Bald Caped Man:"I'm back, but Genos insists on becoming my master, what should I do?"

Busujima Saeko:"Uh...."

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Hi! So fast? Shocked.jpg"

Murong Bai:"Teacher Saitama is very strong, so fast...Isn't that what it should be?"

Glorious Girl Lux:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Xia Shizi:"Dirty, dirty, let's drive, let's start!"

NEET Ji:"@xiashizi, now I invite the second color expert in the group, Yakumo Purple, what do you think?"

Seventeen years old Girl:"...I don’t dare to think about it, I don’t dare to think about it, @NEET Ji, there are children in the group, don’t talk nonsense, otherwise you will spoil the children and the group leader will be angry. If you are not a good person, start with me!"

Yakumo Zi said quickly, clearly and logically, and even moved Qin Mo out. She said that she had already washed her hands and became a demon again.

NEET Ji:"I almost died. Believed."

Horaiyama Kaguya was speechless.

No need for Biren Yakumo Zi!

She suddenly felt...

This title used on Zhang Chulan in the world of one person still seems to fit so well when used on Yakumo Purple, as if he was born and existed just for Yakumo Purple.

Horaishan Kaguya felt a little emotional

"Sure enough, ginger is still spicy."

Little Dragon Girl:"╮(╯▽╰)╭"

Refining Qi for three thousand years:"......"

This Yakumo purple.

Trembling Tatsumaki:"@baldcapedman, Genos has the potential to become an S-class hero, but he needs the guidance of a justice hero. He admires you very much. You can guide him."

Tatsumaki said.

Teacher Saitama...

When living alone, life is still a bit casual. Although life does not need to be too deliberate, if you want to live a more refined life, it is not a big problem.

However, Teacher Saitama became a hero, even if he is now the second S-class hero, he is just a hobby. No one can force him to do anything, and he does not want to become too rich and live in a big house.

He is a 'hero driven by interest'. therefore.

The Hero Association originally arranged a large house for Mr. Saitama and a nanny to take care of his life, but Mr. Saitama refused directly. He still likes to live in the no-man's land of Z City.

Judging from the memory copy

‘Although Genos, the financial warrior, is struggling all the time, it can be said that he is either failing or on the road to failure. However, Genos possesses all kinds of fancy skills. Under the guidance of Teacher Saitama, he is fully capable of taking on the role. Take the title of S-class hero!

At least it was much better than King who only cultivated Saitama Summoning Technique to the full level and relied on Saitama's legacy to reach the seventh place in S-class. At least no matter how miserable it was, Genos never thought of giving up.

He possesses the justice and perseverance of a hero.

Even if it means death, I won’t hesitate!

Bald Caped Man:"Eh? Me?"

Saitama pointed at himself.

Trembling Tatsumaki:"Yes."

I want to be a Pokémon master:"Well, I also want to become a disciple, @baldcapedman, Teacher Saitama, do you mind having another apprentice from another world?"


The big bones are boiled into soup:"Become bald and become stronger!"

Angel Yan:"[Picture],@I want to become a Pokémon Master, take it away without any thanks."

The picture shows Xiaozhi's bald head.

It's so real!

There's not even a trace of pornography at all. When Xiaozhi saw this picture, he couldn't help it anymore and squirted out a mouthful of salt soda. , what the hell...It seems like it's really him?

I want to be a Pokémon Master:"I'm cracked, o(╯□╰)o..."

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Pfft!"

Thor, the God of Thunder:"Pfft!"

The Lord of Baiyun City said:"This..."

Hayate Swordsman:"I can only say that there is no sense of disobedience."

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"As expected of an angel!"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"I have received the most professional training in Konoha Village, and I will never laugh. Unless I can’t help it! Hahahaha..."

Uchiha Dance King:"Huh? Does Konoha Village have this business?"

NEET Ji:"Yes, such as Morino Hiki."

Morino Hiki!

Konoha 60 years.

After the plot begins...

The special jounin of Konoha Village and the ANBU tortured the troop leader.

Thor is not a fat house:"Compared with this, my fat house pictures are nothing."

Thor, God of Thunder:"[Picture], wow~"

On the picture, it is...

Thor in female form!

Thor dog said... p picture?

Of course I will.

Thor is not a fat nerd:"...autistic."

You can't do anything, you're the number one autistic person!

" Bald Caped Man:"Genos has followed me back." Saitama said.

In fact ,...

Saitama has already read the memory copy of"One Punch Man", but Genos left a very good impression on him.

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"For some reason, the old Taoist made up this picture in his mind: 'In the room, there were two loveless salted fish lying there, and they didn't even move.’"

Ge You lies down!

‘I'm just a hero motivated by interest', by Saitama (Genos).

This sentence is very powerful

‘Do you want to dance too?’

‘Grandma said, I am a man who follows the way of heaven and is the master of everything.’

‘Just a passing Kamen Rider. '

The style of painting is always strikingly similar.

Xia Shizi:"This is...So true!"

Cultivation world, the four regions of Kyushu.

In the top room of Chunfeng Tower in Chang'an Imperial City of Tang Dynasty, Qin Mo turned sideways slightly, his consciousness has been immersed in the group. Shui Qun was very happy in the chat group of all heavens.

He Quietly waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

At this time, the group was filled with laughter.

However, what Mr. Zhang said may not come true.

Big Big Wolf King:"@Alice, the guy who discovered the T-Virus in the Umbrella Company is pretty good , the potential of this virus is very high."

After pondering for a while, Big Big Wolf said.

Alice:"Huh...Has Mr. Big Wolf already researched it?"

Resident Evil World.

Alice was surprised...!........ ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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