Murong Bai.

The Murong clan from the world of Wanwanwanxiang, a family of immortal cultivators, is not the Murong clan of Yanziwu Shenhe Village in the Tianlong World. Murong Bai and Murong Fu, except for the same surname, are incompatible.

No, maybe there's another one.

It was one family five hundred years ago.

Murong family!

This family...

For generations, the demon sealed in the gourd has been guarded in the town of Shiniu. Therefore, their clan has been cursed by the demon's short-lived curse. After that, not only was it passed down in a single line, but the clan members could hardly live past the age of thirty~.

Wearing white clothes and holding a white jade sword,"Mo Shang is like jade, and his son is unparalleled", this is the best way to describe Murong Bai. He is the successor of this generation of the Murong clan, and he also guards Shiniu Town.

Keep one side safe.

I never expected that the world is not simple. Although there are funny elements in it, this world is actually the same as the world of the devil boy Nezha, and is related to the Journey to the West era and the Conferred Gods-era.

It’s called One by One

Parallel World! thisLike the Kamen Rider Multiverse, in addition to the main world, there are countless derivative parallel worlds. Although these worlds are just ordinary parallel worlds, the people in the parallel worlds have different stories.

The world that Murong Bai was in was just an inconspicuous one, but since he was selected to join the chat group of the heavens, it was destined that that world would be extremely dazzling.

Shining brightly!

In that world, there were gods, gods, monsters, Buddhas and demons.

Monk Tang's master and apprentice Xitian passed by Shiniu Town to learn Buddhist scriptures.

His eldest disciple Sun Wukong is powerful.

It's quite a feeling of 'I swallowed the golden elixir in one mouthful, and my fate was decided by fate'.


Trample the sky to pieces and act recklessly!

This is indeed Goku.

Murong Bai's strength ranks among the best among his peers. Although the Murong family was cursed by demons, which resulted in a very short life span, and even passed down a single line, each generation of descendants died at that time.

But everything has two sides. perhaps!

The short-lived curse caused the Murong clan's incense to fade away, but it also gave their clan members extremely high talents, allowing them to be very powerful enough to guard one side in the few days they had. perhaps!

Everything is destined by God.

Of course, now that Murong Bai has been joining the Zhutian chat group for a while, the curse that was engraved in his bloodline by demons has long since dissipated, and Murong Bai can practice better.

The heart is like still water. in this way...

Only then can we become the great road.

Murong Bai learned swordsmanship.

His swordsmanship is exquisite. He does not seem to be labeled with any sword-related labels. He never expected that it would be an entertaining world similar to Ten Cold 2, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.

Just like Lu Xiaofeng's world.

What is remembered is always iconic.

The words of Thor the dog: 'I am the god Thor, for the gods of the north.

In the green grassland, the Big Big Wolf King can never catch a sheep.

Lu Xiaofeng with four eyebrows.

Flying Immortal Ye Gucheng...

Lord of Baiyun City, Ye Gucheng!

His sword looks like a human.

His person is like a sword. therefore!

In the eyes of the 'audience', the most deeply rooted and memorable thing about Ye Gucheng is not his face that looks like an immortal coming to earth, nor his eyes like cold stars, but that scene

‘On a full moon night, on the top of the Forbidden City, a sword comes from the west, and a fairy flies from the sky'!

One sentence, sixteen words.

That's enough. therefore!

In this world, the most memorable ones are the stone bull"Wang Dachui" who dreams of becoming a hero, and the impressive"sand sculptures" - Master Tang and his disciples who learned from heaven. , on the other hand, look at Murong Bai.

In the original plot...

Even though he was injured, he still fought with the demons with all his body. He truly implemented the motto"Fight good and evil, fight for life". The meaning of this sentence seems to be faith, which has been integrated into his body and soul.

But it is a tragedy for him to be like this.

He is a tragic hero.

Protect Shiniu Town!

He has been guarding her all his life, but the world only remembers his kindness. When he was injured, when he fought to the death to destroy the demon and protect the safety of the other side, what he received was not much comfort.

But a sentence of 'sarcasm'.

Cold words hurt people's hearts

····Seeking freshness··0, longevity...

He was possessed.

The world only remembers this. Everything Murong Bai did for Shiniu Town before seems to be a matter of course in the eyes of ordinary people, that's all. Then who can remember Murong Bai's swordsmanship? ?

Everything is preconceived.

A seventeen-year-old girl:"@兴尊@UchihaDanceKing@Ninja Realm Big Fat Sheep@trembling tornado@I am not Lin Fengjiao. Now, please give me your acceptance speech."


After joining the group, Yakumo Murasaki, who always liked to hibernate, embarked on the same path of no return as Kaguya on Mount Horai. From then on, her whereabouts were always elusive and she became the ultimate otaku................, at this time.

She is staying at her residence, Shuiquan.

Today, she is no longer a newbie.

Bragging water group, all are familiar with the road!

Uchiha Dance King:"!!!"

Naruto world.

Uchiha Madara's eyes widened, showing a look of disbelief. wc!

This guy Yakumo Murasaki...,

Li Xunhuan:"It hurts my heart, old man."

Li Xunhuan was speechless.

I am not Lin Fengjiao:"......", the corners of his mouth twitched. what idea? no idea!

I feel very upset and uncomfortable....

Forever Pavilion.

In the small room with dim lights, Horaishan Kaguya is completely wrapped in the quilt, with only one head exposed. This look is exactly like a hamster buried 2, but..., these words are just a targeted description.

Let's talk about the word 'house'.

With her long lifespan, Horaisan Kaguya gained an overwhelming advantage in this competition. In front of Tsuchima Mi, Horaishan Kaguya can be said to be a figure of the level of a grandmaster. at this time.

In front of Horaishan Kaguya, there was a faint light shining on the computer screen, but her eyes were not on it. This was not the first time. After she joined the group, the new show suddenly became unpopular.......... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! Thanks to '15xx51' for your monthly ticket support! _To read the underlined version of the novel, please download the Feilu Novel APP! ,

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