I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 1491: Grand Master Illusion!

In the Emperor's Palace, Zhang Wuji knelt down, willing to learn the Great Universe with Chen Beixuan.

Chen Beixuan smiled and said: "The great universe, the magic of immortals, can only be learned above the heavens! First let you enter the illusion of the grandmaster, and practice it!"

"Medium. Disciple obeys!" Zhang Wuji said.

"Pass the position to your son, and take you into the Great Master's illusion!" Chen Beixuan said.

Zhang Wuji held a ceremony and passed the throne to himself and Zhao Min's son, and any king of Yin Ye was crowned lieutenant, and Song Yuanqiao was named the great teacher of the country. Only then did he enter the illusion of grandmaster with Chen Beixuan.

Grandmaster Illusion, an illusion that exists exclusively for low-strength planes. The low-strength plane lacks aura and the room for growth is limited. Zhang Wuji and the others cannot enter the heavens right away, so they must have a grandmaster illusion, so that they can make a transition and let them grow quickly.

Chen Beixuan is also the first time to enter the Grandmaster's illusion.

There are seven levels in the Grand Master Illusion, and the monsters are different every time. Only clearing the seven levels can be considered a big improvement.

"Zhang Wuji, you will lead you through one level of illusion for the teacher, and the other six levels by yourself. In the future, there will be brothers coming. When you work together, you will pass the seven levels together!" Chen Beixuan said.

"Teacher Xie, the disciples must work hard and live up to the teacher's entrustment!" Zhang Wuji said. He has been a leader and an emperor, and what he wants most now is to make himself extremely powerful.

The first level is the Skeleton Realm, which is full of all kinds of skeletons. Some of these skeletons have long swords, some have long spears, and some have their own bone sickles in their hands.

The skeletons also seemed to be able to talk, their mouths were moving, they didn't know what to say, they looked very strange. The skeletons saw Chen Beixuan and Zhang Wuji both surrounding them.

Zhang Wuji slashed out with the Dragon Slaying Sword, and a huge shadow of the sword fell. It killed only a dozen skeletons, and the others were only severely wounded. You must know that this sword can kill thousands of people on the plane of Heavenly Elevation.

"The skeletons here are really strong!" Zhang Wuji said. Zhang Wuji is already a strong man, he is equivalent to Qin Shuang in a full state in the wind and clouds, even so, it is still difficult to deal with these skeletons.

Groups of skeletons came around, they waved their weapons and kept attacking Zhang Wuji. Chen Beixuan looked at it, and said in his heart: The monsters in the Grand Master's illusion are really strong, and ordinary martial arts cultivation will die in it.



These skeletons can explode gems. Chen Beixuan took a look and knew that these gems could strengthen weapons and make swords stronger.

Zhang Wuji fought hard, but was still surrounded by skeletons. Chen Beixuan took out the sin of heaven and killed millions of skeletons with a single knife, all over the floor with gems.

Heavenly Sin, the magic weapon of Fengyun World, has been strengthened countless times by Chen Beixuan, and the Heavenly Sin at this time is already on par with the God Realm's Tai Yijian.

Zhang Wuji saw Chen Beixuan take action for the first time, and he was shocked by the teacher's internal strength. This was too powerful, unimaginably powerful, and Zhang Wuji was frightened by the powerful force.

"Use these gems to strengthen your dragon slaying knife!" Chen Beixuan ordered.

Zhang Wuji used the gems on the ground to strengthen his dragon slaying knife, and the dragon slaying knife continued to improve, gradually approaching the rank of the **** soldier on the plane of wind and cloud.

The monsters of Wuxue Master's fantasy realm can be generated continuously and automatically. After the first wave of skeletons were killed, some more skeletons gradually appeared. Zhang Wuji rushed forward, killing the skeleton and practicing the sword technique. Chen Beixuan's spirit went to the Ten Thousand Realms Imperial City to find a copy of the Dragon Slaying Technique. This is a book of swordsmanship, which records the overbearing and powerful swordsmanship. Chen Beixuan passed the sword technique in this book to Zhang WujiI have hundreds of millions of disciples’ latest chapter address :Https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of students Full text reading address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/I have a billion Wandisi txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/111717.htmlWanjie login I have hundreds of millions of disciples to read on their mobile phones: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/for convenience For the second reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1491 Grand Master's Illusion!), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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