Qin Mo looked around.

At this time, the Moon Palace has become a ruin, just like the underworld of the River Styx in the Gate of Underworld. The former splendor is no longer there, only this desolate scene and ruins. depression. dilapidated.

Empty silence! but.

The place where he is standing now is obviously extraordinary. It is a teleportation array built with huge foundation stones. It is not as gorgeous and gaudy as the moon well looks, but it is filled with a simple atmosphere.

On the teleportation array.

Every line exudes antiquity. This is something passed down from the previous era. Legend has it that the Moon Palace Fairy is the first goddess of the second era. Her skin is as beautiful as porcelain and her lips are like cherry blossoms. In the mythical era of the second era, Xi Yue is the dream lover of countless immortal gods. The general in the ancient heaven who was in charge of hundreds of thousands of Tianhe naval forces was one of Xiyue's admirers. but. now!

As this era of myth disappears, the Second Age is just a corner of 'history'. Not only the Moon Palace, but also the underworld that once controlled the six paths of reincarnation, and the ancient heaven that apparently controlled the three realms have all disappeared.


In the Second Age, how handsome and proud was King Yama, the leader of the fifth Hall of Yama in the Ten Halls?


After the catastrophe, in today's third era, there was only a trace of residual memories left, and now that he informed Qin Mo of the information about the catastrophe of the third era, it naturally dissipated.

Qin Mo looked down.

The stars shine!

A blue continent shrouded in fairy spirit appeared before our eyes. It was a continent surrounded by countless stars in the universe. It stretched for an unknown amount of time. As the seat of the Moon Palace, the moon was naturally not small, but compared with the Kyushu Continent, it was just a small witch. Seeing the great witch, this difference is like the difference between Bai Yujing's floating island and the entire Northern Territory. It cannot be changed.

Qin Mo raised his head.

Look into the distance! far away.

A gorgeous star was emitting blazing light. It was the Sun Star. Qin Mo squinted his eyes because he undoubtedly saw the shadow of a Golden Crow inside the Sun Star....

"Moon Palace..."

Whispering to himself.

From these ruins, Qin Mo could vaguely see the former prosperity of the Moon Palace.

In the live broadcast room.

Uchiha Dance King:"Here...It's the same as the underworld?"

The world of Naruto.

Uchiha Madara was quite shocked. The world of the group leader - the world of cultivation...

As the world with the highest level in the group, Uchiha Madara looks forward to it and looks forward to one day being able to move towards the world of cultivation with his own strength.

In fact, it's not just him.

There are also Lord Baiyun, Master Zhang, and Master Lao Tian. They all have this idea in their hearts, but the difference is between expressing it and not expressing it. Because of this, they are very concerned about some matters in the world of cultivation. for example...

They were all very clear about the three major eras, the second era and the third era mentioned by the group leader, and the information that Mo said.

Uchiha Madara is like this.

In Netherworld City.

Qin Mo once said that in today's world of cultivation, the six paths of reincarnation in heaven and underworld are gone, and order has collapsed. The Moon Palace is also a force in heaven, and the current situation is exactly the same as that in underworld.

Then heaven also...

NEE Ji:"This place used to be very prosperous."

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"Has even the legendary Guanghan Palace turned into ashes?"

Guanghan Palace is also the Moon Palace.

In fact!

Some legends in the Jiuzhou cultivation world are very similar to some myths from Qin Mo's previous life.

"That battle was brutal"

"The sky is falling, the earth is sinking"

"The sky and the earth have lost color, the sun and moon have no light, the blood of gods and demons are intertwined, the gods and demons roar towards the sky, but they still can't escape the world-destroying thunder and lightning, and they still can't escape the catastrophic flood...."

"Lost, all lost..."

At this time!

An ethereal voice sounded.

It's like a spring breeze.

Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

On the ruins of the Moon Palace.

A figure appeared. She was wearing a white gauze, and all she could see was: crescent-shaped eyebrows, eyes condensed with autumn water, beautiful eyebrows, and phoenix eyes. The weak willows around my waist catch the wind, and the peach trees on my face reflect the sun. The half-undressed cloud servant girl is flying like a crow's wings, and the sandalwood mouth is slightly open, just like a red cherry blossom. The white silk cloak covers the red coat with hundreds of flowers, and the embroidered skirt has double braids of golden lotus. Her gorgeous appearance is indeed dazzling, and her lithe and graceful figure attracts people all over the country.

The fairy of Du Daorui Palace was banished to the human world, but it was Chang'e who came to the lower realm in the moon.

At this time, here.

Her identity has already been revealed.

Fairy of the Moon Palace!



Like King Yama in the fifth hall of the underworld, she is just a remaining remnant. Her aura is a bit terrifying. It can be seen that Fairy Xiyue was not weak in her cultivation in the past, but now she does not pose any threat.

Except for her exerting all her strength to unleash her momentum, even ordinary infant transformation stages would not be able to resist it. but.

Her appearance seems to be consistent with the purpose of King Yama. for...Qin Mo.

Xiyue's voice fell.

At the same time, Qin Mo also briefly fell into deep thought. King Yama and Yan Miaozhu, who had lost most of his memory, did not tell him about the battle, but according to Chang'e's description, the battle was terrifying.

The sky and the earth are pale, the sun and the moon have no light!

These eight words are extremely terrifying! and...

"Gods and demons? 693"

His brows were frivolous.

Qin Mo looked at the afterimage of Fairy Xiyue and asked in a solemn voice. In his memory, foreign evil spirits were still fighting against immortals and gods from the second era to the third era, and it seemed that they had never stopped..

But Xiyue’s words reveal another unknown secret.

Gods and demons once fought together!

That great catastrophe...

Not a demon!

It was another inexplicable thing that threatened to cause catastrophe. Even the gods and demons could not resist it. The entire second era world collapsed, and was ultimately unable to withstand it and was destroyed.



Fairy Xiyue nodded.


It has been confirmed that the evil demons hated by the four regions of Jiuzhou have indeed had a history of common struggle, but the current situation can only explain one truth, that is...Dogs can’t change eating...

Xiyue's figure became faintly illusory.

This shows that the power of the remnant soul is passing away

"I want to know more about the Second Age. Qin

Mo took a deep breath and said

"I have been waiting for you"


Qin Mo was stunned for a moment.

"yes, waiting for you"...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Chen Liangliang' for your monthly support!

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