Thor:"Moving? Woof~"

Thor was stunned for a moment.

Thor is not a fat man:"What moved?"

King Gray Wolf:"The moon."

Busujima Saeko:"Really?"

King Gray Wolf:"Really."

Seventeen-year-old girl:"......."

Qin Mo's mouth twitched.

When his eyes moved over, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, because he discovered that the moon was really moving slowly. If he didn't observe it carefully, he wouldn't be able to notice it at all. because...

This huge moon moves very slowly

"It's really moving."

Qin Mo's eyes lit up, but he couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart. This huge moon is undoubtedly the moon well, but why does the moon well move? This is really strange.

Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"The world of cultivation...Sure enough, this kind of formation is like the bright moon in the nine heavens, like the stars in the sky. It is something that no one can despise. Even if it is just a formation, in our eyes, we would never dare to look at it."

The World of Yitian Slaying the Dragon.

Wudang Mountain.

Stone Chamber.

This is Zhang Sanfeng's place of retreat. In fact, he usually stays here most of the time. In this world, the reputation of Wudang Mountain has been completely eliminated, and he does not need to worry about anyone. It would be disrespectful to Wudang Mountain.

Besides, he has retired a long time ago.

Song Yuanqiao has always been in charge of matters in Wudang Mountain, and not many people dare to touch the foundation of Wudang Mountain now. The strength of the complete version of Zhenwu Seven Arrays practiced by the Wudang Seven Heroes , is not something that a few innate masters can cause, and Zhang Wuji, the son of Zhang Wuxia, is also a leader of the new generation. What he practices is the Nine Sun Magic Technique passed down by Zhang Sanfeng!

However, at this time, Zhang Sanfeng's face showed his concern for the future. In the sense of longing, he has vaguely sensed the barriers of the world. In other words, his strength has reached the pinnacle of what the world can achieve. Once he exceeds this strength, the world will not be able to tolerate him unless he destroys himself. Cultivation, or the ability to block the perception of the world's will.

In this case, it should be the so-called Shattered Void.

Shattered Void!

This is a legend passed down from ancient times in the world of low martial arts, but whether anyone can do it specifically I don’t know, but practicing martial arts requires the same thing as cultivating immortals. In fact, it’s not just for strong strength, but also for longevity. This is the case for Zhang Sanfeng!

The restrictions in this world are like this, which proves that what they can The limit reached is just this. Human lifespan will eventually be limited. People who practice will involuntarily choose a higher and broader platform to 'shine and heat'. Therefore, who wants to refuse the matter of Shattering the Void? Naturally, Zhang Sanfeng also No.


I don’t know how long it will take, he still needs some time. Wudang Mountain is the legacy he left behind. Even if he ascends to the upper world, the strength of Wudang Mountain will naturally increase. Wudang can only be supported by him alone. Then That's funny



At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng opened his clear eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. Even though he was a hundred years old, he still looked very young. He quietly broadcast the vision in the room.

In my heart, a kind of longing emerged inexplicably.

If it were really broken void. above that void...

What kind of world is this?


Even though it's not as good as the Jiuzhou cultivation world where the group leader is, it shouldn't be any weaker than the Qin Dynasty world of the First Emperor at this time, right? His eyes flashed slightly, hoping...Don't let him down.

His current vision is as high as the sky!

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"Ah..."

Baiyun City Lord:"I hope that one day I can truly gain a foothold in the world of group leaders with my own strength."

Ye Gucheng looked at the bright moon in the sky with some emotion.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"There will be a chance."

Qin Mo said.

This is true. after all...

The Zhutian Chat Group has many secrets, which seem to have not been fully unearthed. As long as you have enough points, work steadily, and rely on the Enlightenment Platform and Strengthening Zone to grow step by step, it is not difficult to become an immortal or a god.

This is true.

Qin Mo shook his head.

He didn't think too much about it, and his movements still didn't stop. The dead bones around him made a shrill whistle, as if a picture of the past was condensed in front of his eyes. This place was once a battlefield.

God war!

The breeze blows and the war drums beat!

Like a fierce ghost roaring. but.

Qin Mo didn't care about this at all, as if these things didn't exist for him, which was actually the case. Ordinary monks, even those in the Tribulation Stage, might be scared, but he, Qin Mo, was not What ordinary people.

Move forward step by step.

Qin Mo came to the edge of a cliff. This place and the huge moon could be said to be really close at hand, as if they were within reach. The surrounding stars were bright, and countless spiritual powers emitted countless splendid brilliance.

Looking down.

It was a bottomless crack, as if a very terrifying dead soul was roaring. The sound was shocking and terrifying.

But that's not the focus.

Qin Mo's eyes flashed with light! then.

In his body, in the Zi Mansion, half of the Golden Pill of the Setting Sun surged, and the spiritual energy around Qin Mo surged. In an instant, it condensed and formed in front of Qin Mo, and it was a golden dragon.

The dragon rolls. at this time!

‘((Good) Kaka...’

All around.

Wherever the dragon passed by, the spiritual energy gathered here by heaven and earth seemed to be affected by something, and cracks continued to appear. It was a barrier protecting the moon well. moon well...

This teleportation array was a hidden teleportation array arranged by Xiyue, the Fairy of the Moon Palace in the Second Era, to be played in the human world. Naturally, it would not be used by outsiders. Qin Mo was too lazy to crack it like he did with the bluestone, and just violently opened it, that's all.

In fact, Qin Mo is really not overbearing in his behavior.

Usually, he is still very low-key and handsome.

Qin Mo jumped up.

In an instant, he was submerged in the formation.

Rumble one by one at this time!

Kyushu, the land of the Northern Territory, the Penglai Mountains, and the ice and snow emitted a deafening hum.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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