Shizi:"I just don’t know if this catastrophe is for the whole world or just the bed host city...."

Angel Yan:"I have seen the whole world with my eyes of insight."

Angel Yan said.

A white light flashed in her eyes.

That is the angel's 'seeing eye'.

This is a very buggy skill. With just one swipe, Blue Star’s past and present will appear in front of you. It’s much more convenient than the Internet. The Super God Universe is a god created by technology, and the angel’s brain itself is a super powerful computer. computer.

Angel Yan:"However, Blue Star...The history of this planet in every world is extremely similar."

Passing Kamen Rider:"Parallel Universe Theory."

As a man with a dimensional wall that can travel through parallel worlds.

In this regard,

Kado Yashi still has a say.

King Big Big Wolf:"In that case..."

Big Big Wolf took out a gashapon

"what is that?"

Thunder God Thor asked

"Poké Ball?"


Probably...Apart from their appearance, they are almost '373 twins' with Pokmon Balls.

Honzina:"Here, is it possible that Mr. Gray Wolf is also proficient in biological genetics and can even create Pokémon?"

Yuki Asuna's imagination was wide open.

I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"I feel like there's no problem, but I feel like there's a big problem."

I want to be a Pokémon master:"Mambi.jpg"

King Big Big Wolf:"God damn Pokémon."

Big Big Wolf said speechlessly. can only say...

The brains of the group members are really too big, look at the thoughts that have nowhere to put them.

King Big Big Wolf:"This is the robot army I invented."

Big Big Wolf explained. dead body crisis...

Spreading around the world!

Of course, while he was talking, he was not idle and started to operate.


Big Big Wolf gently pressed a button in the middle of the ball.


A mechanical voice sounded instantly

‘Power on, starting up’

‘Wow, one by one, right now!

In Gray Wolf's hand, a dazzling white light came out, and the Fujimi Academy was instantly occupied by wolf-shaped robots, which looked very similar to Gray Wolf, except that they were made of steel. a large amount!

Moreover, just like Pokmon 1. exists in a space device. Of course, the free space in it is much larger than the Pokmon Ball. The source of inspiration is the Pokmon Ball.


I'm not Lin Fengjiao:"Mr. Big Big Wolf is really...Rich and wealthy!"

Uncle Jiu was a little emotional.

In comparison,...

They are so poor.

Kasumi Shiko:"Mr. Gray Wolf is the wolf king of Qingqing Prairie after all. How can he be called a 'king' for someone who has wasted his fame in vain?" The bald cloaked man:"The eyes of poverty."

Teacher Saitama expressed envy.

Forget the past.

He is now the second S-class hero appointed by the Hero Association, and his salary is very generous. Only now can he say that money is an external possession, but if he had not joined the chat group of the heavens, the result would be the same as shown in the memory copy.

Just two words

- poverty!

He likes to buy discounted products in supermarkets for this reason. Of course, this is also because Teacher Saitama wants to be a"interest-driven" hero. He is a hero, so...·

He has never done anything like sneaking around and relying on his own abilities to do bad things. If he does such a thing, I am afraid that no one can stop him because he is invincible in the one-punch world.

"Wood escape·wood clone!"

In a moment!

A powerful voice suddenly sounded from the side. The source of this voice was Senju Hashirama. He was originally 'Chatara', but now he was the reincarnation of the dirty earth. His chakra was infinite, and he was even more powerful. The upper sacrifice is Bai Zetsu, which allows Asura's reincarnation Senju Hashirama to exert its strength more thoroughly. The ordinary sacrifice is two-fifths, and the White Zetsu sacrifice is...

Infinitely close to four out of five.

All the strength?

This is of course no.

Uchiha Madara: Have you ever seen Hashirama in his heyday?

Although Uchiha Madara is now stronger than Senju Hashirama, that is entirely because Senju Hashirama joined the chat group of the heavens a long time after Uchiha Madara. During the Warring States Period, they fought more than once, with each winning and losing. But Uchiha Madara has to say that in terms of battery life,...In terms of strength, Hashirama is indeed stronger than him.

With a fierce shout, the majestic chakra on Senju Hashirama boiled.

A blue cyclone seemed to be forming, spiraling upward.

This is his chakra.

The big bones were boiled into soup:"Uchiha Madara: In terms of chakra capacity, I, Uchiha Madara, would like to call you the strongest!"

Oko-san started to get angry.

Uchiha Dance King:"???"


This is the kaleidoscope death stare.

‘Swish, swish, swish - this moment!

The wooden clones jumped out one after another and rushed towards the battlefield. The wooden clones split from Senju Hashirama's body have one or two tenths of his strength. They may only be used as cannon fodder like the shadow clones against strong men of the same level. , but the strength of these ordinary dead bodies is not even comparable to the elite genin in the Naruto world.

The only thing a dead body needs to pay attention to is viruses. bite, blood...,


These all have the chance of spreading the virus, which is why apocalyptic worlds such as the Resident Evil world always fall quickly, even if the army gathers, they are completely unable to withstand it.

Because, maybe while they were fighting, an infected person suddenly appeared inside

"Let's get started too."

Yasuo wiped his sword.

In his eyes...

With a cold flash of light, Busujima Saeko, although he did not have a real apprenticeship ceremony, Yasuo had already recognized this disciple and inherited his lineage of wind-controlling swordsmanship in another world.

The world of Academy Apocalypse is the world where Busujima Saeko lives.

The world is in crisis right now.

It was his duty to take action


Beside Yasuo, stood a man with a white face and a slight beard, wearing a snow-white robe. The man's expression was very calm. Nothing in front of him seemed to attract his attention. His eyes were like cold stars......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to 'Purple Sun' for your monthly ticket support! _·

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