I Have Five Big Daddy

Chapter 109 Parents Group

Teacher Xia posted three more videos. In fact, she especially likes to record small videos about children to share with parents, so that parents can participate in the growth of children, and parents can save the appearance of babies when they were young.

There was a video of an impatient child who wanted to run out to compete with those junior high school classmates, but Jiang Jincheng and Ruan Ruan persuaded them with a lot of reasoning.

The other is that when they were jogging and singing, the immature childish voice was crisp and lively, which was very pleasant to listen to. There was also a scene where the small groups collectively made a few junior high school students speechless

In the end, there is a video of the small groups pushing two junior high school boys to the ground in order to grab the ball.

These three videos were quickly downloaded to their mobile phones by each parent, and at the same time they did not forget to blow a wave of teacher Xia Yi's rainbow farts.

Little Apple's parent [Mr. Xia Yi did a good job, with a steady hand, he captured the voices and faces of the dumplings clearly. 】

Chengcheng's parents [Oh, my grandson is also like this at school, he always speaks the truth in a serious manner, the key is that sometimes he thinks what he said is quite right and soft. 】

Xiaofeng's parents 【Hahaha... I was amused, I almost believed what that little boy said. 】

Tuantuan's parents【Ouch, the little guys are so cute running and singing together. 】

Ah Qing's parents [I think it's even more funny that they press two big boys together later, poof...the chubby little penguins are pressing and pecking the two big boys. 】

The group of parents was harmonious. Although some parents did not speak out, they seemed to support the physical education class.

Of course, Mu Shen also saw the news in the group. He set up a special reminder for this parent group, and would remind him whenever there was news.

This time the teacher even posted a video. Seeing the little guy running like a little penguin with his short legs in the video, he unconsciously had a smile on his face.

Mu Shen also saved these three videos, and he can watch them frequently in the future.

He glanced at the time, Ruan Ruan should be leaving get out of class.

Some couldn't wait to stand up, picked up their coats and put them on, and went to pick up their daughter from school.

Soft mother group:

Annina【Ahhh! ! The president is getting dressed, the president is getting dressed! 】

Lily [What's going on above! Is there a time when our president doesn't wear clothes? How come I don't know about this good thing? 】

Annina [Bah, bah, bah...you missed the point of my words, I mean the president left in his coat! He must have gone to pick up my female goose. 】

Jin Xiaoyan [It's a pity, I have prepared so many snacks, and now I can't give them to Ruan Ruan, I can only eat them myself. 】

Hao Linya [Eldest sister, will you gain weight after eating all of that? 】

Jin Xiaoyan [(angry) How is that possible! Can my body be fat? I can't get fat! ! 】

Meng Xuan [Many people say that they can't get fat by eating, but who knows that they secretly lose weight? 】

Jin Xiaoyan [Are you two looking for a fight? 】

Wu Yan【Don't be a fool, my daughter goose is coming, I'm so excited! 】

The group of mothers became lively, and what they were looking forward to the most these days was when Ruan Ruan could come and play with them every day.

In the past, it was only because of the president that I paid more attention to Ruanruan, but after getting along, Ruantuanzi is really too sensible and soft, and the little mouth is so sweet. Every day when my brothers and sisters call, they also like this little girl more and more. guy.

Mu Shen drove to the school where Ruan Ruan was at. He came at just the right time, but there were already a lot of parents who came to pick up their children, and they all stood outside the door and stretched their necks to look inside.

Gradually, some children ran out, and the children ran towards their father or mother with a smile on their faces, and then they were picked up by the adults, talking and laughing, and left.

The children are like birds returning home, and they can't wait to rush to the arms of their parents.

Mu Shen is no longer the high-ranking CEO at this moment, and he is just a member of the army of parents waiting for their children.

"Boy Mu is here too." Grandma Jiang also came over at this moment, and when she saw Mu Shen, she went to say hello.

Mu Shen nodded, "Aunt Jiang."

Grandma Jiang chuckled, "Look at the news in the group. My family, Jincheng, is just too quiet. It's fine now. I'm also happy to be able to go to school and make friends."

She used to be very worried about her grandson's study, but now it seems that the brat and his classmates get along pretty well, although it's all because of Ruanruan.

But as long as the little guy doesn't stay in the house all day and doesn't go anywhere, his habit of not going out is much better now than when he came here.

Mu Shen nodded slightly, "Yes, I see."

Not only saw it, but also saved the video.

Grandma Jiang chatted with Mu Shen immediately, and the topics revolved around Jiang Jincheng and Ruanruan. Although Grandma Jiang was the one talking most of the time, Mu Shen only nodded occasionally, but Grandma Jiang still had the energy to speak.

It wasn't until Ruan Ruan and Jiang Jincheng came out that Grandma Jiang stopped talking.


From a distance, Ruan Ruan saw a certain father who stood out from the crowd, ran over with a small schoolbag on his back and threw himself into Mu Shen's arms.

Mu Shen bent down to pick up Ruan Tuanzi and sat next to him, and tapped the tip of her small nose with his other hand.

Ruanrou giggled, eyes bright and curved, hugging Dad's neck to see me happy, like a kitten attached to Dad's neck and arched several times.

"Daddy came to pick up Ruan Ruan today, Ruan Ruan is so happy." The little guy leaned on Mu Shen's shoulder, talking softly.

"Uncle." Jiang Jincheng looked at Mu Shen and shouted, then went to stand beside Grandma Jiang.

Grandma Jiang looked at the way Ruan Ruan and Mu Shen got along with each other, she was really envious, and then she looked at her little grandson.

"Chengcheng, it would be great if you could pester me like Ruanrou, do you want a hug from grandma?"

Jiang Jincheng pursed his mouth and shook his head. Grandma Jiang looked a little disappointed. His grandson was good everywhere, but he didn't like to be close to people.

Grandma Jiang was feeling regretful when her hand was suddenly grabbed by a small hand.

Jiang Jincheng held Grandma Jiang's hand and lowered his head slightly, so that people could not see the expression on his face clearly.

"Grandma is too old to hold me. I'll hold you." Although the voice was very calm, no different from usual, but from the perspective of Grandma Jiang, Jiang Jincheng's slightly red ears could be seen.

Grandma Jiang was so happy that the creases on her face deepened, and she grasped Jiang Jincheng's little hand tightly.

"Hey, good, my Jincheng is really good."

In the past, she was the one who took the initiative to hold Jincheng's hand, but this child rarely took the initiative, and even said such caring words.

I asked the editor, the book will be released on the 17th or 20th, and the specific date depends on the situation.

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