Qin Mo raised his head and looked toward the bright place. The desolate and desolate huge moon seemed to be close at hand. The four regions of Kyushu were separated from the sun, moon and stars in the sky. There was no doubt that there was a difference between heaven and earth, even if The unrivaledly powerful cultivator flew into the air with his sword. Even if he was tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, the gap between him and the sun and the moon was undoubtedly an insurmountable chasm.


In front of my eyes, such a terrifying scene appeared.

The moon is so close!

It seems like you can touch it with just a little stretch of your hand.

Qin Mo's brows were frivolous. look around.

This place is interesting, everything is false and there is no reality, just like scattered bubbles. Qin Mo's sword heart cuts through all the falsehood in front of him, and everything turns into the original.

In the live broadcast room.

There was silence!

The Zhutian Chat Group has the meaning of 'transcendence'. No matter which world it is in, this ability it possesses seems to exist, and it is more powerful than imagined. after all...

It encompasses all heavens and realms1, allowing everyone to transcend their own world.

Even Qin Mo is like this.

The existence of chat groups...

It has indeed broken the restrictions imposed on him by some kind of shackles of heaven and earth. After all, although Qin Mo is powerful, he has always been in the Qi refining period, and this has been the case since three thousand years ago.

During the three thousand years, Qin Mo wandered in the ancient secret realm, looking for many methods, and even learned alchemy and swordsmanship for this purpose, but for Qin Mo, none of them had any effect. During the Qi Refining Period,...He still hadn't succeeded in breaking through, but he was getting better at it. It can be said that before joining the Zhutian chat group, Qin Mo was more comfortable breaking through during the Qi refining stage, reaching dozens or hundreds of levels at a time, all the way to the 66,666th level of the Qi refining stage.


Qin Mo relied on a perfect foundation-building pill strengthened in the strengthening area, but he directly broke through the foundation-building stage.

From this, we can see the horror of the chat group in the heavens.

The live broadcast room in the group is naturally like this.

God's perspective!

This shows that they can clearly see everything in the live broadcast room in the group, whether it is a magic obstacle or a powerful illusion, under the analysis of the live broadcast room, there will be nothing to hide!

It can be said...

In the chat group of the heavens, in fact, such mysterious and unpredictable existence has already transcended restrictions.

The scenes seen in the live broadcast room and in Qin Mo's eyes were generally the same.

Don’t you see me! all around...

It's not pitch black, but countless withered bones, densely packed, and very infiltrating. Some of them are very terrifying. They are like countless withered bones in the River Styx in the underworld, like the skeleton demon, exuding... It smelled very scary.

The live broadcast room, which had been silent for a while, suddenly started to boil.

Ordinary Zhang Zhiwei:"wc! Just one skeleton can crush people and make them unable to breathe."

One person in the world.

Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, a quiet courtyard. The old Tianshi stood there like a kind old man, with a wry smile on his face. He originally thought that he had reached a certain level with the help of the chat group, but it turned out that But he thought too much.

The world of group leaders...

Too scary!

Even if it's just a dead body, there it is, shivering and not daring to speak.

I am not a primary school student of Death:"Hiss..."

Detective Conan World!

Conan's face showed a shocked and inexplicable expression.

Confused.jpg! who I am? where am I? what happened?

At the beginning, there was the iconic three-question question. Conan seemed to be in a daze and froze on the spot. Although he was called the 'Death Schoolboy', wherever he went, people died. but!

Has he ever seen such a battle before?

He couldn't help but take a breath of air.


Xia Shizi:"As expected of the group leader's world, the world of cultivating immortals..."

The world of passerby heroines.

Inside the mansion.

Kasumi Shiko stood on the window edge and looked at the scenery outside the window, feeling a little emotional. Her world had been invaded by another world, but with the help of her friends, all the invaders were wiped out. Now the city has been rebuilt, and the former All the sadness is gone.

However, Kasumi Shiko was not lamenting about this matter.

But the Kyushu cultivation world...

As we all know!

The level is different from world to world. The group leader also mentioned this issue before when he went to the zombie world where Uncle Jiu was. The level of Uncle Jiu’s world is actually not weak, and it can give birth to foreign objects such as Drought Demon. Although it is now In the Age of Ending Dharma, there was indeed a world with heaven and earth and a complete six paths of reincarnation, but Qin Mo in that world could easily destroy the barrier.

It can be seen from this that the level of the group leader's world is so high that even an ordinary person who has not embarked on the path of cultivation is very strong with the spiritual energy accumulated in the world of cultivation. Ordinary people in the daily world will have three to five or six absolute He couldn't get close, he was at the level of a special forces soldier.

Kasumi Shizi smiled softly.

She longed for the world of cultivation, but for 'ordinary people' like them, a world like the Four Regions of Kyushu where the weak and the strong preyed on each other was really scary.

Bald Caped Man:"The world of the group leader"...scary."

Saitama-sensei said aloud.

These are sincere words.

Since breaking the limiter, he has continued to become stronger. In his world, no matter how powerful the existence is, he is the second"Bald 197 Cloak" of the Hero Association's S-class. It was just a matter of one punch. Likewise

, all his emotions were passing by.

But at this time, he felt a trace of fear.

Qin Mo smiled

"low profile."

He walked straight forward, and the dry bones under his feet seemed to him not to exist. He walked towards the huge moon. This moon was not a real moon, but a moon....

Teleportation array!

Moon Well.

Qin Mo could sense the aura of formation patterns emanating from it.

"moon well..." self-mumbling.

Ben Zina:"Moon...It's bright underground, I've never heard of it...."

This is too weird!


Their eyes were attracted by the dead bones on the ground, and they only noticed the existence of the moon now. However, this is also because of the special nature of the live broadcast room. If Qin Mo does not activate the sword heart, then the huge moon will be The most attractive.

NEE Ji:"This moon is a bit weird"

‘Princess of the Moon, Horaiyama Kaguya said.

King Big Big Wolf:"Wait! The moon seems to be moving..."

Green grassland.


Big Big Wolf exclaimed...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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