King Big Big Wolf:"Yes."

Alice:"Thank you, Mr. Big Big Wolf!"

Alice expressed her sincere thanks.

Seventeen-year-old girl:"...Hiss, with this research speed, I am worthy of being the number one black technology inventor in the group, I, Yakumo Shifu, am hot!"

Big bones are boiled into soup:"Mr. Big Big Wolf's black technology"..."

Big Big Wolf...

There is no doubt that he is the master of black technology in the chat group of the world, the No. 1 in the world of inventions. Even the world of Shi Leng 2 has many nonsensical technologies, but those were not invented by Thor, the son of the Nordic God King Hong Qigong!

Dagu was quite emotional when he saw this.

The world he lives in.

At this time, the two people have entered the 21st century. The earth has finally eliminated disputes and differences. Global forces have united in the hope of entering the new century. Even the Earth Defense Force, which has existed for a long time, has been disbanded, making the earth reach a True peace.

In this context, the world jointly established the Earth Peace Organization TPC!

TPC brings together the world's top technology and manpower. Countless top scientists gather in TPC and join forces to develop new high technologies. Their union makes Earth's science and technology advance rapidly.

Even space navigation is no longer a dream. The Weapons Department developed weapons. The powerful weapon Texas Cannon mounted on the Shengli Feiyan 2 is a 'Neil Beam Cannon' composed of a tachyon laser beam, which can effectively cause damage to monsters. harm.


Even so, the technological level of Tiga's world is only normal. It is completely incomparable with a world where the technological tree is crooked and can be called bugs.

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Orochimaru has come back recently....After discussions with many parties, Konoha is preparing to innovate and sort out the source of disasters in the Ninja world. Orochimaru is the chief engineer of scientific and technological genetic engineering and strives to promote the scientific and technological revolution in the Ninja world."

Dry Girl:"(), the scientific and technological revolution in the ninja world seems to be no problem, but there seems to be a big problem..."

Tsuchima complained.

Although she followed in the footsteps of Kasumi Shiko's"teacher", learned the magic of light with Lacus, and truly changed her profession to become a magical girl, Mi Tsuchima did not forget about the training of chakra and ninjutsu. and...

Xiaomi said that as a pure-blood Naruto fan, Xiaomi is proficient in all kinds of memes in the Naruto world, and he is very familiar with the plot analysis and is very clear-cut.

Speaking of technology, she remembered the China-U.S. co-production in the second half of this year...No, it's the man who has mastered the core technology of the ninja world.


One of the Sannin of Konoha who was taught by Hiruzen Sarutobi, the spokesman for the poisoning of"porn, gambling, and poison". In this world of ninjas where blood and hard work can suppress everything, he is the only one who believes in science.

Moreover, it has truly controlled the core technology.

Uchiha Dance King:"Orochimaru? That guy is good."

Kasumi Shiko:"This...Is it to bring back the crooked technology tree in the Naruto world?"@ninja大fatsheep"

Teacher Kasumi Shiko, a driving expert, said that she has seen through everything now.

Thor is not a fat nerd:"Pull the technology tree back, that would be too real." Thor said.

After all...

In the world of Naruto, cars are never used when traveling. Even dignitaries who do not practice chakra travel to various countries in carriages. As for flying, there is only a"Kingdom of Sky" that passes by in a flash.

There is a refrigerator, a TV and a radio...


Until the Fourth Ninja War, the Yamanaka clan was still needed as a mobile base station. Of course, now that Tsunade and Madara Uchiha have joined the chat group of the heavens, Black Zetsu, the mastermind behind the scenes, has also been completely absorbed by the chat group.

Nowadays, Uchiha Madara has only one thought in his heart, which is to continue to become stronger and fight against the strong men in the world. With the help of the chat group, Uncle Madara believes that with his talent, He will definitely be able to win a place in the world where there are many strong men.

For example, set a small goal first and surpass Saitama first. but...

Not long ago, the two of them had a battle in the duel field. Six Paths Madara was at full fire, and the battle was hearty. However, Uchiha Madara was not Saitama's opponent.

It's obviously too early to say this now.

That being the case.

Then, in the plot, Black Zetsu's layout, bewitching Madara Uchiha and Obito Uchiha to start the Fourth Ninja War step by step, will naturally not exist, and may be carried out in another form.

Such as peace in the ninja world...

At first.

There is a high probability that it cannot be achieved. The Mist Ninja Village is okay. It is now completely under the control of Madara Uchiha. The 'Blood Mist' has not happened. The development of the Mist Ninja Village is prosperous and not weak.

However, there are other ninja villages!

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Yeah."

The world of Naruto.

Konoha Village.

In the Hokage's office, Shizune stood aside to help Tsunade handle some documents. Tsunade was thinking about the details of the 'Ninja World Technological Revolution' and was preparing to hold a high-level meeting later.

Tsunade rested her chin on her hands. eyes...

At this moment, a bit of cold light flashed through, and it looked very scary. With this appearance, it can be said to be super A, and there was an astonishing aura exuding from his body. Shizune, who was processing files on the side, couldn't help but look at it. shocked


She murmured softly.

Tsunade stood up.

Walking to the window, from here, you can take in the scenery of most of Konoha Village. At this moment, a breeze blew quietly, lifting her golden hair, and the breeze was blowing on her face. This feeling was very comfortable. Cool

"Ninja world, Konoha, darkness..."

Tsunade murmured softly. Many words seemed unrelated, but if you connect all the words Tsunade said, you can see something very surprising.

She and Uchiha Madara undoubtedly share the same philosophy at this time.

For peace in the ninja world!

They joined the chat group of the heavens that connected all the worlds, which broadened their horizons. The one-third of an acre of land in the ninja world was just their base camp. What was the point of making small fuss in the ninja world?

Their journey is.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks '15xx89’,‘Hanson Burke's big reward support!

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