‘The Demon Realm' and up.

Southern part of the Northern Territory!

In the ice and snow, an independent figure emerges from the dust. She is very beautiful. She is like a person walking out of a painting. The girl who comes gracefully has a graceful appearance and an indescribable purity and refinement.

Her clothes are like snow, her hair is as black as ink, she has a long and erect body, smooth and gorgeous, her slightly raised face is exquisite and clear, and her calm and gentle eyes overflow with a calm indifference, but as unpredictable as the deep sea.

Ning Xue!

Her name comes from the Lingjiu Palace in the Tianshan Mountains in the Southern Region, and she is the young palace master of the Lingjiu Palace in the Tianshan Mountains. This is also a kind of practice for her. Of course, as the young palace master of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, she is practicing alone. She naturally has many trump cards to save her life. Not to mention the unknown"spirit behind" Ruan Ling'er, Bai Bingying also has many trump cards that she gave to Ning Xue.. not to mention...

Ning Xue is very talented, and her strength is very strong. In this"era of end of law" when the great catastrophe of the era is coming, just as Qin Mo said when he used the Zhanzhi Qi technique on Hongye Peak to observe Kyushu, in this era, everyone is like a dragon!

Du'e, Ning Xue, Qing'e...

They are all the pride of this era, and of course there are more than these. On the vast land of Kyushu, there are many more of the pride of heaven, and they are going against the will of heaven in this era.

Catastrophe? they took it...

Between the snow-capped mountains.

Ning Xue stepped forward.

She was not moving fast, but not too slow either. She left a long series of footprints on the snow behind her, leading to the distance. Beside Ning Xue, a beautiful figure that ordinary people could not see floated beside her.

The Patriarch of Tianshan Lingjiu Palace...

Ruan Linger! only.

Today, she failed to overcome the tribulation when she experienced the thunder of the tribulation period. However, she was lucky. When she and Qin Mo were practicing in the world of cultivation, they picked up fragments of the Three Life Stone.

That's why!

She was able to survive the vast thunderstorm that almost wiped out everything. The fragments of the Three Life Stones preserved her soul. As long as she found the necessary materials to reshape her body, she could be reborn in Nirvana, and her strength would not be affected at all. The influence can even be used to once again launch an impact towards the realm that countless cultivators in the Kyushu cultivation world dream of. wonderland!

True immortal...

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is only one person, but from the perspective of God, there are two people. It's just that ordinary people can't see Ruan Ling'er. She is now in a soul state, and she doesn't look like a ghost.

"Ahead is Purple Frost City."

Ning Xue said to herself

"You can go directly to Ice and Snow City through the teleportation array in Purple Frost City. Time is running out."

"Ice and snow city..."

Ruan Linger was thoughtful. that place...

In her memory, it is very familiar, but it is a very distant memory, and she can't help but feel nostalgic....... the other side.

Qin Mo stepped on the flying sword and followed Sikong Changfeng, entering the mirror space like"mirror flower, water moon". Sikong Changfeng had complicated seals in his hands, and a hidden light flashed.

A hole opened in the water mirror sky.

They went inside.

Circles of ripples appeared, like a stone thrown into the water, causing a wave.

"This is Bai Yujing."

Put away the flying sword.

After stepping on the real ground, Qin Mo looked around, thoughtfully. At the same time, his consciousness spread out, and he discovered that the legendary Bai Yujing was a floating island.

The area is very large, even compared with the Penglai Mountains below, and the shape of the entire floating island makes Qin Mo more like a sharp sword!

Bai Yujing's kendo inheritance is very High.

Qin Mo can sense it. Within the range of Bai Yujing....

The edge of the sword's will is many orders of magnitude stronger than that of the Divine Sword Sect in the Four Regions of Kyushu, which claims to be the supreme swordsman but is actually only a third-rate sect. This sword's will may not be discovered by ordinary people, but Qin Mo Bubu has a mixed bag of knowledge, but because of his uniqueness, he can master every skill he learns very well.

(⊙o⊙)… certainly.

Except for Buddhist scriptures, Qin Mo really didn’t have a good impression of Daleiyin Temple....Likewise, and probably for this reason, although the Taoist sect adheres to the tenet of"teaching without distinction", there are very few practitioners.

Most of them are just dabbling! Consider it a small amount of new knowledge in this world of cultivation! actually...This is normal. If you are really interested in Buddhism, why not go to Daleiyin Temple?

To know.

Due to the existence of Qin Mo, Daozong is famous in the world of Jiuzhou cultivation.

However, if you want to talk about Buddhism, you still have to visit Daleiyin Temple.

Daleiyin Temple has a long heritage...

Strong foundation!

In Kyushu.

When you mention Buddhism, you will naturally think of the Great Leiyin Temple. This is the situation that the Great Leiyin Temple has laid out in Kyushu for a long time. It started when the Tathagata ascended in the daytime.

There is even a plan to 'go west'.


In order to gain devout believers in Kyushu, generations of Buddhist players have been worried.


The topic changes back.

Therefore, because Qin Mo has the characteristics of a master of swordsmanship, his ability to perceive the sword's intention is very strong. However, Qin Mo is not surprised. Sikong Changfeng is very strong and has an outstanding temperament.

Qin Mo guessed that his status in Bai Yujing was not low.

He could see it too.

Sikong Changfeng...

He is just like Ximen Chuixue in the world of"Sentimental Swordsman: Ruthless Sword". He loves swords as much as his life. He cultivates the ruthless sword. If he meets Ye Gucheng, I am afraid that the two sword lovers will not be able to help but have a PK on the spot.. but.

This is obviously impossible, at least for the time being. Ye Gucheng joined the chat group. As long as Qin Mo opens the permissions and Ye Gucheng pays for the time travel charm, he can come to the world of cultivation.

But Qin Mo will not let go of authority. As he said before, Ye Gucheng comes from an ordinary martial arts world. Apart from the otherworldly swordsmanship of"a sword coming from the west, a fairy will fly from the sky", his combat power is only ordinary. level.

Of course, Ye Gucheng's strength has steadily improved through the chat group, but the gap in world level and energy is not so easy to fill.

Shaked his head.

This 'dangerous' idea can only be given up....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to '18xx12' for your monthly support!

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