"Although it's a bit shameful to say this..."

Tsunade said to herself. but!

She still talks.

Their journey is...

The sea of ​​stars!

All heavens and worlds!

On this point, Tsunade believes that most people in the group are like this. Otherwise, why would Angel Yan and Angel Civilization of the Supergod Universe integrate the forces of the entire universe and no longer fight among themselves?

Even Teacher Saitama, the 'Salted Fish King', is fascinated by the powerful men in all the worlds.

The topic returned to what Tsunade said before.

Strange words.

What a dark place, science and technology are the primary productive forces, moths have been running around for so long that they really think they are dragons, so they should be eliminated as soon as possible, and so on.... aside.

Shizune: Meow meow meow?

In the Hokage's office, besides Tsunade, there was only Shizune. Shizune was the assistant of the fourth Hokage, Tsunade Hime, and helped Tsunade handle some simple documents. She was naturally in the office.

Tsunade didn't specifically avoid Shizune when she said it. Naturally, Shizune heard it clearly, but it was clear.’...This word is not necessarily certain. Shizune said that she could not understand a word and looked confused.


It must be broken!


Tsunade slowly exhaled a breath and stopped talking. She felt the wind as gentle as jade and looked at the village that her grandfather and Uncle Madara built next door.

It's so prosperous!

‘Will of Fire'!

The meaning of this sentence actually guides many people to be positive. However, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nabekage Danzo used it to play tricks, but their methods were no more advanced than Senju Tobirama.

In fact, Tsunade has read through all the memory copies of"Naruto". If she analyzes it with a little care, she will find many different things. The"Will of Fire" mentioned by Sarutobi Hiruzen is, in fact, nothing more than Just a joke

‘High-sounding words! but...

Fortunately, many tragedies can be changed, and Tsunade herself is willing to change it, and even change the entire world, at least to make the ninja world reach a certain sense of peace.

For example, when Senju Hashirama is alive, and when Uzumaki Naruto, the seventh generation Hokage in the future, assumes the position of Hokage, the five major countries will be at peace. If we use the world of other members of the group to make a wave of analogies,...

Probably the 'nuclear threat'.

They all suppressed the seed players of an era. At that time, the entire ninja world was peaceful. However, not long after the death of Senju Hashirama spread to the ninja world, the Cloud Ninja Village directly attacked Konoha.

The First Ninja War...Let the fight begin!

It can be said to be extremely true.


Tsunade's lips twitched. The chat group was filled with many magical and unknown things. Immortality was not too difficult. For her, even theoretical peace was possible.

She can survive batch after batch.

There is no one who can fight!


Thinking so...

Tsunade turned around and returned to her seat. She put her white fingers on the table and tapped it rhythmically. The things she had been thinking about before were not related to the ninja world, but to Konoha itself.

Before fighting the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside!

There is something going on inside Konoha that needs to be cleaned up first.


Before, when Tsunade returned to the village, Danzo had deep prejudices and hostility towards Tsunade. When Tsunade succeeded to the position of the Fourth Hokage, Danzo strongly opposed it at first, but later he was forced to do so due to pressure. That’s all.


Tsunade has been the Hokage for some time, and Danzo has started to stir up troubles secretly. Tsunade has seen all of this. Of course, Tsunade also knew Danzo's purpose very well. he thinks...

Become Hokage!

Chat group.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"When I think of the Naruto world vigorously developing science, I can't help but want to complain."

Qin Mo's mouth twitched.

Oh my god!

In his mind, the world line after the completion of Naruto Shippuden could not help but emerge....

A world view called 'Boruto'.

Qin Mo said!

There is a saying mmp in my heart that I don’t know whether to say or not.

Ben Zina:"When the time comes, will there be a famous scene like 'Sir, times have changed'? Confused.jpg"

The world of Sword Art Online.

Asuna Yuuki said, the expression on her face became a little exciting, because she joined the chat group and knew about the conspiracy of the game Sword Art Online, but no one in her family entered the game. after all...

After entering the game, there are not many benefits.

Sword Art Online also has no influence on reality.

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"Big Big Wolf: Sir, times have changed!"

Big bones boiled into soup:"Pfft, it's an old scene."

【Ding! 'Alice' uploaded an unnamed video]

Alice:"This is the memory from before."

The famous scene between Big Big Wolf and the pseudo-reincarnator!

NEET Ji:"I'm glad to hear it, hee hee."

Li Xunhuan:"@Uchiha Dance King, Mr. Madara, if that happens in the world of Naruto, please be sure to do so....Upload the memory to the group, ahem."

The world of passionate swordsmen and ruthless swords.

Li Xunhuan's lips curled up slightly.

He said...

Glad to hear it!

Smiling slightly, however, Li Xunhuan's smile was not just looking forward to that famous scene in the world of Naruto, but also a sense of rejoicing. He was glad that he had joined the Zhutian chat group.

Rewrote the future!

Lin Shiyin. besides... he!

Today, Xiao Li Feidao ranks first in the"Weapon Catalog" reviewed by Pinghu Bai Xiaosheng, surpassing Shangguan Jinhong's Dragon and Phoenix Ring and Old Man Tianji's Tianji Stick respectively.

The"Art of Controlling Objects" that Li Xunhuan is currently practicing is the real method of cultivating immortality.

In that world, he was number one, and no one dared to be number two!

Uchiha Dance King:"......"

Uncle Madara said that he was speechless now.

Qin Mo was also stunned for a moment


He said softly.

However, everyone has their own opinions on this kind of thing. Technology and cultivation are parallel paths. In the end, they will both lead to a very high place, and different paths lead to the same destination!....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Chapter 162 is a backstage interrogation, you can watch it when it is released.┭┮﹏┭┮...

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