I have guarded the city of advancement in Pirate Town for 100 years

Chapter 127 Get on this Ship! (The third is the first order and the update is 10/25)

Chapter 127 Get on this Ship! (The third is the first order plus 1025)

"Cheers!!" A grand banquet was being held on Roger's pirate ship.

It has been more than half a day since Figo boarded the ship, and everyone in the Roger Pirates has been convinced by Figo's personality charm, um, convinced.

What can I do if I don't accept it?

There is no bad mood that cannot be dispelled by a banquet, and if there are, then two.

"Speaking of... Mr. Figo?" Roger picked out such a title: "How old are you this year? Why is it the same as when I met you 20 years ago?"

Figo took a sip of his wine and said, "90."

"Hey?! 90 years old?!"

Jabba leaned over and took a look: "This is really... I feel like I'm going to be older."

"Hehe, appearance doesn't mean anything." Figo smiled, and stretched his hands on his face, a few wrinkles appeared, and his hair quickly became black and white.

Aging 20 years old in a second, Roger and others stared wide-eyed in shock: "This, this is almost another person! Is this how you disguise yourself as the Murloc King and Fur King? It's amazing!"

"If I want, I can even return to a young man in his twenties." Figo didn't deny it, nor did he admit it, "This isn't too advanced a skill, do you want to learn it?"

"Um, can I?" Roger expected.

"Of course not, pirate."

"...Hahahaha!" Roger laughed and helped Figo pour the wine, and only when he turned his head to face Rayleigh did he show a pouted look.

The crew laughed because of the captain's embarrassment, and Figo also laughed: "If you really want to learn, then become a navy, and I will teach you."

The laughter on the boat faltered.

Roger also hesitated, looked at Figo for a few seconds, and shook his head seriously: "Forget it."

"Just kidding, I know you will refuse. If I could, I would not let you and Rayleigh go when we first met 20 years ago. Instead, I would directly pull you into the navy. In this way, the navy may have more Two generals.

I heard what you said when you left Xiangzhu five years ago. If you want to do it, do it. There is really no more suitable reason than this.

Back then, when I faced the doubts of the five old stars, I also said the same to them.

But... Pirates are not a good choice. Even if you are more like adventurers, playing the name of pirates will still affect some people to imitate and cause trouble for the navy.

So there is a new way of adventure, do you want to try it? all of you. "

Roger was taken aback: "Brand new?"

Figo raised a finger: "God, you will know later."

Halfway through speaking, it would suffocate everyone, but the sound of the phone bug ringing after Figo took out the phone bug from his arms made them suffocate.

"Uncle Figo, where have you been? The Celestial Dragons just called me for help, and the Lockes Pirates attacked their place. Did you already know?" Steel Bone Kong said.

"Are you asking for help? It seems that Rocks' strength has improved considerably over the years." Figo muttered: "On the way."

After hanging up the phone, Roger and the others shifted their attention immediately: "Locus? The Celestial Dragon asked the Navy for help? Isn't the Celestial Dragon..."

"There are some special circumstances." Figo stood up and looked at Roger's pirate ship, then suddenly leaned forward and took off the pirate flag.

The expressions of the pirates changed, and Figo said again: "The banquet is over, stand still and support yourself, next, we will speed up!"

The saber was unsheathed and slashed towards the sky.

The air was quiet for a few seconds, then a gust of wind rose suddenly, and the sea rushed up!

Everyone in the Roger Pirates was shocked to feel the changes in the celestial phenomena. The whirring gust of wind made the sails rattle and gradually increased until the pirate ship moved at dozens of times its previous speed!

Someone asked blankly: "What is this!"

"Be careful! Hold on fast!"

"Swordsmanship?! It's too exaggerated!"

'Sky Sword Hurricane. ’ Figo stood firmly on the rail, looking in the direction of the Valley of the Gods, full of knowledge and knowledge.



In the heavy panting, Old Sage Huo Ming felt that his lungs no longer belonged to him.

His mouth was filled with the smell of blood. He somewhat regretted being lazy in his youthful practice, and even more regretted the slack in the past few years, and regretted his own weakness.

The roar behind him was getting closer and closer, so he must not stop, the children in his arms made him have to persevere. The wife next to her was talking hoarsely and asked her to hug one, but Huo Minggusheng knew that her physique was weaker and had reached her limit.

Almost there, almost to the coast.

Almost to the ship!

Suddenly, two screams and painful screams from the front made him look clear and his steps slowed down.

I saw an extremely strong young man with a height of six or seven meters and two horns on his head holding a mace, and easily knocked two slaves who opened the way for them into the air. He laughed and said, "Want to run?"

Kaido, a 21-year-old trainee crew member!


The mace was erected on the ground, and Kaido looked down at the group of Celestial Dragons with their families: "Boss Lockes said he wanted to keep the children and kill all the adult Celestial Dragons. Please put the children down obediently, don't Make it difficult for me, otherwise the boss won't blame me if I accidentally hurt someone!"

The Tianlong people looked at each other in horror.

The shouts of killing were getting closer and closer, and there was not much time left for them to struggle. Someone put the child on the ground: "Fight with the pirates!"

Now even the Celestial Dragons, who are in charge of inheriting the family, have certain fighting abilities, and they drew their swords and rushed towards Kaido one by one.

Old Sage Huo Ming also gritted his teeth, stuffed the two children into his wife's arms, and jumped on him.

"Hmph." Kaido sneered.

Although he is only an intern crew member, it also depends on where he is intern. The trainee crew on Lockes' main ship is the sub-captain's seedling!

The mace whimpered, and the power contained in it made every Tianlong person frightened. For the sake of the children, they couldn't back down.

Just when the two sides were about to collide, there was a sudden bang, and Kaido's mace was blocked by an unsheathed sword!

"Huh? Where are you from, old man?"

Kaido frowned and looked at the gray-haired old man who suddenly appeared in front of him. The Tianlong people braked together and almost fell down.

Why does it seem...haven't seen it?

The hidden power of Lord Wulaoxing?

"Young man, be polite, you should call me grandpa." Figo smiled at Kaido.

"Huh?!" Kaido snorted.

The mace suddenly increased its strength, trying to crush the old man in front of him with absolute strength, but suddenly felt that his hand was empty, and the weapon was easily taken away!


Amidst a burst of sound, the young Kaido showed panic. What's the matter with this old man? !


The bigger the body, the bigger the blood volume.

Kaido left behind several liters of blood, and his body turned into a meteor, shooting into the ruins in the distance!

The Tianlong people were stunned, and someone asked in horror: "You, you, who are you?"

"There's no time to explain!" Figo turned around and said, "Come with me, hurry up!"

"Ah, yes!"

After the catastrophe, how could there be so many problems, each of the Tianlong people happily hugged the child, followed Figo for a little turn, and quickly ran to the coast. With such a strong protection, I only felt that my physical strength had recovered a little. point.

The Tianlong family in the rear is small, and seeing the situation here, they also turned with the large army.

Soon came to the coast and saw a big boat, Figo pointed: "Get on this boat!"

Without any hesitation, the Tianlong people boarded the boat one after another with their children in their arms. When they found an empty space on the board, they sat down and panted, slowing down to appease the crying toddlers and the frightened and dazed children under 10 years old.

Under the big boat, the strange and strong man who made them feel at ease kept calling: "Hurry up! Run two steps! Get on board! Get on this boat!"

If you want to come here, you can start the boat.


The Tianlong people were so excited that they wanted to cry.

In the cabin, Roger Reilly and others held their breath, listening to the movement on the deck outside and the crying of the baby, with extremely strange expressions.

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