Chapter 128 Fairness


On the edge of the town of God's Valley near the coast, Long Bread, who was chasing the evacuated team of Tianlongren, let out a light sigh, and felt it with his knowledge.

He ran to the front of the nearby ruins and pierced it directly with the long sword in his hand. Under his sword, the tons of bricks and stones were quickly transformed into a big biscuit, which was easily thrown aside by him, revealing a sluggish face with bleeding from all seven orifices. Kaido.

"what's wrong with you?"

"Long, long bread boss." The 18-year-old Kaido's amazing physique had begun to show at this time, and he was able to recover quickly after being hit by Figo, struggling to sit up.

He took a few breaths and said, "Yes, there is a super strong old man who took my weapon away and injured me in a short while."

"one time?"

Long Bun frowned slightly, and pressed the black leather cap. This big and rough man is very resistant to beatings. If you beat him like this, he won't be weak.

He looked back and quickly shouted: "Silver Axe, stop playing, there seems to be a powerful guy here, let's go and have a look!"

"Oh?" Silver Ax swung the giant ax and looked over with some interest.

Under the guidance of the injured Kaido, the three of them quickly came to the coast, saw the big ship where the Tianlong people were landing, and also saw Figo who was commanding with Kaido's mace.

Because Figo made himself look 70 years old, they really couldn't recognize him for a while, and they paid more attention to the big ship.

"Why... it looks familiar?"

"That seems to be...Roger's ship?"

Both Long Bread and Silver Ax had fought against Roger before, and they looked at each other with some surprise.

How are those guys here?

To save the dragon people?

Just thinking about what to do, their expressions suddenly brightened. Looking back at the mid-air behind them, a blond two-handed swordsman was flying towards them.

"Boss Golden Lion!"

"What's the matter with you! You can't even intercept some of the weak and children among the Tianlong people?"

The Golden Lion hummed dissatisfiedly, and the next moment he noticed the familiar ship: "Why is it Roger? Wait! Who is that guy?!"

Suddenly, his eyes met the figure holding a mace, a familiar smile magnified in front of his eyes, and his memory was pulled back to the Happy Street 20 years ago in an instant!

The long bread and the silver ax below were about to respond to the golden lion, when they suddenly found that the third highest cadre on the Rocks pirate ship made a sudden U-turn in the air and flew back at high speed!

There is still a bit of skillful feeling in the action.

"Run! That's the king of the world!"

who? The three of Long Bread froze for a second.

Become a 100-meter champion.

Figo smiled, and continued: "Hurry up, get on the boat, find a seat and sit down! You are not allowed to enter the cabin, that is reserved for the five old stars!"


the other side.

Raiola Sheng and the other four boarded the Tianlong people's emergency escape ship a little panting.

"I don't know when Gaston Figo will come over. We still have to take the juniors out of the Valley of the Gods first and ensure their safety first!" said Neil Boluo.

"Yeah." Another former five elder star nodded in response, and was suddenly taken aback, looking at the five or six groups of families sitting on the deck greeting them...

"Why are you the only ones?!" St. Raiola exclaimed, "Where are the others?!"

These groups of families were also confused: "Is it on another evacuation ship?"

"Another ship?"

"Where is the other ship?!"

The four-member group of the previous generation of five old stars was in a hurry. After we broke it ourselves, did it look like this?

"Where are people? Where did they go?!"

Soon, four octogenarians ran out of breath along the coast to the location of Roger's pirate ship, and saw hundreds of adult Celestial Dragons sitting densely on the strange ship, as well as the They regard the two or three hundred young children and babies in the future, and their eyes are a little dark.

Looking at the guy holding a mace and looking at them with a smile, Raiola San almost lost his breath: "It's you! Gaston Figo! What are you going to do?! What are you going to do?!"

The stern roar was heard by the Tianlong people on the boat, and they were still puzzled. One of the Tianlong people shouted: "Master Raiola, you are finally here, get on the boat, let's get out of here!"

I'm on the boat... I'm on... Raiola's legs gave way and he fell to his knees.

The other three quickly helped him, and Neil Bo Luosheng tried to remain calm: "Don't mess up. Now there is a good news and a bad news. Gaston Figo is here. Our juniors don't need to worry about their safety. Bad The message is... Gaston Figo, what do you want to do?!"

Figo smiled and said, "Long time no see. I didn't want to do anything, just give them fairness."

This time, all the Celestial Dragons on board finally realized that something was wrong. The one who saved them...was the enemy?

The name Gaston Figo... the king of the world, the worst enemy of the Draconians? !

As soon as the small commotion broke out, the cabin of the big ship was suddenly pushed away. Roger and the others dispersed helplessly, saying, "Don't move around! Don't scare or hurt the children!"

Just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's den? !

The Tianlong people, who were just in shock, protected the children one after another, and were alert to Roger and others.

This time even Neil Bo Luosheng was blinded: "Gol D. Roger? You also mixed with Gaston Figo? Forget it, fairness, what fairness are you talking about?!"

"That happened 55 years ago, and it was also the starting point of my conflict with you." Figo recalled: "You should know about the demon-slaying order that was blocked by Teacher Doug, right?

Teacher Doug did not agree to kill those children who were drawn into the Revolutionary Army by Sapphire at that time, even if they might be the seedlings of the Revolutionary Army and might become pirates.

Similarly, I rushed over as soon as I got the change of the Rocks Pirates, and I didn't deliberately delay the time to put these children in danger, even if they are Tianlong people, even if they grow up, they may still be hostile to me.

Isn't that fair enough? "

Did the Tianlong people fall into the same situation as those revolutionary troops? St. Nierbo Luo was dumb, and quickly recalled some details of the information he had seen before, and said angrily: "Do you want to..."

"That's right. After fairness, it is the right to choose life. I will bring them all back to the Navy headquarters, and tell them objectively and fairly the grievances and grievances between the Celestial Dragons and the Navy on their growth path. They can choose to continue to be Celestial Dragons, Of course, you can also choose other ways of life and throw away the responsibilities you have instilled!"

"Impossible!!" Neil Boluosheng hoarsely said: "Gaston Figo, don't be hypocritical! Bringing it back to the Navy headquarters, what is fair to children?! Besides, you want to cut off The foundation of our Celestial Dragons!"

"What's the use of the foundation of Tianlong people? What's the use of having so many children?" Figo chuckled: "You don't really have the dream of regaining power, do you? You can just lie to yourself, face me Are you still deceiving yourself when you are in the middle? This is hypocrisy, St. Neil Boluo. After Im's death, you can't even deal with a Lockes, and overthrow the increasingly powerful navy?!"

Neil Bo Luosheng clenched his fists, put his hands on his knees, panted heavily, and his eyes gradually turned red.

"Look, you are also over eighty years old." Figo sighed: "When Im died, the devil fruit did not expire, and the ability user did not go berserk, can you really guess something? An immortal The strongest, after the death of those 19 kings, it is too easy to play tricks on you juniors who have not personally experienced that period of history!

If you knew the truth I saw on the final island, you might die of shame and anger!

I will not only keep the children, but also their parents, even if it will bring me some trouble, but I am not afraid of trouble, or the two words: fair, they grew up in the Valley of the Gods, There is no right to choose. "

On the boat, Huo Minggusheng, who was holding his wife and a pair of children, was in a daze.

Sheng Raiola raised his head, gritted his teeth and said: "It seems that we have chosen the wrong one again, Gaston Figo, your heart of the fallen dragon has never died! This time, we will definitely activate the transmitter , I will never compromise with you again!"

Figo laughed: "It's smelly and hard."

"Forget it, follow you."

He and the Navy are ready!

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