Raise your head. on the sky...

The black night sky that had shrouded in unknown time disappeared in an instant, and it felt like"stealing the sky to change the sun." The huge moon rising from the Penglai Mountains was the core of the Moon Well teleportation array. As the altar connecting the Moon Palace collapsed, the entire teleportation array collapsed. Facing collapse, the giant moon as a cover could not escape the fate of being destroyed, and continued to fall apart.


The earth trembles!

The moon is destroyed! for a while...

The Northern Territory, which was already shaking, is boiling again. The moon's appearance during the day is already very strange, but now it's not just that. The moon not only appears during the day, but its meaning is shattered!


No, in this case the moon should be broken.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see"730"

【Tip: The group leader has 'refined qi for three thousand years' and closed the live broadcast room] The trip to the Moon Palace is over, Qin Mo naturally closed the live broadcast room. He is not short of points, but live broadcast is also a form of entertainment in the group. Besides, , no matter how small the mosquito is...That's meat too.

Radiant Girl Lux:"Hmm...What an amazing adventure."

Valoran. Demacia.

Lux sat on the shoulders of Galio, the Colossus of Justice, looking into the distance. The breeze blowing in front of her blew her hair. This feeling was very comfortable. Lux lifted her hair. Silk, with a look of anticipation on her face.

She is a member of the Demacian Crown Guard family.

However, she has an adventurous spirit.

She does not like the unchanging life arranged by her family. She likes exciting adventures and wants to to explore this beautiful world, and...In this magical city, she has magic. therefore.

She is very interested in Qin Mo's exploration.

Gale Swordsman:"Gate will tell you the answer."

Happy...Master Yasuo is very angry.

Lord of Baiyun City:"......"

Ye Gucheng's brows jumped sharply.

Smiling softly, a little speechless.

This guy Yasuo!

‘The four words"happy man" seem to be closely connected with him. Even if he pretends to be profound and speaks philosophical words, people can't help but feel happy.

This is very mysterious.

That's it...

Very weird.

Radiant Girl Lux:"Pfft~ Oops, I can't be serious, @风风剑豪, has Mr. Yasuo come to Demacia? Lux will definitely treat me well."

Gale Swordsman:"Gai Lun?"

Radiant Girl Lux:"Yeah!(*)"

Lux, the emoticon girl.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"I feel like he should be given a big sword."

Xia Shizi:"Dirty!"

Angel Yan raised his eyebrows:"A big sword will do."

Galen of Valoran good.

By comparison...

In the Super God Universe, the same type of galactic power cannot match it in the early stage, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Galen is the heir of the Crown Guard family of Demacia and has protected Demacia for generations. The Crown Guard family is a noble family. Galen has been influenced by the knowledge of the nobility since he was a child. As a result, he is naturally different from Ge Xiaolun. Apart from having the gene of Galaxy Power in his body, Ge Xiaolun is a complete loser.

That sentence, 'This year, I want to make ten school beauties'.

Such words from the second grade are still echoing in my ears.

Gale Swordsman:"(⊙⊙)…Don't scare me.

Qiao Feng:"Ahem, Qiao analyzed it carefully and finally came to the same conclusion as the group leader.""

Xiong Ba:"Shocked.jpg!"

Wind and Cloud World.


The leader of the gang, Xiongba, couldn't help but be stunned. A strange smile appeared on his face, and he said to himself:"It seems that Comrade Qiao Feng has also followed the trend. This is not bad." '

It's not loud.


The leader of the gang....

Although he is not as good as Prime Minister Cao, he is also a very boring man. This is a 'sequelae' after joining the group. The longer the time goes by, the more obvious this symptom becomes.

Now, Gang Leader Qiao Fengqiao has obviously embarked on this path.

As the saying goes, friends are those who travel together.

Xiongba:"@青峰, gang leader, we are both the gang leaders in charge of the gang. We hope to communicate more in the future...."

To be honest!

Xiong Ba felt that the two of them should still have something in common.

Xiong Ba listed them all in his mind.

First of all, the two of them have two IDs in the group. They both come from the world of martial arts. They are also the leaders of the same gang. Both the Beggars Gang and Tianxiahui are the largest gangs in the world.

Nowadays, even hobbies...

If you really want to tell the difference.

There is only one!

That is...

The difference between the world of high martial arts and the world of low martial arts.

Qiao Feng:"Okay..." at this time.

In Tianlong World, in the house where Qiao Feng lived, he looked at the news about Aite, the tyrant in the group, with some confusion. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He had something to say....He wasn't too familiar with Xiong. how so?

Could it be...

Qiao Feng had wild thoughts, well, no matter what else, at least what Xiong Ba said before was right. In a sense, Qiao Feng had indeed changed a lot since he joined the Zhutian chat group.

Is this considered 'assimilation'?

Qin Mo couldn't help but smile softly as he watched the messages in the group scroll by. Yan Miaozhu hadn't woken up yet, and Qin Mo didn't go to Bai Yujing again, but chose to leave directly.

Goal 1: Ice and Snow City! teleportation array...

Through the teleportation array, Qin Mo was able to quickly leave the Northern Territory and return to his Daozong's.5 Hongye Peak. Some time has passed now. The two girls Hongye and Yingcao should have transformed, right?

Qin Mo thought to himself.

He was in a good mood. Although he still didn't get any clues about Heaven in the Moon Palace, the only one was that the road connecting the Moon Palace to Heaven was cut off, but Qin Mo was born an optimist.

This was also developed through three thousand years of refining Qi. Qin Mo has a passionate and immortal heart.

There is no way to break through the Qi refining period!

This is a demonic obstacle.

However, Qin Mo was not restricted by this demonic barrier, which was enough to explain everything.

The corners of Qin Mo's lips raised slightly.

Pinched Moon Rabbit's ears


A soft moan.

Moon Rabbit:? ? ?...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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