at the same time.


Gao Yao:"@狠气了到了three thousand years, the leader of the group, Fairy Xiyue said that...Could it be the Jade Rabbit?"

Mythical world.

Gao Yao couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Moon Palace and Guanghan Palace.

Xiyue and Chang'e.

Yu'er and...

Jade Rabbit!

As a time traveler from the 21st century, Gao Yao is relatively familiar with the ancient mythology of the Celestial Dynasty. The world where the group leader lives is inextricably linked to the age of mythology. From the underworld to heaven in the second era, The Moon Palace Fairy could see this, so he guessed based on a series of names of the Moon Palace that Guanghan Palace was related to Chang'e, and the woman who stayed on the moon...

There is only the Jade Rabbit!

If in orthodox mythology, there should be another bachelor -

Wu Gang!

However, there seems to be no such person in this Moon Palace, and not even Xiyue has mentioned it.

Zhang Zhiwei, a common man:"It seems like this?"

The Heavenly Master was doubtful.

After refining qi for three thousand years:"Probably..."

Qin Mo also guessed this.

But I don’t know the details. at this time.

Yan Miaozhu was still sleeping in the space inside the Yama Emperor Sword and had not woken up. The remnant soul of the Moon Palace Fairy Xiyue also dissipated after telling Qin Mo her last words.

Qin Mo closed his eyes.

The air on the moon is thin, but it is not difficult for cultivators who have embarked on the path of cultivation. It is not that cultivators who have established the foundation cannot come into the universe, but there is no way.

Even during the tribulation period.

This world...

It seems like a prison!

Monks in the Tribulation Stage can fly to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters using the wind and sword, but they cannot fly into the universe. There is no way to reach the universe except through teleportation arrays such as the 'Moon Well'.

However, this universe is different from Qin Mo's previous life.

This is not the solar system.

Kyushu is not a blue star, and there are not many major planets in this vast universe.

At this time!

Qin Mo's spiritual consciousness centered on him and continued to spread outward.

This is not that he is doing useless work, but he is looking for Yu'er in Xiyue's mouth. Qin Mo accepted some information about the catastrophe. He is not a ruthless and unjust person. Since he agreed to Xiyue Naturally, I won’t not do the things I want to do.

One thing on the surface and another behind the scenes.

Qin Mo is not such a person...

"found it!"


Qin Mo's eyes flashed and he walked towards the ruins of the Moon Palace. The Moon Palace covers a large area. Naturally, it is not just the small part that Qin Mo saw in front of him. It is like the River Styx in the underworld, stretching for an unknown amount of time.

Before, Qin Mo sensed a breath of life inside the moon. After searching with his spiritual sense, he finally found the specific location where there is life....It should be Yu'er.

Deep in the ruins of the Moon Palace.

There is a ban!

Qin Mo stood still.

That ban is right here, and the breath of life comes from it. As a well-known formation master in Kyushu, Qin Mo can't help but notice this ban.

A strange light flashed in Qin Mo's eyes.

At this time, his state was somewhat different.

The firelight danced in the red eyes. This was Qin Mo looking for the forbidden formation eyes. Any large forbidden formation had formation eyes. As long as the formation eyes were found, the formation could be broken easily.

The formation is powerful! but...

The method of breaking the formation, as mentioned just now, is not difficult, but the prerequisite is to find the eye of the formation, but for cultivators who are not proficient in formations, it is an even more difficult task.

Of course, it is not difficult for Qin Mo.

He has one pair of eyes.

You can see everything!


Formation eye?

Anything goes.

I am not a primary school student of Death:"The group leader is...Break the formation?"

Conan asked doubtfully.

He knew the formation. He only learned this at the Bluestone and Moon Well. The group leader would break the formation. The current situation is almost the same as the scene where he saw the bluestone formation broken in the Penglai Mountains. This is Conan speculated.

As a famous detective, observing subtle details is a basic operation.

Zhang Sanfeng, a poor man:"Yes."

Zhenren Zhang replied.

Qin Mo did not speak.

His whole body was boiling with spiritual energy.

‘Kaka...’ boom!

On the silent moon, a strange sound suddenly sounded, as if something had broken.

There seemed to be nothing in front of Qin Mo's eyes.

But at this moment!

As the sound falls...

In front of Qin Mo.

Out of thin air, something appears out of nothing, with brilliant brilliance.

This is not the end.

The ground was completely transparent, as if it had become a transparent mirror, with a bright moon in the mirror. In an instant, a strange light was projected from the bright moon.

Then, there was a whirlpool.

White light shines.

It is very similar to the time-travel passage opened by the chat group of the heavens, but unfortunately it is not the same. There are layers of circles on the vortex.

The sword heart unfolds.

Qin Mo was not afraid of danger and walked in directly.


As Qin Mo continues to evolve, the function of the sword heart is also constantly evolving. It is not only used to detect illusions and achieve spiritual consciousness in a small area, but now it can also be used as a field.

After it is activated, it is enough to support the spread to a distance of three meters around Qin Mo, and the sword heart field is opened. Even if the great monk in the tribulation stage strikes with all his strength, Qin Mo is confident that he can easily block it.

This is Qin Mo's confidence.

He can't believe his eyes.

However, he absolutely believed in that sword heart!

Through the vortex.

Qin Mo seems to have come to the inside of the moon, which is also within the scope of the Moon Palace, but if we really want to count, it should be said to be the 'basement' of the Moon Palace, okay?...This description is still a bit strange. look around.

The space here is not large. It is a quiet path that seems to lead to somewhere. The breath of life that Qin Mo senses comes from inside. The walls on both sides are carved with the appearance of goddesses, exuding sacred solemnity. breath.

The end.

It is a small room, not very spacious. If you really want to compare it, it is about the same size as the stone room in Qin Mo's Hongye Feng retreat. The light emitted by the night pearl illuminates the surrounding area.

Abundant spiritual energy.

It seems that a small spirit gathering array has also been set up.

In the center of the house, there is a stone platform. stone platform...

There seemed to be a mechanical prompt sound in Qin Mo's ear.

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