Mingjiao won the country and established the Ming Dynasty. This Ming Dynasty did not have the surname Zhu, it was named Zhang, which was built by Zhang Wuji. At this time, Zhang Wuji was already the leader of the Demon Cult and the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He erected a golden statue of Chen Beixuan on the temple, and called Chen Beixuan the Grand Master, the Great Emperor Jade Emperor. This name was also specially created by Zhang Wuji for Chen Beixuan. In his eyes, Chen Beixuan was a god, an unimaginable god.

Yang Xiao Xie Xun and others all acted as the king. Zhang Wuji named Yang Xiao the prime minister, Zuo'an King, Xie Xun the general, Youan King, Yin Tianshang as the chief officer of the Ministry of War, Hero King, Wei Yixiao as the chief officer of the Criminal Ministry, King Fu, and others were also appointed according to their merit. Zhang Wuji's supernatural powers are so great that he doesn't need to kill people and raise his power, nor does he kill the founding heroes like Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhao Min naturally married Zhang Wuji. After Zhang Wuji named Zhao Min, Zhao Min gradually had Zhang Wuji's child.

In a blink of an eye, three years passed.

"Your Majesty, I haven't seen Teacher Chen for three years. Maybe the teacher has another family. The three-year agreement may not be fulfilled!" Yang Xiao said.

"I am waiting for the establishment of the Ming and the foundation of all generations. Your Majesty should always be the emperor, don't enter the illusion of the grandmaster!" Yin Tianzheng said. Yin Tian is exactly Zhang Wuji's externalization. At this time, he is too old to manage government affairs.

"Yes, now that Jiangshan is in hand, your majesty should be the king of all ages!" Yin Ye Wang also said. He is Zhang Wuji's uncle and is now a top ten master.

Zhang Wuji shook his head. He felt that there was still a lot to learn. The teacher's magical powers are vast, and the Grandmaster Fantasy Realm must have other magical powers. If he could enter the heavens, he would be a god-like person.

Everyone was talking, but they saw that the golden statue behind the palace moved. To be precise, the golden statue was broken.

"what happened?"

"Is it possible to become a golden statue or not to live?"

"It looks like there is a person hidden in a golden statue!"

"Impossible, this golden statue has been in existence for three years!"

Yang Xiao and the others said, they never knew what to do. Although Yang Xiao was resourceful, this matter was beyond his imagination.

After the golden statue shattered, Chen Beixuan walked out.

Zhang Wuji grabbed it and knelt on the ground.

"Teacher, you are hiding in the golden statue?"

Yin Tianzheng and the others were also shocked. They couldn't believe their eyes. This golden statue was made of golden water. It is impossible for people to be in the golden statue, but I came out of it alive. Yang Xiao and Fanyao didn't understand why Chen Beixuan had to hide in the golden statue for three years.

"Why do I want to hide Chen Beixuan? This golden statue is just a passage, I just came back as a teacher!" Chen Beixuan said.

Zhang Wuji realized that the teacher was not hiding in the golden statue. The teacher had gone to other time and space and had just returned to this world. Above the palace, Wu Qunchen knelt down and paid respect to Teacher Chen Beixuan. The teacher's strength and the teacher's supernatural powers have far exceeded their imagination, making them dare not even think about it.

"The teacher has great abilities, and the students admire it!" Zhang Wuji said.

Chen Beixuan nodded: "I used the Great Universe Technique outside of time and space. You three years, I look like three minutes!"

Zhang Wuji and the others were shocked. They didn't think that the teacher had been looking at him, and it only took three minutes.

"The teacher is great, and the disciple is willing to learn this technique!" Zhang Wuji said. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record this (1490 chapter Li Dynasty!) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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