My best friend Ma Dara:"@ninji大fatsheep, call that monkey guy out to fight the landlord with us."

Ben Zina:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Kasumi Shiko:"Yes, the style of painting is crooked again."

She has been practicing Qi for three thousand years:"Just get used to it."

Gao Yao:"@My close friend Madara, now I invite the new God of Gamblers in the Naruto World to appear."


The BGM sounds very naturally out of thin air.

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"......" style of painting...

All right!

Tsunade knew that the grandfather's style of painting, except when he was serious, could intimidate people around him with his sharp eyes, the rest of the time his style of painting was not very normal.


My best friend Madara:"Forget it, monkey...I'm getting old, and it won't be good if I suddenly get sick."

Senju Hashirama said, talking to himself.

On the side,

Uchiha Madara looked at Senju Hashirama who was chattering, and couldn't help but cover his forehead speechlessly.

However, he didn't say much.

In his eyes.

It’s more about tolerance and pampering!

A seventeen-year-old girl:"@MyBest Friend Mada Spicy, so Mr. Hashirama has finished reading the memory copy of"Naruto"?"

NEET Ji:"How does it feel?"

Eternal Pavilion.

Horaishan Kaguya's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with interest, this time, although Senju Hashirama who joined the chat group of the heavens is an 'acquaintance' of theirs, there is no memory copy. However, as a A thousand-year-old otaku, the founder of the otaku world in the group, Horaishan Kaguya can always find ways to entertain herself in addition to chasing fans.

For example...

Eat melon!

My best friend Madara:"How should I put it? I feel very complicated...."

Senju Hashirama let out a long sigh.

Make soup from big bones:"......"


Poor Taoist Zhang Sanfeng:"Well, I feel complicated...."

Wudang Mountain.

Zhang Zhenren couldn’t help but be stunned!

These words are very familiar. It can even be said to be the mantra of the newcomers in the group after watching their own memory copy.

"Forehead...Madara, is there anything strange about this sentence?"

Senju Hashirama turned around, looked at Madara Uchiha next to him, and asked with some doubts.


Uchiha Madara's mouth twitched.


In fact!

Senju Hashirama's mood is indeed a bit complicated.

Naruto has more than 700 episodes in total. he already...

He had read them all, but the changes in Konoha and the ninja world did catch him off guard. To be precise, it should be Konoha. Although the position of Hokage is suspected of nepotism, the choice of every Hokage regardless of strength or magnanimity It is the best choice nowadays. but...

He also saw the darkness within Konoha.

Danzo Shimura!

Many things were done by him in order to become Hokage. Some things may not have been done by him, but as a professional scapegoat, Danzo Shimura could no longer clean himself up.

He frowned.

In fact, he never liked Shimura Danzo very much, he was a dark guy.

What happened to Naruto Uzumaki.

Uchiha genocide...

In these things, Shimura Danzo is involved. Senju Hashirama has sunny thoughts about the future of Konoha. He also subconsciously does not look at the darkness in it, but sometimes, things often go against his wishes.

"Madara, I'm sorry."

Senju Hashirama said.

Uchiha Madara:???


The corner of Madara's mouth twitched, and then he said with a look of disgust:"Why are you so crazy?"

Senju Hashirama smiled naively.

Full of cp feeling.


As long as he stays by Senju Hashirama's side, Uchiha Madara's cold attitude will never be maintained.

My best friend Madara:"@ninjakai Big fat sheep, Tsunade."

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"..."

My best friend Madara:"I will come to Konoha with Madara later and let the monkey and...Danzo is ready."

Senju Hashirama smiled softly.

It's like humans and animals are harmless!

But at this time, a terrifying aura emerged from him.

It was as if he was the 'God of Ninja' at this time.’!

"Danzo Shimura..."

Hashirama murmured.

Although the tragedy of the Uchiha clan did not happen, if the three of them did not join the chat group of the heavens, it would be the future of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village. Moreover, Danzo is a person with a bad heart and is unreasonable. Both Tehashirama felt that they should give Madara an explanation.

He returned to Konoha to seek justice!

Uchiha Dance King:"Hey, who wants to be with you?"

Uchiha Madara curled his lips. have to!

‘Tired of rubbing' mode is on.

The big fat sheep of the ninja world:"Okay!"

Konoha Village.

In the Hokage's office, Tsunade laughed.


"What's wrong, Tsunade?...grown ups?"

"Let the ninja inform Mr. Sarutobi and the group of elders to come with me to the meeting gate to meet the wind and wash away the dust."

Tsunade said calmly.

"Pick someone up?"

Shizune asked subconsciously.

Who is it?

At this time, she suddenly remembered the grand occasion when Tsunade-sama's friend appeared before. The 'bald' demon king, the destructive power caused by one punch can be said to be terrifying. In Shizune's mind It left a deep impression.

Could it be them?

"Grandpa has returned to the village."

Tsunade smiled slightly.

Shizune: (⊙o⊙)…

She looked mechanically at the side. There were still portraits of the previous Hokage hanging on the wall. Shizune's eyes stayed on the first painting, which was the man who, together with Uchiha Madara, put down the troubled times of the Warring States Period.

The First Hokage, the God of Ninja.

Senju Hashirama! etc....

No way? Is it haunted?

Shizune's imagination is wide open.

Random thoughts.jpg.

In the group.

My best friend Madara:"@UchihaDanceKing, Madara, let Obito take us there?"

UchihaDanceKing:"#嘁, don't ate me."

Little Dragon Girl:"(*▽*)..."

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"@My close friend Madara@Uchiha Dance King, it's very easy for you two to chat face to face in the group....Outrageous!"

Qin Mo was speechless.

What kind of operation is this?

Xia Shizi:"Ji Cao, don't do it six times."

The big bones were boiled into soup:"@天道general secretary@There are two more passing Kamen Riders here."

Tiandao General Secretary:"......"

Passing Kamen Rider:"......"

There was joy in the group. at this time!....... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket!

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