Resident Evil World.

Hidden base. one place...

A place of silence.

After Alice explained some things to the members of the 'Super Team', she came here alone and spent 1,000 points to redeem a time-traveling charm in the group mall.


In the live broadcast room. at this time...

Next to Busujima Saeko, a vortex emitting soft light slowly took shape. The inside of the vortex was pitch black, exuding an atmosphere called 'horror' inexplicably, like the starry sky in the universe.

This is the passage through the group.

A moment!

The light dissipated and the vortex disappeared directly, as if it had never existed.

Alice's figure appeared in the live broadcast room

‘Time travel'!

As long as there are points, and as long as the group leader Qin"Three Four Three" Mo opens the authority, then you only need to spend one thousand points in the group mall, and you can go to the world of the group members, which only exists in the world of most group members themselves. in theories and fantasies.

The 'Shattered Void' of the martial arts world.

'Fantasy novels' about the everyday world.

The 'ascension' of the world of cultivation. so many kinds...


In the world of Academy Apocalypse, after the dead body crisis broke out, the entire Bedlord City fell. Except for the only survivor base, the rest of the place was a place of purgatory.

Gunpowder smoke filled the air, and in the center of the storm, there seemed to be a battlefield where a fight was taking place. The dead bodies spread so fast that a city fell directly in a short time. Even the ZF army could not withstand it, and the defense line retreated again and again.

The roof of a teaching building at Fujimi Campus.

Alice and Busujima Saeko stood side by side, both of them were very good-looking.

Moreover, they are both heroic and charming.

"sister alice"


Busujima Saeko took a deep breath, then looked at Alice, who was wearing a combat uniform and standing ready, and said seriously. Her thank you was not a flattery, but came from the bottom of her heart.

After the dead body crisis broke out. moment!

The world of Academy Apocalypse has evolved from an ordinary everyday world to a doomsday world. Not to mention whether Busujima Saeko's world has monsters like Resident Evil that break through the level of ordinary dead bodies, but with ordinary The dead body is enough for an ordinary person to drink a pot.

From everyone's perspective, this world is the end of the world.

She was touched that Alice could come.


There are so many, I feel the same way!

"Going to get on."

Alice said. She just responded lightly to Busujima Saeko's words. Their relationship was already very good.


Hearing this, Busujima Saeko's face became serious and he nodded.

Set a small goal first.

For example...

Clean up Fujimi Gakuen.

Just two people!

Busujima Saeko only has an unsheathed sword in her hand, which was a gift from Master Yasuo. She prefers this sword to the Murata sword she obtained from the Takagi family in the plot shown in the memory copy. after all...

This sheathless sword was made by a famous craftsman in Valoran, and it also has an enchantment effect on the wind-control swordsmanship she practiced. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that at a glance.

Moreover, the sword from another world, isn’t it delicious?

Alice carries two coin guns. right!

The two guns she used in the memory copy were terrifyingly lethal. When she pulled the trigger, the zombie's head was gone, and the one she was using now was not the same one as before.


This is a new version that has been strengthened after a wave of chat groups in the sky using points.

Unlimited bullets. as well as...Damage bonus

It can be said that compared to the previous one, except for the appearance of this gun, all the parts inside have been replaced. It is beyond common sense. It has unlimited bullets....Just outrageous.

Not to mention gossip.

A moment!

Busujima Saeko and Alice looked at each other without much verbal communication, but they already fully understood what they wanted to say and do. Although it was their first time to meet offline, because they often chatted In private chats in the group, the tacit understanding is undeniable, even compared to Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashi Mama, there is no difference at all.


At this moment, a wisp of breeze slowly blew by, lifting up the hair, and it was unexpectedly a bit sultry........

All around, there was silence.

It's like you can hear the 'bang bang' heartbeat.

Fujimi Gakuen...

The floors are not high.

The average teaching building has seven or eight floors, which are very high. Jumping from here is not difficult for Busujima Saeko and Alice, who have experienced perfect T-virus enhancement.

Alice said that in the Resident Evil world, she dared to jump like this on dozens of floors of high-rise buildings, let alone this.

Which of the two of them is not superhuman?

Alice's Perfect T went viral,

I'm not a death elementary school student:"This...Stimulate!"

The World of Detective Conan.

It can be said that Conan's face is full of confusion.

Jumping off like this?

Okay ?"...

He was just shocked. Although he joined the group relatively late, compared to Senju Hashirama, who is the last one to join the group now, Kudo Shinichi can be considered a senior after all, right?


‘The world of the Resident Evil series only has a relatively large impact on their daily world. What really makes people's worldview almost shattered depends on the Kyushu cultivation world where the group leader is located.

If they disagree, they will go to the moon.


The moon is gone. 0.8

Moreover, it was not an ordinary world. The heavens and worlds were divided into different levels. In today's all-heaven chat group, only the Jiuzhou Cultivation World ranked first in the world level.

Probably, only the truly high-end prehistoric ones can compare with it.

There is a prehistoric world in the group.

The devil boy Nezha!

The world where Nezha is located is about to undergo the great catastrophe of becoming a god. It is one of the great catastrophes of heaven and earth in the prehistoric world. It is located before Journey to the West. However, despite the setting, the world of the demon boy Nezha is just a derived parallel world.

Although there are three pure states, there is also the way of heaven!

But in terms of level...

But not high.

Honzina:"Saeko-senpai and Alice are really amazing!"

Yuki Asuna has stars in her eyes...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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