One punch!

Suddenly, there seemed to be a very powerful energy. The moment Mr. Saitama's fist and the bald Samsara came into contact, it exploded instantly, setting off a scorching energy and a raging hurricane, as if it was going to tear everything in front of him apart. Come on.

Very powerful!

This movement lasted for a while, and then everything seemed to calm down.



At this time.

Everyone in Konoha who was 'watching' the battle couldn't help but swallow their saliva and take a breath of air. There was no other reason. This was indeed the case....It's so terrifying. Who can imagine that this is just the power of Saitama's punch?

In their eyes, the height that taijutsu can reach is very limited. In this ninja world, ninjutsu is the mainstream after all. In the ninja world, most ninjas mainly use ninjutsu and taijutsu as a supplement.

When you think about it, this seems terrifying.


When ninjas fight, due to the limitations of chakra in the body, most ninjas first throw ninja tools to test, and then use physical skills. As for ninjutsu, they are mostly used as a trump card to determine the outcome. therefore!

The destructive power they caused was not too strong. A 'god fight' like that between Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama was probably beyond the scope of ninjas. in front of their eyes.

It's one...

In the deep and huge ravine, the body of the bald Samsara fell limply a hundred meters away, and that was where the damage caused by Teacher Saitama's punch ended.

All I can say is that he is worthy of the name One Punch Man!

Bald Caped Man:"So weak...."

Teacher Saitama touched his bald head.

A hearty feeling?


After he used a serious punch, the previously"hearty" battle ended immediately.

The trembling tornado:"I knew it, cover my forehead.jpg"

Benzina:"I can't find an opponent because I'm too strong. Sure enough, this is the correct way for Teacher Saitama to open it."

Murong Bai:"As expected of Teacher Saitama."

And Ignore the emotions in the group

"this...Is it the height that physical skills can reach?"

Jiraiya's eyes widened.

He couldn't believe it.

Among the ninjas he knew, Tsunade was already a very powerful taijutsu player with her strange power. He was once interrupted by Tsunade's punch for peeping. A few ribs, walking on the edge of death.

However, after seeing Teacher Saitama's new definition of 'taijutsu', Jiraiya was shocked


He raised his head and looked at Tsunade's fight.

It's also a punch to the flesh.

So scary!

Oh my god.

Tsunade became more and more terrifying. Jiraiya swore in his heart that he would be careful in the future and try not to let Tsunade turn towards him....Throw a punch. aside.

Orochimaru licked his mouth

"I really want to study it..." he whispered


When Jiraiya heard this, he said,"F*ck"

"Orochimaru, don't do it?"

"I know it well."

Orochimaru shrugged.

He was just talking. In other words, he was saying 'Hi'. As the most stubborn ninja in the Naruto world, Orochimaru clearly knows the gap between him and Saitama. That gap can no longer be overcome. To tell it in terms of chasm.


In the real battle, he didn't even have time to form the seal. The speed at which Saitama-sensei exploded with all his strength was so fast that he didn't even have time to react.




"Ready to fight."

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly.

He saw that the Samsara who was fighting Tsunade had undergone very terrifying changes. His body was instantly covered with dense runes, and a strange magic circle appeared on the ground.

Among them, It seems to be connected to the abyss.

The evil dragon is roaring!

The skeleton is roaring.

This is undoubtedly an army from the abyss. All kinds of 'demons and ghosts' appear like mushrooms after rain, emerging from the magic circle and emerging on the earth. The raging demonic energy is overwhelming. rise

"Ah, it’s been a long time since we fought side by side...."

Jiraiya also smiled lightly. beside.

Orochimaru is here...

Although there are tens of millions of people.

I'm going!


Kasumi Shiko:"Wait! This guy's ability is...Summoner of the Abyss?"

Xia Shizi was inexplicably shocked.

The creatures summoned by this ability are just like the abyss demons in the novel.

Radiant Girl Lux:"It's a bit like the situation in Xia Shizi's world."


In a luxurious room, Lux walked to the window and looked at the majestic city of Demacia and said slowly,"There was a change in the heroine's world. In that change, , above the sky, a crack tore open, and alien creatures invaded the land. Such a scene seemed to be somewhat similar to the abyss summoning created by the members of the Samsara.

Kasumi Shiko:"Well, that's it That's right."

Xia Shizi nodded.

Her time was an invasion from another world!

This time is different.

She has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"Water Bending, Fire Bending, Summoner, Tank...This time the reincarnation is a little bit interesting."

Qin Mo said with a chuckle.

Last time.

The pseudo-reincarnators in the Resident Evil world have fancy skills and enhanced abilities, but compared with this group of senior reincarnators, they are undoubtedly insignificant.

Senior Reincarnators!

The word 'senior' is far from as simple as it seems on the surface.

Summoning monsters?


This is their confidence to come to destroy the world. The abyss demons summoned by the reincarnators are not too strong. Strong, even the ferocious-looking dragon is only at the jounin level.

There is no doubt that this is a...The emasculated version.

However, their numbers are overwhelming!

The ants kill the elephant.

This is true!

The ninjas gathered in Konoha took action one after another in order to protect their homeland. For a time, various ninjutsu of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth appeared in endlessly, and shurikens and kunai were flying all over the sky. at this time!

The 'Abyss Summoner' reincarnation sneered

"Although I don’t know what happened in the world of Naruto, but...You should be familiar with this guy"

"Psychic one by one"....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'stne88' for the huge 20,000 reward and monthly ticket support!!

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