Right now!

A mechanical beep sounded in everyone's ears.

This is the prompt from the Zhutian chat group

【Tip: 'Bujima Saeko' has opened the live broadcast room. ]


At this time.

Alice, who had been diving for a long time, was also blown out.

Just the right time. certainly.

This is...coincide!

It's fate.

Because, although the Zhutian chat group is full of penguin style from beginning to end,╮(╯▽╰)╭, but after continuous exploration by new and old group members, no functions of particular concern were found.

In the Zhutian chat group, online group members entered the live broadcast room one after another.

In the live broadcast room. at this time!

Busujima Saeko was wearing the uniform of Fujimi Academy, and she was holding an unsheathed sword that shone with a cold light in her hand. Her eyes were filled with indifference and determination, and her face was cold.

She learned the legendary wind-control swordsmanship from Yasuo, the wind swordsman in the chat group of the heavens. It can be said that besides her father, Yasuo was her enlightenment mentor in swordsmanship. This unsheathed sword was given to her by Yasuo. Although her gift was not equipment made by Ornn, the demigod of Freljord who was in charge of forging and crafting, nor was it an artifact like the Infinity Blade or the Statik Electric Blade, it was not a mortal thing either.

This sword and the wind-controlling swordsmanship are in harmony with each other.

The combination of the two allows the wind-controlling swordsmanship to exert its strongest power.

The right hand holds the sword.

The human sword is unified.

This gave Busujima Saeko a sharp-edged temperament.


After opening the live broadcast room.

She let out a long breath.

At this time...

The entire Bedlord City does not seem peaceful. Looking around, the peaceful scene of the past no longer exists. Instead, it is filled with smoke, and thick smoke can be vaguely seen in the distance.

This city seems to have experienced a war.

Busujima Saeko knew.

This is not a war! The campus also turned into a purgatory. She remembered that the beginning of the plot seemed to have happened during the cherry blossom season, but something seemed wrong now.

Everything you see is dead!

"The biohazard has begun..."

Busushima Saeko murmured to herself.

Xiao Longnu:"Hiss...

I am not a primary school student who is the god of death:"The new member of the group said that he was trembling and afraid of jpg!"

Detective Conan World.

Kudo Arata...


As a famous detective who focuses on solving crimes, although he has turned into a ten thousand-year-old elementary school student because of the mysterious drug organized by the Men in Black, Conan believes that his mentality is still good.



Now, Conan affirmed and confirmed that the few words that came to his mind before were all nonsense. He had read the memory copies in the group, the harmonious version of Academy Apocalypse and Resident Evil, but emotionally, It didn't show much fluctuation, but the situation now is completely different. first!

The live broadcast room of Zhutian Chat Group is different from ordinary ones. In God's perspective mode, it is not exactly like watching a movie. Occasionally, there will be a face-to-face switching perspective, allowing people to try out the dangers of the world.

It's like using the world's most advanced VR system, bringing an immersive experience.


These two words were the feeling that emerged in Conan's heart.

Thor is not a fat nerd:"Newbie? @My close friend Mada is spicy, Mr. Hashirama said he has something to say."

My best friend Mada is spicy:"Uh..."

Alice:"@ Refined Qi for Three Thousand Years, Group Leader, can you help me open the time travel permission."

Alice Aite hit Qin Mo and said straight to the point.

Resident Evil World

‘The secret base established by the Power Squad.

Alice looks a little bit... nervous.

This was a decision she made after careful consideration. She had started to prepare since she joined the Zhutian chat group and learned that there was another group member in the group who came from a similar world view to hers and felt the same way.

She has good strength. she thinks... help! therefore.

Alice worked hard to upgrade the task force, build hidden bases, and let them continue to grow, just to give them the ability to protect themselves. Even if they are not in this world for the time being, they will not be able to face the biological weapons of the Umbrella Company. Won't be at a disadvantage


With the help of the Zhutian chat group, Alice's strength is rising like a rocket!

The group of them seemed to be avoiding the umbrella company. in fact... now!

In their world, the biological crisis caused by the accident in Raccoon City did not occur, so she lost a stable source of points, but Alice was not discouraged. On the contrary, she was very lucky. If a tragedy breaks out, even she will not forgive herself.

It is precisely because of this that the Umbrella Company, which has been looking for their super team, became the rumored money-giving boy.

Biological weapons?


In Alice's eyes, that was Hong Guoguo's points.

It's been a while since the Resident Evil world.

Their strength has grown tremendously!

Not just Alice

‘Everyone in the Super Team has been upgraded, and their strength is comparable to Alice in the original work. Each one is a superman and has even awakened different powers....‘"Superpower" because Alice also knows that as the Umbrella Company's experiments gradually unfold, the strength of biological weapons like Lickers will increase again, T-virus, G-virus...

Alice knew this.

So upgrading is inevitable!

‘Of course, Super Team is no exception. Fortunately, she has been treating the Umbrella Company as an infinite boss, plus some personal tasks posted in the chat group on weekdays, so she still has a surplus of points.

This time.

Alice said that she would be relieved even if she went to the world of Academy Apocalypse.

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"@Alice, the authority has been opened."

Qin Mo did not refuse.


As long as the two of them weren't really fighting, facing each other, or even going to the point of deciding between life and death, Qin Mo would always respect their choices.

Alice:"Thank you, group leader (voice)"

This is the voice message.

She finished speaking......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! grateful‘@...’Great monthly ticket support! Thank you Shepherd for your big reward and support! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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