This teleportation array is extremely extraordinary.

Nowadays, it should still be within the Moon Well. It seems that gods and demons fought here in the past. Qin Mo can clearly feel the fighting spirit and unyielding will in those skeletons. only...

Moon Palace!

End of the Second Era.

Catastrophe of heaven and earth!

The emergence of evil spirits brought carnage and destruction to this land, causing trouble in the world. They even attacked heaven and underworld in the age of mythology, destroying the six paths of reincarnation. The ten palaces of Yama were defeated, and the Emperor of Heaven was defeated.

Of course, the evil spirit was also defeated! otherwise.

During the invasion of the third era, they would not be so weak and repelled by the monks in the Tribulation Stage, but now that they are coming back, their aura is undoubtedly much stronger.

Rumble one by one at this time!

An extremely violent sound suddenly exploded in the ears of Qin Mo and the members of the live broadcast room. If it were not protected by the extremely unique mechanism of the Zhutian Chat Group, some of the weak group members would have been bleeding from their orifices at this time.. even death...

Also close at hand.

However, under the protection of some mysterious power in the chat group, they were unscathed, not even a hair was hurt.


The moon moved.


If this giant moon moves extremely slowly and cannot be noticed without careful observation, then it is undoubtedly very eye-catching now. The moon is moving at a speed visible to the naked eye in an instant.

The moonwell is shaking.

Runes flash!


Qin Mo seemed to be nailed to the spot by some inexplicable force at this time. He remained unmoved despite the strange phenomena around him.

Just a moment! moon well...In other words, this huge moon passed directly through the Penglai Mountains without hitting it, and naturally did not cause any abnormal phenomena. It shuttled through like a space teleportation formation.

The Moon Well was originally built as a place for space travel, and it passed directly through the mountains. It seemed not surprising that the Moon Well slowly rose up into the sky, the mist rolled, and the sea of ​​clouds billowed.

Qin Mo looked down.


Qin Mo did not see the blue stone that represented the hidden formation of the moon well. Qin Mo knew that this place was in the extreme north of the Penglai Mountains, dozens of kilometers away from the blue stone.

He narrowed his eyes.

It’s quite interesting!

To know...

When entering the battlefield of gods and demons outside the Moon Well Teleportation Formation through the bluestone entrance, the road leading to the Moon Well was only tens of meters away. Apart from the pressure of the gods and demons' aura, it was nothing at all, and the aura of gods and demons was nothing. For Qin Mo, it was nothing, but the control of space and distance seemed both real and illusory, which was a bit surprising.

In the live broadcast room.

Big Big Wolf King:"Hiss...This is the moon!"

Big Big Wolf exclaimed.

Previously, the group leader also took a photo of the night scenery of the Penglai Mountains and sent it to the group. Gray Wolf still had a vivid memory of the moon hanging in the sky in the Northern Territory among the four regions of Kyushu.

Therefore, Hui Tailang was surprised.

The moon appears during the day?

This is very strange in itself.

Kasumi Shiko:"[Picture], screenshot above."

In the live broadcast room, they can choose to watch from God's perspective or watch with Qin Mo's sight, but most people choose the former, after all, with the sight...

A little dizzy!

"interesting..."Qin Mo took the time to look at the screenshots sent by Xia Shizi in the live broadcast room, and whispered something, the corners of his lips raised slightly. This should cause a sensation, right?

Shrugging, what does this have to do with Qin Mo?

Look away.

At this time!

The falling white snow in the northern region stopped without any warning or precaution. At the same time, the soft sun star was hidden, and the sky seemed to be covered with a layer of darkness. Only the giant moon emerged from the Penglai Mountains. Rising slowly, exuding a cold and bright color


At this time!

The runes inside the entire moon well are getting brighter and brighter, seeming to cover up all the darkness. However, from the outside, the moon has not changed much, as usual, but from the inside it is transparent. It is probably due to some kind of formation. Just relying on the power of the cultivators in the Kyushu cultivation world, it cannot be seen.

Seeing this, Qin Mo couldn't help but shook his head gently.

Fairies of the Moon Palace of the Second Era -


This fairy seems to be a formation master? matter...

It’s getting more and more interesting!

Inside the moon well, the brilliance became more and more brilliant, but from the outside, there was no big change. It was just that some people found that the moon's light became more dazzling.

Qin Mo's brows were frivolous.

The face looks like a smile but not a smile!

Turn around.

At this time, in front of Qin Mo, a gorgeous rainbow bridge was built, and a gorgeous vortex appeared. This was the transmission channel to the Moon Palace. The existence of the Moon Well was indeed complicated. only...

At this time, the fishing boats in the Northern Territory and even the entire cultivation world should have exploded, right?

The moon appeared during the day! but.

I'm afraid they don't know very well. Almost everyone in the Northern Territory is kept in the dark. The giant moon in the Northern Territory is not special. On the contrary, it is a fake moon created artificially.

But who would have thought?

Who dares to question it?

At this time, the real moon is still hanging high in the starry sky.


Shaking his head, Qin Mo abandoned some distracting thoughts in his heart.

He took a step forward and walked into the whirlpool teleportation array.

No turning back! at the same time.

Northern Territory, Ice and Snow City, Ice and Snow Sect.


The wind is blowing and the grass is moving!

All right...The wind is cold. In the Northern Territory, a place covered with ice all year round, it would be a bit funny to say"wind blows", but it is indeed a good description.

The cold wind is like a knife, extremely sharp!

Ice and Snow Sect wedding scene.

At this time, the place that was supposed to be lively and bustling became strangely peaceful. Their actions here were surprisingly consistent. They raised their heads in unison and saw the terrifying changes that had taken place in the sky, as if the sun and moon were turning upside down. , time passes. quiet!

Deathly silence! the other side.

Qin Mo quickly walked out of the teleportation array and came to the real moon.

Moon Palace 11

The Second Era.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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