Before that!

Qin Mo was in a luxurious guest room in Bai Yujing. The room was very comfortable and luxurious. In Bai Yujing's main hall, Qin Mo had a conversation with Tianyun Immortal, the leader of Bai Yujing's reclusive sect.


‘Moon Well'.

This place has been recorded in Bai Yujing, but it still needs to be searched in the Sutra Pavilion, so Qin Mo temporarily stayed. The origin of Bai Yujing is mysterious, and Qin Mo also took this opportunity to learn about Bai Yujing.

The formation covering Bai Yujing is the Water Mirror Sky. In fact, wrapped in this formation, Bai Yujing's existence is indeed like a mirror flower, water moon, to ordinary monks.

Even if he flies his sword recklessly within that airspace, he will not hit Bai Yujing's floating island. exactly.

It was more like a specially opened up extra-dimensional space, which was extremely extraordinary. And in Qin Mo's perception, Bai Yujing was more than that. This floating island was even more weird.

In Bai Yujing, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is much more abundant than in the outside world. It seems to have a special effect. Staying here for a long time can improve one's physical constitution and make one's path to immortality smoother. therefore.

Qin Mo would say that Bai Yujing is very special.

He can't do this either.

At most, Qin Mo would preach in the sect. He was born with a vision, golden lotuses emerging from the ground. At that time, everyone would have a feeling of enlightenment and enlightenment. However, how much they can comprehend depends entirely on their own understanding..

It's no wonder that Bai Yujing's overall strength seems to be much stronger than any sect in the four regions of Kyushu. To know that one needs to have the foundation of understanding to cultivate immortality.

Those with poor bones are almost insulated from the path of cultivation.

Qin Mo planned to go out and take a look.

However! at this time.

A very clear sound suddenly sounded in Qin Mo's ears, and only Qin Mo could hear this sound. Qin Mo knew that someone in the group was following him. then.

Qin Mo quickly opened the Zhutian chat group, and then a virtual chat interface appeared in front of him. Qin Mo did not speak directly, but quickly read through the chat records in the group.

"In the world of Naruto, something changed?"

Qin Mo murmured to himself.

Since Madara Uchiha asked in the group, he must have looked at the personal missions, and he did not create the alliance with Tsunade like the reborn Hitomi Hirakawa who appeared last time. Mission.


There is a high probability that they are time travelers or reincarnations. Those people are definitely not the 'natives' of the Naruto world, and they can easily defeat the current Obito, which is obviously not a good thing.


Qin Mo opened the group mission module.

Sure enough, a task was refreshed

【Tip: The chat group detects the presence of a team of senior reincarnators in the Naruto world - the 'instant kill' team, a total of five people, who have received a mission from the main god space and are here to destroy the Naruto world. 】

Character: 'Instant Kill' Samsara Team

Type: Samsara

Time: 10 days

Number of people: 5 people

Reward: 100,000 group points (distributed to each member according to their work)

Note 1: All members participating in the mission can go to the mission world, No need for time travel.

Note 2: This task is extremely dangerous, please proceed within your ability.

Refining Qi for three thousand years:"[Picture],@"All members"

Qin Mo directly took a screenshot and put it in the group.

Alice:"Hiss...Senior Reincarnator Squad?"


These three words and this title are no strangers to the group. After all, the existence of"pseudo-reincarnators" appeared in Alice's Resident Evil world before. They have long been prepared for the real reincarnators..

Uchiha Dance King:"Really?..."

His guess was indeed good

"Hopefully, they can dance."

Uchiha Madara began to talk to himself.

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"!!!"

Hokage's Office

"problem occurs!"

Tsunade 'took action', one hundred thousand group points, the point rewards for this mission are simply too many, the second note under the mission module is thought-provoking, extremely dangerous!


Invading the world of Naruto, and Unlike the four-man team of 'pseudo-reincarnators' that invaded the world of Resident Evil before, and were like rotten fish and shrimps, this group of teams is very strong.


Beyond the Six Paths?

This point is not known for the time being, but thinking about it, those who can be specially reminded by the chat group must be strong. For example, the current strength of Tsuchima Mi and Honzina is not enough to deal with it.

(⊙o⊙)… aside.

Shizune was stunned again. What kind of trouble did Tsunade-sama make again? However, it seems to be true this time. Shizune has long since learned to read people's emotions. This time, Tsunade-sama's face no longer had the playful look before. on the contrary!

Her face looked extremely solemn.

The last time it was Hitomi Hirakawa...

Shizune thought


Tsunade's voice came again


A figure wearing a black combat uniform and a mask on his face knelt on one knee, facing the direction of Tsunade, and appeared in the center of the Hokage's office. After Tsunade became the Hokage, the ANBU would naturally be under her control.

She also trained and promoted a group of ANBU under her control

"Call Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Namikaze Minato over"

"The Third Generation Sir is also calling."


Immediately afterwards, the figure left again. Tsunade walked to the window and looked at the sky. It seemed as if there were dark clouds gathering. Tsunade suddenly felt like a storm was about to come, and the reincarnation was coming....

The harm they caused to the ninja world was destructive!


Shizune whispered.

It seems that something big has really happened. Minato Namikaze, the golden shining star who became famous in three battles, Orochimaru and Jiraiya-sama of the three ninjas, and even the third generation......This is almost the representative of Konoha's highest combat power now.

Could it be that another ninja war is about to begin?

That’s not right! after all...

The Third War had just ended, and to start the Ninja World War, a Jonin meeting must be held. Shizune was a little confused about the situation.

In the group.

He has been refining qi for three thousand years:"@All members, as usual, if you want to go to the big carousel, sign up. I won't go this time. Remember to start a live broadcast."

Qin Mo's eyes flickered........ ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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