After refining Qi for three thousand years:"That guy is going to run away, who is going to chase him?"

Qianwumei:"At this time, spatial positioning tracking is the best, right?"

Xiao Mi said. other side...They are system time travellers. Under normal circumstances, people like this are not ordinary people except ordinary copycats without superpowers.

If the opponent has spatial abilities, it will be difficult to track.

Kamen Rider passing by:"I'll go."

Kadashi volunteered.

Smile softly.

Moreover, he had already walked a little further away, fidgeting with the Polaroid camera hanging on his chest, and pressed the shutter with a click. For the first time, the chat group in the world took photos without missing a person, and the photo was taken successfully. but...

Kado Yaji's characteristics belong to Decad. In the world where he is not recognized, the world where he takes pictures, the light, people, and objects in that world will all leave his side involuntarily.

This is a natural setting that cannot be changed even if he joins the chat group of all heavens.

It's like an airport with a small tornado’...,

Little Tornado: HP -999, critical hit. , was hinted at crazily again.

At this time, Kado Yaji put down the camera. When the developed photos are returned to the photo studio, they can be placed in the travel album. It is a memory that belongs to him. Decade is very special. Even if he has died, As long as someone still remembers him, he can come back.

He, Kadayaji, is Decade. , subsequently.

He took out Dcade's transformation driver from behind and placed it skillfully on his waist,

"Hnshin (Transformation"

‘Kmen.Ride.Deade', played by mechanical and electronic music.

A layer of black armor suddenly wrapped around Kado Yashi's body, and then several gray shadows appeared in the surroundings, quickly overlapping on Kado Yashi's body. The original appearance of those shadows could be vaguely seen, and Sora Me, Yajituo, Dragon Rider...

Those are the powers Decad has! by virtue of...Decade's exclusive card to store power, fake, face control


As Decade's green compound eyes dimly lit up, a mechanical electronic sound fell.

The black armor was quickly stained with a layer of powder....magenta.

Seven lines of black film are embedded in the head.

The headlights come on.

Of course, it's not purple this time. The attack power of the Passionate State will only explode when fighting Kamen Rider. Naturally, it's not the time to use the Passionate State yet.

‘Kmen.Ride.Kabuto', another KR film is sent in.

Decde·Kabuto. ·

Masked Rider Kabuto!

This is Decade's special ability. It can use the power of each knight, including the three eras of Show and Heisei. It is shown in the memory copy. In fact, as long as there are cards, the deputy knight can...Even if it’s a god, Wang Xiaoming’s children’s shoes show that he can control it for you.


After transformation.

Adhering to the mentality of ending the battle as early as possible, Kadoyaji quickly used the 'Super Speed' skill card and chased in the direction of Koichi Shito. Since he had accepted this mission, he would naturally carry it out seriously.

I am not a primary school student of death:"A...Kato?

Gao Yao:"Is this the same as confronting a tauren?" @天道General Division"

Xia Shizi:"Hiss...

Devil Boy Nezha:"What do you mean?"

Zhang Zhiwei, an ordinary man:"@魔头 Nezha, children, don't look at it."

Sun Wukong:"......"

Headquarters of Tiandao:"......"

Tiandao's mouth twitched.

A little angry...


King Big Big Wolf:"clock.up...Okay, the battle over there should be over soon, Ziteng Hao's mentality is probably going to collapse."

Thor is not a fat nerd:" Koichi Ziteng: I am a big star, you are a big star."

Thor, God of Thunder:"@寗not a fat nerd, be good, don't be embarrassed."

Thor is not a fat nerd:"...???", is your Thor dog drifting away, or is my fat man Thor Ti unable to move?

What greeted Thor the dog was a wave of death stares from the fat man Thor. at this time...

After arriving at the Fujimi Academy playground in the Academy Apocalypse world through the dimensional channel of the Zhutian chat group to participate in this large group mission, many pairs of famous CPs broke up on the spot.

‘Uchiha Dance King' and 'My Best Friend Madara' were the first to bear the brunt

【Tip: 'Bujima Saeko' has closed the live broadcast room]

Xiao Longnu:".(o⊙)…",

Busujima Saeko:"Before...Forgot to close it."

Xie Zi said with some embarrassment.

Qin Mo also smiled slightly.

However, no one paid attention to this. After all, they had temporarily exited the live broadcast room before preparing to go to the dimensional passage in their respective worlds, and after coming here, they have also been I didn’t pay attention.

This was just a small episode.

I have been practicing for three thousand years:"@All members, let’s start working.

Murong Bai:"Received.""

Qiao Feng:"Qiao Mou...I will do my best!"

Qiao Feng took a deep breath and said.

Doomsday 0...

Living in this kind of world, we are faced with real tragedies. Everyone is immersed in sorrow. In comparison, his own 'tragedy' is insignificant.

‘The great chivalrous person serves the country (mano's) and the people'!

Qiao Feng, he is a real hero.

And at this time.

He also sincerely wants to do something for the world, but he does not have the smart scientific research mind of Gray Wolf. He can only rely on this strength to clean up dead bodies and do what he can do.

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Then I'm going to transform."

Dagu said the same.

Then, he took out the divine light stick, also known as...Spark Prism, in order to save the world, Dagu is willing to dedicate his strength. He will unswervingly walk on the path of justice throughout his life.

Of course, he did not transform into a dozens-meter giant of light playing whack-a-mole. That would be inflexible and cause too much damage to the terrain. Tiga has the ability to shrink the height of an adult. What he uses is naturally this........ ps: Please subscribe, please give me monthly votes! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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