Naruto world.

In Konoha Village, Tsunade is still dealing with the files piled up like a hill in the Hokage's office. In addition to Namikaze Minato, Tsunade has another candidate, and that is Nara Shikaku!

The Nara clan is a loyal supporter of the Hokage clan. Although the Ino, Shika and Butterfly clan were once vassals of the Sarutobi clan, their loyalty to Konoha is unquestionable....Tsunade is also a disciple of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Shaked his head.

Tsunade's consciousness also temporarily withdrew from the chat group of the heavens. While processing the documents that had to be processed, she was thinking about Danzo's affairs. In her opinion, Danzo must die!

And, just recently, she was about to start dealing with this matter.

Underground in Mist Ninja Village.

Uchiha Madara spends his free time in the boring water group, either watching memory copies and competing with his friends in the group duel arena. Now with White Zetsu as his eyes, Uchiha Madara can watch world events without leaving home. As a person who survived the Warring States Period, almost all of Uchiha Madara's ninja peers are dead. Only the younger generations like Sarutobi Hiruzen are still there. therefore.

Even if he went out, Uchiha Madara wouldn't have much fun.

He consciously left the chat group temporarily.

Sitting on a stone seat. behind his back...

It is a heretic demon statue with a ferocious face. This is the body of the legendary Ten-Tails. As long as all the nine tailed beasts in the ninja world are absorbed into it, a wonderful 'chemical reaction' will occur.

Ten tails!

In the past, the last Ten-Tailed Jinchuriki in the ninja world was the Six Paths Sage. If he had not joined the chat group of the heavens in the past, Uchiha Madara would have made various arrangements under the temptation of Black Zetsu in order to eventually become the Ten-Tailed Jinchuriki. Strive hard. However, he was lucky. From the beginning, he joined the chat group of the heavens and changed his life of being plotted against.

Indra reincarnated chakra?

Not anymore!

Madara Uchiha used the strengthening area in the group to strengthen the Uchiha bloodline in his body and the magatama samsara eye several times. Now he can be said to be of the Uchiha clan, or not. because...

His body has long exceeded the definition of the Uchiha clan's bloodline. This is not atavism, because even the Otsutsuki clan, which runs through everything in the Naruto world,...Even the blood of the alien clan cannot suppress him.

In addition, during this time in the group, although Uchiha Madara was a"homebody", in addition to asking Uchiha Obito to help use Kamui to move from near Kannabi Bridge to the underground of Mist Ninja Village, he also solved the problem of Black Zetsu and the rebirth of the Fourth War. Let’s talk about Hitomi Hirakawa’s incident.


The last time Tsunade was so angry that she went to Konoha and threw a Sky-Hindering Star, not counting!

Uchiha Madara was a little bored. at this time.

He was thinking about whether to reincarnate Hashirama and Senju Tobirama to fight the Landlords together, but forget about that Senju Tobirama guy, Uchiha Madara was afraid that he would not be able to resist"whipping the corpse".

Think about this!

Uncle Madara shook his head. He sat there in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking. at this time. ahead.

In the air, there was an inexplicable vortex flowing.

Uchiha Madara slowly raised his head.

Of course he knew what it was.

Divine power!


Uchiha Obito!

However, the current Uchiha Obito is really hanging out with Uchiha Madara, and Nohara Rin is not dead. Obito, this kid, after he 'died' once, he hung out with the straight white Zetsu for a while, and his emotional intelligence Much higher

"Obito, what's the matter?"

Uncle Madara asked in a solemn voice.

If Obito comes over, something must be going on. After all, Uchiha Obito, as his only subordinate, has always been in a free-range state. Uchiha Madara controlled the Mizukage himself in Kirigakure Village. As for him before, After retrieving the Rinnegan Eye, the leaderless Akatsuki organization was handed over to Uchiha Obito. In addition to White Zetsu, they also acted as Uchiha Madara's eyes in the ninja world. Konoha has Tsunade, as a member of the same group, Their information is naturally shared.

Ninja World...

Uchiha Madara's purpose is to control all the news about the entire ninja world. Now, their goals are set in all the worlds, and there are many more powerful ones in the world of Naruto than in the world of Naruto. therefore!

This ninja world, as their base camp, is naturally more stable than anywhere else.

It's like war.

Only when the home front is stable can they be able to expand their territory with confidence. It would be funny if the Naruto World itself was invaded by foreign invaders when they went to another world....

"Madara-sama, in the ninja world, I found several people dressed strangely. They did not use ninjutsu or taijutsu, but they showed very strong strength."

Uchiha Obito said solemnly with a whirlpool mask on his face.

"Have you fought against them?"

"Well, I am not an opponent, so I can only rely on my divine power to get around."

Obito said

"I see."

Uchiha Madara's head.

Immediately afterwards,

Uchiha Obito retreated. Naturally, Uchiha Madara did not have any doubts about what Obito said. Because of Nohara Rin's matter, this man who could be the enemy of the world for love, I have long since turned my heart to him.

After all,...

In the original work, Uchiha Obito's purpose is to"create a world with Lin", but now, Nohara Lin is living well in the real world, and his dream may be to become Hokage.

However, the current leader of the Akatsuki organization, who controls the Kingdom of Rain and the Rain Ninja Village, is not bad at all.

"Not ninjutsu, not ninja..."

"Could it be!"

Uchiha Madara said to himself.

In the cave, a cold and stern voice echoed, which was terrifying!

A word came into Uchiha Madara's mind.



In the world of Resident Evil,"pseudo-reincarnators" have appeared. However, such things are naturally true and false. Since pseudo-reincarnators exist, then real reincarnations must exist.


It’s a time traveler!

Uchiha Madara thought to himself, but since he has encountered such a guy who wants to disturb the stability of the world, he must deal with it from the beginning.

Uchiha Dance King:"@ninjaworldbigfatsheep, something happened."


"What?"....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Gloomy Maple'’,‘18xx85’,‘hzh7701'Great monthly ticket support!

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