"Psychic art one by one"

"Kaguya Otsutsuki!"

The reincarnation man shouted!

Although there is no fluctuation of chakra in his body, but maybe because he is doing as the Romans do, he still has the five seals of psychic skills in a decent manner -"Haixu You Shenwei".Thor is not a fat nerd:"What? Kaguya Otsutsuki?"

The big bones were boiled into soup:"At this time it should be @Uchiha Dance King @ the big fat sheep of the ninja world, your chakra ancestor has come out!"

Uchiha Dance King:"......"

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"......"

Qianwumei:"This is a subtle setting!...Psychic beast?"

《Dry girl!"Little Bury" world.

Tsuchima was stunned for a moment.

Kaguya Otsutsuki?

All right...Not to mention her extremely poor fighting ability, Otsutsuki Kaguya can indeed be regarded as one of the big bosses of Shippuden. Under the conspiracy of Black Zetsu, she was successfully resurrected with the help of Uchiha Madara's body.

The power she possesses is also very terrifying12, such as her special physique. She has a truly immortal body. She can recover no matter what damage she receives, and can absorb any ninjutsu. There is no other way to defeat her except sealing her. but!

The ancestor of Chakra in the legend of the ninja world is regarded as a psychic beast. This...

It does feel a little weird

‘Bang-one-a- moment.

As an inexplicable sound exploded, in front of the Summoner Samsara, a line of white smoke that obscured people's sight suddenly rose up. As the white smoke dissipated, a figure was suspended in the air.

She has pale skin and long blue-white hair, which has reached her feet. She has no eyebrows, but has two horns on her head. She wears white clothes with a unique magatama pattern, has white eyes, and a samsara on her forehead. Sharingan.


Her identity is already revealed.

Kaguya Otsutsuki, her name. but...

Now, her eyes were dull and she obviously had no consciousness of her own.

NEE Ji:"Ah, Otsutsuki Kaguya, what a weak person?"

Horaishan Kaguya finished her words. at this time!


Saitama teacher appeared next to Otsutsuki Kaguya in an instant, like a violent storm.

One of Saitama’s secret skills:

Continuous normal punches!

The speed is so fast that Mr. Saitama can no longer be seen, only the fist shadow formation. This is also one of Mr. Saitama's signature skills. Although...The bad power is not as powerful as a serious punch.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's body began to twist continuously.

And then disappeared


Bald Caped Man:"Isn’t he immortal?..."

Teacher Saitama was stunned for a moment. actually...

He also had itchy hands. After learning the news about Otsutsuki Kaguya's death, and the Eighty Gods Air Strike, they killed Ash Bones together.’,‘Yomiharazaka’,‘Skills such as"Tian Zhi Yu Zhong" are very powerful and can be used directly.


It seems that some of them disappeared without any fight, so why did they disappear?

NEE Hime:"Three minutes of silence for her, Amen."

Kaguya Horaiyama expressed regret. She originally wanted to have a good exchange with Kaguya Otsutsuki. After all, everyone has Kaguya's name, eh...Moreover, it is all related to the moon.

Otsutsuki Kaguya: I feel offended!

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"That's not true."

Qin Mo smiled.

I am not a primary school student of Death:"Could it be...there is only one truth?

Li Xunhuan:"If it weren't for that question mark, I almost would have believed Mr. Li.""

I'm not a death student:"Low-key, low-key."

Glorious Girl Lux:"Pfft..."

The Spirit of Time:"@After refining for three thousand years, the leader of the group is great, please clarify my doubts." After refining for three thousand years:"The ability of the reincarnation should not be the so-called summoner of the abyss, but the manifestation of fantasy. , summoning the beings that exist in fantasy."

Qin Mo smiled.

NEE Ji:"No wonder, the strength of these creatures is not strong, it should be limited to the strength of the reincarnation itself."

Horaishan Kaguya nodded.

Angel Yan:"Feeling...These reincarnators are not as strong as imagined."

Thunder flashed around Angel Yan.

In an instant!

Countless 'abyss creatures' were wiped out by her. As for the reincarnations who fought with her before, they were already dead. Now only Tsunade and Uchiha are left. Madara was fighting the Samsara. On

Tsunade's side, it was because the dense abyss creatures were summoned in front of the Samsara. She did not control a wide range of attacks, and the damage range of the strange power technique was very limited. On

Uchiha Madara's side , as the captain of the 'Instant Kill' Samsara Team, His Highness Qiao is very powerful.


It’s just that Uncle Madara didn’t use all his strength.

He lets her dance. only.

With her bloated body, can she still dance?

This is unknown

"You are the special point!"

His Royal Highness Qiao looked at Madara Uchiha who easily resisted his attack, and his voice was very cold and stern,"I didn't expect to encounter a singularity again in this world. The team we finally pulled together...I want to be buried with you."

Uchiha Madara's eyes turned into samsara eyes.

His expression was indifferent.


At this 367 moment, His Highness Qiao pushed her hands forward, and in her palms, a silver-white sword light suddenly appeared, unparalleled. Slashing straight at Madara Uchiha.

A smile of success appeared on her face.

This was something she got in a plot world in a certain main god space. Even her teammates in the same team didn't know. This sword energy can cut through everything in front of it like a stern look.

It is unrivaled!


Something that shocked her actually happened.

Uchiha Madara stretched out a hand indifferently


A strange voice sounded.

A grunt.

The terrifying sword energy disappeared, and Uchiha Madara did not suffer any damage, as if it had never existed. Her Highness Qiao's eyes were full of astonishment, and her trump card had already...dissipated before it could shine!

She looks ashen

"Can you still dance?"

At this time,

Uchiha Madara retracted his outstretched hand with a calm expression. His Samsara Eye has been strengthened. The energy absorbed by the Hungry Ghost Path is no longer limited to ninjutsu, but also senjutsu, taijutsu and other He can easily absorb different energy attacks....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Ghost Maniac' for your monthly support! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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