Tip: You have obtained a Moon Rabbit...

Qin Mo's brows were frivolous.

In his eyes.

Hidden inside the moon, on the stone platform in the center of the secret room, there is a layer of dense light. It is extremely abundant spiritual energy, all gathered under the action of the small spirit gathering array.

In the envelope of light, a snow-white rabbit can be faintly seen sleeping.

This is the ontology.

However, in Qin Mo's eyes, what he saw was his soul, which looked like a woman. Her appearance was peerless, not inferior to Yan Miaozhu and Xiyue, a pair of red eyes, and..-.A pair of bunny ears.

Jade Rabbit or...moon.

That is the Yu'er that Xiyue said.

At this time!

Yuetu slowly opened her eyes and looked at Qin Mo. Qin Mo happened to be looking at her as well, and the atmosphere felt awkward for a moment. to be honest.

Qin Mo is dressed in snow-white, with red eyes and white hair. Standing next to the Moon Rabbit, he really doesn’t look out of place.


Moon Rabbit blinked.

On Qin Mo...

There seemed to be an aura that made her feel close to her, as if she had seen her master Xiyue Fairy.

After waking up, she jumped up and landed in Qin Mo's arms.

He arched slightly and found a more comfortable position.

Not acquainted with life at all

"Are you my master?"

Qin Mo:"......"

Damn, your style of painting is distorted.

Just confused.

For the sake of being a 'girl', I won't throw her out.

Qin Mo's mouth twitched.

Some head pain.

Red leaves, fire grass, Yan Miaozhu, and now the Moon Rabbit, his red leaf peak has almost become a kindergarten. Shaking his head, Qin Mo looked around again, and after making sure that there was nothing else in the secret room, Qin Mo hugged The Moon Rabbit walked out.

In front of him, there was still that whirlpool.

In the live broadcast room.

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"It's really a jade rabbit..."

Oriental White:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Little Dragon Girl:"So cute."

Thor is not a fat nerd:"I really want to eat it."..."

Xia Shizi:"???"

Ben Zina:"Rabbit is so cute, how can you eat rabbit!"

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Oh, it tastes so delicious."..."

King Big Big Wolf:"Call the Animal Protection Association of the chat group, @雷神thoor"


Big Big Wolf is a wolf.


It's a dog!

Both in terms of appearance and inner nature, they are very suitable as members of the 'Animal Protection Association' in the chat group. certainly.

The noise in the live broadcast room was just a sideshow, right now!


A very strange sound came out.

The ground is shaking.

It was as if an earthquake had occurred!

The ruins of the Moon Palace tremble.

Qin Mo walked out of the seal leading to the moon's underground secret room, and subconsciously looked at the altar-like teleportation array. There was also the moon well in the middle, which was a passage connecting the moon palace and the Jiuzhou cultivation world. that is...?

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment

"The teleportation array is collapsing."

A soft voice sounded in Qin Mo's mind, but Qin Mo was sure it wasn't Xi Yue or Yan Miaozhu. Qin Mo had the ability of 'photographic memory', so he was sure it wasn't.

So, who is it?

Qin Mo lowered his head subconsciously. Their eyes met.

He found that there was a hint of cunning in Yue Rabbit's eyes. Under the influence of Qin Mo's spiritual power, Yue Rabbit just woke up from his deep sleep. For some mysterious reason There was also a problem with her memory.

However, she was quite familiar with the Moon Palace.

So she quickly sent a message to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo nodded.

This point...

He knows it too!

To be precise, Qin Mo relied on his sensitivity to formations as a formation master. In his opinion, the teleportation formation swept through the spiritual energy and operated independently, and cracks had already appeared in several main formation eyes.

"I see."

Qin Mo replied.

Then, in his body, in Zi Mansion, the true essence was boiling!

In his body, a sea of ​​true essence began to boil. Half of the Setting Sun Golden Pill gradually absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth as time passed. , and gradually filled up, the breath became more continuous and thick.

If I had to describe this feeling, it was like the rising sun slowly revealing its figure from the vast sea.

··0request flowers0······

‘Todoroki one's moment!

When Qin Mo's true energy was rioting, with a stabbing sound, an electric arc flashed in the sky. The next moment, Qin Mo appeared on the altar of the Moon Palace. Cracks appeared on the altar and the formation collapsed.

This is exactly the same as the 'Gate of Underworld'!

After Qin Mo came, everything was destroyed...


The River Styx also collapsed in this way.

"The formation is about to collapse."

Qin Mo murmured.

If this formation really collapsed, even Qin Mo would have a hard time handling it. He knew that many things in the second era were a bit mysterious. Qin Mo had studied the Moon Well formation for a while, but he didn't know it. Comprehensive...............

This is a formation that does not exist in the third era! at the same time.

How could a teleportation array that could connect Kyushu and the moon be ordinary? Take the sect-protecting formation that Qin Mo set up in a sect two thousand years ago as an example. Although Qin Mo doesn’t want to say this, it is really the difference between heaven and earth.

"I can open it."

The voice of Moon Rabbit


Qin Mo sighed.

However, this time, Yue Rabbit did not answer him. A ray of light shot out from his red eyes, and then the light of the teleportation array formed circles, large circles and small circles, hundreds of layers in total.

In the center is a bright mirror with a diameter of about one meter, which is connected to the snow-white Penglai Mountains. This is different from the scene when Qin Mo passed through the moon well before. It is close at hand, but it seems to be far away in the horizon and out of reach..

In an instant,

Qin Mo had already appeared in Penglai Snow Mountain.

Qin Mo was stunned.

This... was definitely on the bluestone. A formation within a formation?


Together, the Moon Palace sets up a formation, and it also comes with a shortcut, Qin Mo's mouth Slightly twitching and speechless.

Moon Rabbit looked at him slyly.

As if to say:

Look, am I awesome?

Qin Mo ignored her.

The second girl, Rabbit.

Qin Mo raised his head.

A sudden change occurred......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thank you to 'A Hundred Years of Loneliness' for your huge monthly support! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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