Belt dress!

At this time, Gray Wolf can be said to be 'on-hook', or it can be said to be the preparatory form before transformation, and Gray Wolf is designed after Decade and Kabuto's transformation belt. ·

In terms of performance, there is nothing to say. and!

Kamen Rider - Gray Wolf's transformation is very simple. The pose during transformation is just to increase the beauty and degree of transformation. In fact, it doesn't need to be used. To be precise...

In terms of the design of the transformation, Gray Wolf drew more reference from Yusuke Onodera's Kuuga.

However, the Yamadam spirit stone was replaced by Big Big Wolf's 'black technology'. certainly.

Kamen Rider's idealistic power, has Gray Wolf inherited this unique power, and can become invincible when transformed, but Kamen Rider Gray Wolf undoubtedly possesses it. set this...

If it were an ordinary daily world, it might be difficult, but the world where Big Big Wolf lives is completely different.

The world of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.

Same as Ten Cold 2. 31.

Perhaps, this kind of world that prefers a happy style of painting is always different. No matter how buggy the props appear, it will not be surprising, such as the well-known causal weapons.... in the memory copy.

Big Big Wolf built a 'dimension-enhancing' machine in Xiaohei's workshop, which is outrageous

‘The three words"black technology" are well deserved!

Qin Mo looked in one direction.

He showed a 'weird' and unpredictable smile.

It seems to represent three points of coolness, three points of ridicule, and four points of carelessness....· at the same time.

The building complex next to Fujimi Gakuen.

Tall buildings, rooftops.

The time traveler Zifu Koichi was looking intently at the figures that appeared in the Fujimi Academy with the whirlpool of light. His face was a little dull, with a completely confused expression.

These guys he...,

I know most of them.

Naruto's Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, and Tsunade?

Detective Conan's Kudo Shinichi?

Kasumi Shiko as the heroine of Passerby?


There's nothing wrong with that. after all...

In the world he was in before crossing over, even the Academy Apocalypse he is in now is one of the film and television works, so it is normal for other worlds such as the Naruto world to exist.

Multiverse wheel. parallel world theory...,


He came here through time, and since he obtained the"End System", he has been dormant in this bed host city for several years, while pretending to be the real Koichi Zito. He has been living the same life for several years, and the people around him can't even see any clues, and , Koichi Zito has not been idle. He has been planning for these years, and even used some ability to delay the outbreak of the School Apocalypse, just for this moment.

For a moment, Purple Fuji Koichi even began to speculate whether this world was a hodgepodge world. However, as soon as this idea came up, he killed it himself.

This is the modern technological world.

The Internet is developed.

He exchanged Hacker Mastery in the system's auxiliary function, and with this, he became the top hacker on the planet. He has read through the secret documents buried in various countries.


There is no record. If the integration of relatively daily worlds such as the passerby heroine, dry girl Xiaomi, and Sword Art Online is fine, what happened to the two gay friends Uchiha Madara Senju Hashirama wearing Sengoku armor?

Naruto and modern times..., the painting style is far different.


The country where Bed Master City is located is so big. He has never heard about the five major countries. The blond woman wearing armor and with white wings...Is it an angel? , it can’t be cosplay? and...

What attracted Koichi Purpleto's attention the most was not Uchiha Madara or Angel Hiko, but the bald man wearing a simple Superman costume and looking ordinary in the ordinary style - One

Punch Superman.


Before Koichi Zito traveled through time, he was a one-punch fan.

He is a 'world-weary' man. dreamt of..., is strength!

He once used Teacher Saitama's training methods for training as a second grader, but the effect was minimal. There was no change at all except that his body got better....The hair volume is getting less and less. If I practice for a while, I may become bald directly. I will not be able to obtain Saitama's strength, and I will also be bald. Wisteria Koichi decided at that time... give up.

This is a business destined to lose money and is not cost-effective.

Just when Koichi Zito was having a daydream.

At this time...


Koichi Zito suddenly felt a chill on his back, which was like Spider-Man's spider sense. He sensed danger, and for a moment there was a cold gleam on his back, which was uncomfortable anyway.

In a blink of an eye...

He happened to see Qin Mo's red eyes. dull!

Without...A trace of emotion is terrifying!

At this time, Koichi Purpleto finally knew where the inexplicable feeling just now came from. If nothing else, the horror was over.

Qin Mo didn't target him. momentum? nonexistent.

Just a very ordinary glance, but Qin Mo's own strength far exceeds that of Koichi Wisteria. His strength is not in one dimension at all. On the surface, Koichi Wisteria can be called the superman in the world of Academy Apocalypse.

However in fact..., unsightly!

The level of the Zhutian Chat Group is much higher than that of the 'Doomsday System'. The so-called Doomsday System is like a younger brother in front of the Zhutian Chat Group, and it is also the younger brother among younger brothers. Anyone can bully it.

Not to mention Qin Mo.

Not to mention anything else, just calculate it according to this world.

Busujima Saeko can beat him up

‘Death is like the wind, always with me."

As a disciple of Yasuo.

If Busujima Saeko is the second one, this sentence can be said to show off, after all...As for Chuuji, it's a pity that Busujima Saeko is a woman with Yamato Nadeshiko's personality. Apart from the murderer's characteristics that were exposed during the battle, Busujima Saeko is relatively stable.

Purple Fuji Koichi was stunned again.

He was not very lucky today.

Shock! Still shocked...

It is estimated that all of his shock this year has been used up today.

After being stunned for a moment, my subconscious reaction was..., run!...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Huangquanyang' for your monthly ticket support!

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