I Have Five Big Daddy

Chapter 108 Mu Qu's Evil Plan

Mu Qu frowned and thought, the power of the Mu family is now in the hands of his second uncle, and even his grandfather and father acted according to his second uncle's face.

Originally, it didn't make any difference to him whether the second uncle had a daughter, but the last time his younger sister provoked the second uncle's daughter, something happened to his grandfather. Later, he heard his grandfather and his father say that it was because the second uncle was angry.

He has never met his second uncle's daughter, but because of this incident, he doesn't like her anymore. Besides, just thinking about asking him to please a dead girl in the future makes him feel aggrieved.

Their family has no relationship with the dead girl who suddenly appeared. Even if everything in the Mu family will not fall into the hands of the second uncle's daughter, the second uncle's own property will be enough to make people envious. The status is probably not comparable between the two of them.

Now that my sister has offended that girl, not only my sister, but he also doesn't want to show his face to curry favor with a daughter of the Mu family who came out halfway.

Mu Qu took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then protruded the white mist. The white mist covered his entire face, and he couldn't see any expression.

Mu Qu threw the cigarette on the ground viciously, kicked it away with his toes, and suddenly felt that his sister's worry was not superfluous.

He laughed maliciously.

"Children, it's easy to deal with. The second uncle is only her daughter now, so she must be a treasure. He must have a lot of money.

In this way, let's find some people to stop this dead girl, rob her of the money that the second uncle gave her, and threaten again to ensure that she will obediently hand over the money from the second uncle to us in the future, and children like this If things happen a lot, her temperament will become submissive and inferior. Do you think Mrs. Mu will hand over to a submissive and inferior trash?

Let's not worry, when she grows up and becomes more sensible, you can spread rumors at school and let her experience school violence. Now that she doesn't understand anything, it's useless for you to spread bad rumors about her. Shouting grass and scaring snakes alarmed the second uncle.

So you don't do anything for the time being, you are so stupid and impulsive, if you get caught and get hurt, I can't get around you. "

Mu Jiajia pursed her mouth and let out a sigh, but hearing her brother's plan, she was very excited, and her downcast eyes flashed.

Thinking that the money that the second uncle gave to that dead girl would eventually fall into her own hands, she was very excited.

"Brother, when are you going to find someone?"

Mu Qu raised his chin, "What's the rush, we have to make sure there is nothing wrong with this matter, and make sure that even if the second uncle finds out, he won't be able to catch us. I have to think about it."

Back in the dormitory, Ruan Ruan didn't know that someone was already staring at her. After taking a shower, she rubbed her eyes in her own little clothes and lay down on the bed to sleep.

Tired of playing...

Today, the students in the preschool class 1 played so crazy that they fell asleep and fell asleep for a long time. The bell rang for the afternoon class. Except for Ruan Tuanzi and Jiang Jincheng, none of the other Tuanzi could get up.

Teacher Xia and the class teacher in the class personally came to wake up the dumplings to go to class. In the afternoon class, the dumplings fell asleep on the table one by one.

Xia Yi was so angry, a pointer slapped on the table.

"Next time, I will definitely not let you play while sleeping."

"Teacher, we also need physical education."

"Yeah, we also need physical education class, so we don't have to go out to play during sleep time."

There are few classes in preschool, and there are usually music and art classes, and they are too young. I am afraid that the teacher will not know where to go when I am in physical education class. All of them belong to noble young masters and ladies. Teachers like them couldn't bear the responsibility if something went wrong, so there was no physical education class at all.

Teacher Xia looked at the Xiaotuanzi below who were clamoring for physical education class, and suddenly felt a headache.

Xia Yi hurriedly calmed down the group, "You are still young, and you will be able to take physical education after you are a year old. Now even if you apply for physical education, it can only be indoor sports. Don't even think about going out, especially for those of you who are young." Hey, you disappeared in the blink of an eye, who dares to let you go wild?"

Xia Yi pointed to the skinniest little dumplings in the class.

Ruan Tuanzi blinked his eyes, "Teacher, what is indoor sports?"

Xia Yi said softly, "Our school has the big playground outside, and there is also an indoor stadium, which is where other big brothers practice. If you really want to take physical education, the teacher will discuss it with the principal. Can you go and play there?"

Ruan Ruan hurriedly nodded before the other dumplings could react, "Yes, thank you teacher."

The other regiments had already nodded when they saw her, so they also nodded in a daze. What does the indoor stadium look like?

Teacher Xia was relieved to see that the dumplings had stopped making trouble, and smiled at Ruantuanzi,

Let the little ones have physical education indoors, she is still sure to make sense with the principal.

I didn't expect to go to physical education class before, because I was thinking about the safety of the dumplings, and because there was enough time for these little guys to play, and these little guys didn't need to go for a run. They would wait until they were in the first grade before they would do morning exercises and run. , I also feel that it is unnecessary.

After Mrs. Xia Yi finished class, she went to the principal to discuss it. The final result was that the principal called all the teachers of the preschool class to discuss it. He felt that this physical education class could allow the children to run for a symbolic two laps, and then teach some gymnastics. It will be fine after a while, and the children can play by themselves at other times, but the teacher must be careful not to run away or get into a fight.

However, this will take a few days to plan.

After discussing it, Xia Yi posted this matter to the parent group, and by the way, also posted the video of the group members running.

Not to mention, it's cute to watch the little groups lined up and running on the playground with short legs, all of them are chubby and chubby, just like running little penguins.

Sissi's parents [I saw my daughter, that little slob can actually go for a run, I can't believe it, I used to hold her when I walked. 】

Yuanyuan's parents [Oh, my Yuanyuan is here, so is my family. She usually only knows how to eat, and she doesn't want to go out for a run with her father for a while. 】

Xiaofeng's parents 【Hey... Don't say it, why do you feel so happy watching these little radishheads running. 】

Yu Fu's parents【Will all the babies in physical education class have to go for a run in the future? Will there be any danger. 】

Parents of Chengcheng【What danger can there be? This running is like walking. Letting the children walk more is good for their health. Oh my grandson and Ruanruan are still leading the way @粉维的parent,Mujiaboy Block to see. 】

That's right, the parent of this Chengcheng is Grandma Jiang, and she has watched the short two-minute video several times.

Hutuan's parent [Hey, it's strange, my brat is willing to go for a run quietly! 】

Yuanyuan's parents [Teacher can post more photos of the children in the group in the future, the little guys are so cute together. 】

Teacher Xia [The children insisted on going to the junior high school to play, so I took them there. I happened to meet a class running in physical education class, and they also joined in the fun. At first, these children wanted to compete with the junior high school students Who can run fast, but I was persuaded by Ruan Ruan and Jiang Jincheng, I also took other videos, which are very fun, and I will share them with parents. 】

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