doubting my character like this. Forget it, I won't care about you so much today, but you must remember not to think about me again."After rebirth, I have the latest chapter address of Koi Luck: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have the full text of Koi Transport Reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/After rebirth, I have a koi luck txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/119751.htmlAfter rebirth, I have a koi mobile phone to read: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/119751/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 941 Reported Enrollment), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "I Have Koi Fortune After Rebirth", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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