I want to be a Pokémon master:"The perfect version of the T virus, hiss..."

Pokémon world.

Ash is still traveling.

That day!

He received the starter Pokémon...After Pikachu, he immediately joined the chat group of the heavens, and embarked on the journey of becoming a Pokémon master from Zhenxin Town.

The first stop is the Quartz Conference!

This is undoubtedly a grand event in the Kanto region. In addition to collecting eight gym badges, trainers can also participate by graduating from the Pokémon Research School or passing the Pokémon League test.

Xiaozhi's goal is to become the most powerful Pokémon master in the world, so the path he chooses is naturally the former. at this time.

Xiaozhi has collected eight badges and temporarily returned to Zhenxin Town. It is a place that is not polluted and is as pure as white. It can also be called Pure White Town.

He was holding a book in his hand and was reading it carefully. If someone in the group hadn't opened the live broadcast room to attract him, he would probably still be studying tirelessly.

Xiaozhi has a dream.

However, from the 26 memory copies sent by Qin Mo, the leader of the group, Xiaozhi saw his own life. For him, missing out on the championship several times was undoubtedly not a tragedy. He was also stupid in the memory copy. It's pitiful. Not only is his emotional intelligence worrying, his IQ is also...

If not, how did he get the title of 'little mentally retarded'?

He studied all kinds of knowledge seriously. learn by analogy!

He has even put forward very advanced concepts in Pokémon research many times. Even Dr. Oak, who is well-known in the alliance, has repeatedly wanted him to become a researcher. This is all the result of Xiaozhi's efforts.

Of course, Xiaozhi didn't put his mind on the book at this time.

His consciousness was immersed in the live broadcast room.

And, exclaim! but...

He looked like he was asleep with his eyes open, in a daze.

Beside Xiaozhi

‘Pika pika? Pikachu lowered his head and looked at the stunned Xiaozhi, a little confused.

Then, he shook his head humanely.

As if to say:

‘Stupid humans~'

I want to be a Pokémon master:"Real name envy.jpg!"

The Elf of Time:"@I want to be a Pokémon master, Xiaozhi...envious? Doesn't your conscience hurt at all?"

Krang San-chan accused righteously.

I am not a Shinigami primary school student:"(⊙o⊙)…"

Conan looked confused.

In fact, he had a saying a long time ago, but he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Why, no one pays attention to him?

I want to be a Pokémon Master:"o((⊙﹏⊙))o...

Xiaozhi made a confused expression.

Facing the question of Kurumi Tokisaki.

Xiaozhi said. who I am? where am I?

I do not know anything!

He has been refining Qi for three thousand years:"Hey, the group is as happy as ever."

Qin Mo also smiled slightly.

Angel Yan:"Catch the leader of the group from the front row."

Little Dragon Girl:"Take him away!"

Brilliant Girl Lux:"(*▽*)"

The Spirit of Time:"嘤嘤嘤..."

NEE Ji:"Eat Melon.pg"

A seventeen-year-old girl:"Ah la ah la, the group name can be changed to the group leader's harem group."

Ganwu Girl:"Ding~ +1 after that."

Xia Shizi:" Xiao Miye..."

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Wow, am I really superfluous?"

General Tiandao:"Yes."

After refining Qi for three thousand years:"Hey, hey, you guys are starting to crook the building again, isn't it nice to live broadcast it? ?"

The First Emperor:"Calm down, calm down, basic operations."

The First Emperor, who had been diving for a long time, began to bubble again.

Qin Mo's mouth twitched

‘A group of sand sculpture friends'.

In his heart, he couldn't help but murmured quietly.

Harem group? mentioned this...

Qin Mo's expression was a little weird. To be honest, he had traveled through three thousand years and was still a single dog on Chinese Valentine's Day every year. After all, Qin Mo had been working tirelessly to break through the Qi refining period for three thousand years. Qin Mo tried various methods. In the past, he even found new ways of swordsmanship, alchemy, and formation, but they were of no use. Fortunately, with his"golden finger", he was now halfway to the golden elixir realm, and he had overcome a difficulty.

However, the catastrophe of the Third Age was coming fiercely.

There are also evil spirits causing trouble in Kyushu.

Qin Mo didn't think much about it. now.

I don’t know how many generations of disciples and grandsons of his sect have all become Taoist companions and cultivate, but he is still alone. If God gives him another chance, he will definitely say to those girls:

‘You are all my wings...’


At this time.

Qin Mo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. A graceful figure appeared in his mind. In his memory, he could vaguely see that the figure was a beautiful woman with outstanding grace. Her black hair was like clouds, her eyes gave people a sense of tranquility, and her skin was as crystal clear as jade. She Wearing a lavender dress, she has an elegant temperament and a peerless elegance.

Shaking his head, Qin Mo stopped thinking about it.

Focus on the live broadcast room.

Although the strength of Alice + Shima Saeko is far from the first echelon in the group, they are definitely not weak. For example, Conan, who has just joined the group not long ago, is definitely no match for 160.

Conan: It feels like, yes....Have been offended.

Alice pokes remotely.

Busujima Saeko...

All right.

Qin Mo looked helplessly as the figure of 'Chengfeng Yujian' moved seamlessly among the dead bodies. There seemed to be a thin breeze surrounding Busujima Saeko.

This is Happy Style Man's signature skill - e.

Step forward and chop!

Busujima Saeko studied with Yasuo of Ionia, and obviously learned the essence of wind-controlling swordsmanship. In addition, Busujima Saeko herself is the eldest daughter of the famous Busujima family in neon swordsmanship, and she also has a 'murderer' physique. Her talent in swordsmanship is not weaker than Yasuo's. Before, it was just because of the limitations of the world, but Yasuo's teachings allowed her to open up that limitation. but...

Although this forward slash is pleasing to the eye, there seems to be something wrong with the style of the painting?

Alice and Busujima Saeko work well together.

Ordinary dead bodies are not very lethal.

The only thing is the number of people.

However, Alice said that after being injected with the perfect T-virus and awakening her telekinesis, what she was least afraid of was group fight tactics. Even the mutated lickers in the Resident Evil world were no match for her, let alone ordinary dead bodies?...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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