"Below, Sikong Changfeng."

In the end.

Sikong Changfeng couldn't hold it back. In this battle about 'patience', he was temporarily at a disadvantage, but this was not a bad thing for Sikong Changfeng. Inviting

Qin Mo, this It was a task given to him by the elders.

Talk early and end it early!

"Qin Mo."

Qin Mo then said

"I know."Sikong Changfeng looked at him with a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle. Sikong Changfeng is indeed a swordsman. Even if he hides that kind of power in his body, his whole person is as sharp as a polished sword. exposed

"I'm from Bai Yujing."

Sikong Changfeng continued.


Qin Mo nodded, probably because he had already guessed it. Therefore, after Sikong Changfeng revealed his identity and origin, Qin Mo was not surprised, but thought it was natural.


His Qi-gazing technique is also very powerful.

Sikong Changfeng looked at him.

Somewhat surprised!

Before coming, he had already fully learned about Qin Mo's identity from the mouths of Bai Yujing's elders. He was an invincible person in the Kyushu cultivation world and the founder of the Righteous Qi Dao Alliance. but...

Although Qin Mo's resume is impressive, a sect was established two thousand years ago. It grew from an unknown small sect in the Baiyun Mountains to what it is today, suppressing it for a lifetime, like a dragon soaring.

But compared to Bai Yujing's mystery, it seems less eye-catching.

He is from Bai Yujing!

Sikong Changfeng was very arrogant about the Bai Yujing in the legend of the Northern Territory, but he loved that place very much in his heart. Similarly, for Bai Yujing, he felt pride welling up deep in his heart.

That's why!

Sikong Changfeng was very surprised. Bai Yujing's story was handed down almost at the same time as the 'Gate of Underworld', and unlike the 'Gate of Underworld', on the other side of the Styx River, the gate of hell will be opened once in five hundred years. But Bai Yujing has maintained an extremely mysterious posture from beginning to end, and has never appeared in the field of cultivation.

Instead, it was spread in the Northern Territory in the form of legends.

Moreover, it radiates to all major areas.

Immediately afterwards.

Sikong Changfeng explained his purpose of coming, and invited him to be a guest on behalf of Bai Yujing. As the strongest person in the Jiuzhou cultivation world and the four regions, he has now broken through the shackles of the"Ten Thousand Years of Qi Refining Period", and Qin Mo is extremely mysterious. Reciting a poem can arouse the literary spirit of the world. Coupled with various visions of heaven and earth, Qin Mo is a person favored by God. He...Naturally, he was qualified to receive Bai Yujing's invitation.

Qin Mo also doesn’t have ink marks.

He guessed that Bai Yujing would invite him, so he waited for Sikong Changfeng to explain his intention. Although he was silent for a while before Sikong Changfeng said it, he finally said it.

Qin Mo nodded in agreement.

Bai Yujing...

Qin Mo is also interested in exploring this legendary place, which is rumored to be the residence of immortals. Moreover, Bai Yujing has a mysterious origin, and may have some knowledge about the Tribulation of the Era.

There is also the Moon Well. but.

The only thing that Qin Mo wanted to complain about was the name of Sikong Changfeng. He met Sima Feng, the young leader of the Tianya Gang in Ice and Snow City. Sima and Sikong...If Sikong Changfeng was changed to Sima Changfeng, Qin Mo must have thought that he was hit by 'Sima'......

Above the Penglai Mountains.

The barrier is one by one, the water mirror sky!

This is an extremely ancient barrier formation. Bai Yujing has a long inheritance and profound foundation. In comparison, the Dao Zong established by Qin Mo, although powerful, seems to be a bit weak compared to Bai Yujing in terms of foundation..

This thing of heritage needs time to settle.

A sect lacks nothing.

What is most lacking...

It's just the right time!

‘"Flowers in the Mirror, Moon in the Water".

It’s a different kind of sky!

Different from the natural nature of the Kyushu cultivation world, Bai Yujing's world seems a bit dreamy, as if only the best novels can describe such a scenery.

He is worthy of the name Bai Yujing, which is related to immortals.

A huge palace. this palace...

In Baiyujing, which is dotted with fairy mountains and surrounded by fairy spirit, it is also extremely magnificent. Compared with other mountains and palaces, it is undoubtedly more eye-catching. Just like the red leaf peak in a sect, it is a unique shape that people can see at a glance. Just impressed.

In front of the palace gate, there are three big characters - 'Bai Yujing'. aside.

There is also a small poem engraved on it.

The white jade capital in the sky has five cities on the twelfth floor.

Immortals caress my head, tie my hair and grant me immortality.

Within the main hall.


It is very beautiful. The furnishings in the palace do not look vulgar, nor do they look like those of a nouveau riche. On the contrary, even the most powerful palace of the Tang Dynasty in the four southern countries cannot compare with it.

There is a special temperament here, and the difference shown in it is just like the gap between mortals and gods. The whole world is separated between them!

There are still a few people in the hall

"Daozong Qin Mo, is he worthy of Changfeng's personal invitation?"

A person asked with a frown.

Sima Changfeng!

He is talented and talented, and his talent in swordsmanship is amazing.

At the same time,

Sima Changfeng is also Bai Yujing's Taoist disciple, Bai Yujing's next successor, and the Buddhist disciple of Daleiyin Temple and the Saint of the Western Regions. The saints they teach are the same, and because of Bai Yujing's transcendent status, they think they are superior to others.

"That guy is not ordinary."

The first seat in the lobby.

An old man with a fairy spirit and a white beard squinted his eyes and said with a gentle smile.

Bai Yujing observes the world!

He is very familiar with the legends of the four regions of Kyushu, and naturally knows that Qin Mo is not Ordinary people, so to speak, can defeat the Tribulation Stage in the Qi Refining Stage. There are more than 60,000 levels of Qi Refining, breaking the two-hundred-year lifespan limit of the Qi Refining Stage to achieve immortality....

No matter how you look at it, Qin Mo doesn’t look like an ordinary person.

"and...Can you beat him?"



Can't beat it!


Bai Yujing is 'transcendent' from the mundane world. It is a place outside of things that is similar to the fairy world, but different. The fairy world of the third era is a place that can only be visited after breaking through to the realm of true fairy.

And Bai Yujing...

Compared with the Jiuzhou cultivation world, there are many great monks in the Tribulation Period. Unlike the major sects in the four regions of Kyushu, they are rare figures. But in terms of immortals...Really not....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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