Not to mention what happened here. at the same time!

Naruto world.

Konoha Village.

Tsunade was sitting in the Hokage's office as usual. With the help of Shizune, she was dealing with various piles of documents. Tsunade rubbed her temples with a headache.

This is the bad thing about becoming Hokage.

With power! lost... free.

Tsunade was helpless, if it weren't for her grandfather and Uchiha...The hard work of building the Leaf Village was in vain. As long as the Third Generation and Danzo brothers could help, she would not come back to succeed the Fourth Hokage.

Tsunade held her heart

"All tired and thin."

Tsunade muttered.

On the side!

Shizune, who was meticulously helping Tsunade-sama handle the files, happened to see all Tsunade's movements. When she heard this, she couldn't help but be stunned, as if a string in her mind was broken. Just so stunned in place


Shizune swallowed.

She compared the size of herself and Tsunade. Although she was still young, not even an adult yet, Shizune knew that Tsunade-sama was gifted, and she couldn't compare to her.

That's why!

Shizune was very angry, mainly because of Tsunade's actions, coupled with the words in her mouth, it was simply too irritating.

She just wanted to say:

‘Look, is this human language? '

As for Tsunade, there are indeed some...


"Well...Thinking about it carefully, Grandpa is the most comfortable."Tsunade didn't notice Shizune's strangeness at this time, but then said to herself, the eldest grandpa was not good at handling government affairs, but there was a second grandpa at that time.

In this regard...

The second grandpa is a good hand. When Senju Hashirama was appointed as the first Hokage of Konoha Village, the laws and various government affairs of Konoha Village were handled by Senju Tobirama. Later, Senju Tobirama took over as the second Hokage. Naruto also did it himself. only...

Good times don't last long! By the time of the Third Hokage, Konoha, during its most prosperous period, began to decline, and even began to fight among each other, leaving a mess all over the place.

Konoha 60 years.

The plot begins!

At that time, except for Uchiha Itachi, who was undercover in the Akatsuki organization, the once powerful Uchiha family in Konoha only had the second assistant Uchiha left. The three ninjas fled and White Fang died.

At that time...

The only combat power that Konoha Village can bring to intimidate the enemy is elite Jonin such as Kakashi Hatake and Matt Dai. Thinking about the glory of the past, the three ninjas of Konoha were invincible. The people killed by Konoha White Fang were frightened by the news. There was also golden flash. Countless people who are famous in the ninja world.

Tsunade shook her head. but.

Speaking of helping with 'government affairs', Tsunade felt that she already had a candidate in mind, and Shizune was not the one. She was just helping out in the office as her secretary.

If you really want to appoint a position that is too big, the level of silence is not enough.

When the time comes, I won’t be accused of using power for personal gain or anything like that.

Tsunade didn't want this.

Of course, it is also not Jiraiya and Orochimaru who are known as the Sannin of Konoha with Tsunade. As one of the few scientists in the Naruto world, Orochimaru is what he should do to seriously develop technology. Jiraiya...

When she thought of this guy, Tsunade couldn't help but twitch her lips slightly.

Jiraiya was not fit to do this kind of thing.

He was still unswervingly looking for the son of destiny mentioned by the Great Toad Sage, who could bring back a lot of information to Konoha, so Tsunade let him go, and Jiraiya was a prodigal son.

Tsunade's choice is Little Taiyang.

Namikaze Minato!

Golden Flash, he is a disciple of Jiraiya. In a sense, he is also a true direct descendant of the Hokage lineage. He is fundamentally different from the other ninjas. Although...Senju Hashirama has always said that nepotism is unacceptable.

However, that has become a tradition in Konoha.

Take a look at the"Naruto" memory copy.

From the first generation to the seventh generation of Hokage.

They are all of the same lineage!


Even Danzo Shimura, the 5th and 5th Hokage, was once a member of the Second Hokage's bodyguards. Like Hiruzen Sarutobi, Koharu Tennene, and Kaden Mito, he was also a disciple of Tobirama Senju.

Tsunade stood up, stretched and looked out the window.

Now Konoha has gradually recovered from the pain of the war. Kirigakure Village is not worried under the control of Uchiha Madara. If there is any change in the other three villages, Tsunade does not mind asking Uchiha Madara to be there. Place two Tianzhu Zhenxing in Sand Ninja Village.

For such a trivial matter, for Hashirama's sake, Uchiha Madara would definitely agree to it.

As for why it is Sand Ninja Village?...

Tsunade said don't ask.

If you ask, you just don’t know! at this time.

Rasa, the fourth Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village, was sitting in Kazekage's office and felt an inexplicable chill coming from behind. The moment this feeling appeared, the chakra in Rasa's body boiled instantly.

Placer gold emerges.

He looked around with a pair of cold eyes, trying to find the source of this dangerous perception, but Luo Sha found nothing in the end. He didn't know why, so he had to give up. but...

Luo Sha looked in one direction.

That's Konoha!

Konoha Village...

Previously, the spies sent out sent back news that a special jounin named Hitomi Hirakawa from Konoha Village burst out with power comparable to Kage level, killing many ninjas and civilians and escaping from Konoha. finally.

He was beheaded at the ruins of the Country of Whirlpool, but not many people know the specifics of that battle. As a neighboring country of Konoha, the Sand Ninja Village of the Country of Wind has dealt with Konoha Village several times. now!

They originally thought that Konoha would"fall off the altar" because of the Third Ninja War. However, what they didn't expect was that Konoha not only did not suffer from the sequelae of the three wars. on the contrary.

The strength of Konoha seems to be glowing with a 'second spring'. The Sannin has returned, and Tsunade, the granddaughter of the first Hokage, has assumed the position of the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, and has a golden reputation.

The extremely talented Hatake Kakashi.

Not an old man...

Luo Sha has a premonition!

This ominous feeling comes from one place -


Not to mention, his guess is absolutely correct........... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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