In this slightly dark environment, most of Horaiyama Kaguya’s consciousness is immersed in the chat group of the heavens. She and Yakumo Murasaki are the only two people in Gensokyo to join Members of the Zhutian chat group are also the main force of the water group in the group.

Under normal circumstances, no matter whether they are in the group chatting day or night, as long as you look for them, they are there all the time. at this time.

The expression on Kaguya's face was slightly strange.

Yakumo Purple's current reaction is probably...,


But if you think about it carefully, it's normal.

Yakumo Purple!

Should he be considered her best friend?

Let’s not talk about these for now. but...

Yakumo Purple is not ordinary in the group. Just as she is called the monster sage in Gensokyo, in the chat group of the heavens, Yakumo Purple also has a 'non-chief' number called"220". This is not like Zima’,‘The title"Old Lady Purple" is more like a joke. The latter comes from Yakumo Purple's age and the little poem Qin Mo accidentally told Horaishan Kaguya before.

First there is Zi Ma and then there is Heaven, and Zi Ma is still before the way of heaven.

Now he is seventeen years old, and one year of chaos counts.

As for the former...

It's different.

That was actually spelled out by Yakumo Murasaki. The word 'non-chief', if you only look at Gensokyo, seems to have no connection with Yakumo Murasaki, because Yakumo Murasaki is one of the sages. In Gensokyo, it is a monster that lives quietly at the very edge. From here, it lives while looking at the Great Barrier of Hakurei.

In Gensokyo, Yakumo Murasaki's luck is really good.


In the Zhutian chat group.

Yakumo Purple, however, forcibly spelled out the title of 'non-chief'. This did not appear overnight. This title has been with her since Yakumo Purple joined the group.

And the origin of everything is...

A points draw.

Not many points.

However, because there were not many people in the Zhutian chat group at that time, everyone was here to celebrate, and everything turned out to be normal. Except for Yakumo Murasaki, her luck made her the only one in the group. Someone who simply skipped it because of a bug. , since then, Yakumo Purple's luck has plummeted

"The old lady Zi is probably blocked in the group...."

Horaizan Kaguya couldn't help but complain to herself. at this time!

She keenly felt that behind her, there was an"ominous" aura rising suddenly, making people feel chills on the back. It was a feeling of cold light on the back. The strength of Penglai Mountain Kaguya was not great Weak. At her level of strength, it is easier to feel that kind of aura.


Behind her.

A figure appeared. She was still holding the big umbrella in her hand. She had long blond hair. She was wearing a purple robe with gossip patterns painted on it. Compared with the clothes she wore when she last participated in the Academy Apocalypse mission, There have been some changes in the hexagrams.

When people see it, their eyes can't help but light up. but...

At this moment, she couldn't help but have a 'kind' smile on her face.."purple...Yakumo Purple?.Henglaishan Kaguya was stunned.-In her heart.

There is a saying mmp I don’t know whether to take it seriously, this gap is a monster..., too sensitive? at the same time.

Kyushu cultivation world.

Red Leaf Peak.

Qin Mo put the Moon Rabbit on the stone table aside, stood up and stretched happily, then opened the door of the courtyard and walked to the red maple forest outside the courtyard, leaning against the big bluestone behind his back. from here...

Just can look at the distance comfortably.

In the distance, mountains stretch.

Green mountains and green waters.

Full of life!

The moon rabbit jumped up and down on the bluestone behind Qin Mo. A pair of red eyes similar to Qin Mo's reflected the scene in the distance. The scenery of the third era was just like the second era in the past. only...

The catastrophe is coming!

If the catastrophe cannot be overcome, everything in front of us will be in vain and will eventually disappear. At that time, no matter what we say, it will be useless. The world will be like the second era, and we can only talk about it in the next era. Know some of the glory of the past.

But that is ultimately useless!

"With Qing'e's nannizi away, it was a bit deserted."

Qin Mo said to himself.


Traveling around the world to gain experience is something that every Taoist sect disciple will experience, but most disciples will, like Qing'e, build the foundation and then leave the sect alone. As for Qin Mo, who has directly refined Qi for three thousand years, it is already another person. A breed of monster now....., at that time.

Qin Mo in the Qi refining stage was unique in the world of cultivation. To put it in more modern terms, Qin Mo was a star in the world of cultivation. His every move at that time would be particularly eye-catching.

Shaked his head.

Qin Mo immersed his consciousness in the new function of the chat group, 'Fishing in the Sky'.

Fishing in the heavens! from which.

You can fish for items from all over the world, whether you overturn or succeed, it all depends on luck. Of course, certain metaphysics that are destined and defaulted to in the"All Heavens Chat Group" cannot be replaced. for example...

Yakumo Purple's non-chief temperament.

Qin Mo is very confident.

On the contrary, Qin Mo is favored by God and is a perfect European emperor. He and Yakumo Murasaki are probably two extremes.

【Two thousand points, do you want to go fishing? ]

A thought came to my mind.


Qin Mo's ears heard the slightly mechanical sound of the chat group system.

Naturally, Qin Mo would not refuse this.


【Tip: 2000 points have been deducted. 】, another prompt tone.

Immediately afterwards...

A boundless illusory ocean instantly appeared in front of Qin Mo's eyes, with brilliant light shining and countless colorful bubbles rising up one after another. At first glance, it was surprising, as if he was in a dreamland.

A thought!

In Qin Mo's hand, a fishing rod suddenly appeared.

No hook, no fish.

It feels like"Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait"

"It's quite interesting."

Qin Mo smiled slightly.


‘Kaka one by one' in a short while.

The fishing rod in Qin Mo's hand suddenly trembled without any warning. This should be a reminder to the angler that he had caught something and should take back the fishing rod. Qin Mo quickly took it back without leaving any trace. at this time!

Attached to the end of the fishing rod.

A burst of light suddenly appeared...,...... ps: Please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collect, recommend, and share! ,

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