In the chat group.

Diving...Not long after, the 'Uchiha Dance King' bubbled up again and brought such big news, which shocked the members of the online group!

It wasn't just Tsunade.

Li Xunhuan:"@UchihaDanceKing, Mr. Madara, what happened?"

Xiao Li Tanhua asked aloud.

Big Big Wolf King:"I can help you."

The trembling Tatsumaki said:"Tsunade-hime's world? Huh?"...Seeing how you have tried so hard to help me, I have to do this with reluctance."

As for what to do to help?... it goes without saying!

Bald Caped Man:"Are there other worlds? I'm also somewhat interested."

One Punch World. balcony

"interesting..." self-mumbling

"Saitama-sensei, what’s interesting?"

Beside him.

Genos was stunned for a moment and touched his head. He was a little confused. Since the 'Mosquito Girl' incident, he has been studying with Teacher Saitama as a disciple.

However ,...

Genos discovered that Mr. Saitama was sometimes nagging, but as far as he knew, the third S-class hero of the Hero Association, the Super Queen named"Shrilling Tatsumaki", was also the same.

Could it be that this is a quirk of S-class heroes?

Genos thought

"nothing. Saitama heard this, looked at Genos and shook his head slightly. Genos is indeed good, but although there are not many emotions surging in his heart, he also knows that joining the chat group of the heavens is a rare event. Opportunities are in these heavens...He can even find a comparable opponent and continue to grow stronger.

After saying that.

Saitama's eyes were once again focused on the chat interface of the All Heavens chat group, and to him, compared to his own boring world, the chat group was more interesting.

I am not a primary school student of Death:"I also want to help, but my ability is limited."

Conan shook his head gently.

Before joining the group!

He is just a very ordinary ordinary person, eh...In addition to being tricked by the Men in Black organization and taking poison, Kudo Shinichi transformed into the current Edogawa Conan. Although he is now practicing the supernatural power of the group, his time is still short.


Not only him, but even Asuna Yuki, Mi Toma, and Shiwa Kasumigaoka who have been in the group for a long time, the combat power they can display is very limited. After all, their own world is very peaceful and does not belong to 'fighting'. unit'.

Demon boy Nezha:"Fight? How can you do without me?"

Nezha is eager to try!

He is not very old. but...

Although the world Nezha lives in is just a derivative world of Fengshen, it still has the background of Fengshen. Compared with the low-level world of martial arts and the daily world in the group, it is undoubtedly much stronger.

Alice:"If possible, I would like to do my best."

Resident Evil World.

The 'Super Team' led by Alice is temporarily stationed in a very hidden base. The signal jammer invented by Big Wolf is installed here. No matter satellites or other things, the situation here cannot be detected.

There is an antidote! resident Evil...

Didn't break out.

However, Alice has been fighting against the Umbrella Company's biochemical corps and special teams. She thanked 'God' for allowing her to join the Zhutian chat group, which gave her the opportunity to change her life. Her friends in the group also spared no effort to help. , so if given the chance, Alice will definitely do her best to help. now.

Her strength has made great progress under the continuous 'packaging' of the chat group. Even if she is a Kage-level powerhouse in the Naruto world, she has the idea of ​​​​trying to touch it. 'They are not the same', this sentence, This is the true portrayal of Alice today!

NEET Ji:"In the world of Naruto, I'm also interested."

Xiao Longnu:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Xiao Longnu was stunned for a moment.

In the group!

Horaisan Kaguya is probably the 'grandmaster' of their group of otaku sisters. After all, although she and Mikimonomei are otakus, they have rules. Like Kaguya, they can do whatever they want with their own abilities, and never die suddenly. Will not give up...still none.

Seventeen-year-old girl:"Are you sure that there is a time-travel mission?"

Yakumo Purple's mouth twitched. these guys...

A bit too whimsical, right?

I want to be a Pokémon master:"Pfft, it's so real."

Trembling Tatsumaki:"@ninja大fatsheep, do you have any news over there?"

Ninjaworld Big Fat Sheep:"Uh....No."

Konoha Village.

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade suddenly stood up, her face became very solemn. Recently, she had been thinking about dealing with Shimura Danzo and observing the movements of the three villages of Iwa Ninja, Sand Ninja, and Cloud Ninja Village. But she was concerned about Other major events in the ninja world paid little attention.

In the ninja world, mutation?

She didn’t know!

Moreover, it was obviously not an ordinary event that could make Uchiha Madara say the word mutation.

Uchiha Dance King:"Those people Now appearing in the territory of Iwa Ninja Village, Obito has fought with them, but those people did not use ninjutsu, and Obito is no opponent."

Uchiha Madara explained.

In fact ,...

He didn't know the specific situation, but at this time, Obito turned on the kaleidoscope, and had Hashirama cells transplanted into his body. Coupled with his own teachings, Obito's combat effectiveness was undoubtedly stronger than that of the original work at the same time. many.

Coupled with the weirdness of Kamui, except for the slight lack of combat experience, in terms of strength alone, he can definitely enter the ranks of veteran Kage-level. However, this is the case. Obito can only face them once, and it is obvious that his strength is not weak. The most important thing is that they are not using ninjutsu.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Uchiha Madara is confident.

But in the face of some weird foreign invaders, he didn't dare to be too confident. His strength was already at the pinnacle of the Naruto world. If someone with the strength of Saitama-sensei came,...He is probably no match.

The big bones were boiled into soup:"At this time, it should have been @ refining qi for three thousand years."

At the same time.

Bai Yujing.

A guest room.

Qin Mo's ears suddenly heard a prompt sound, and he immediately opened the Zhutian chat group....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Ma Menghui' for your big reward and monthly ticket support!

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