I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 826: The power of the ancient temple

The time and space armor completely enveloped the lord of its major planes, isolating the halo power of the crimson plane.

The Lord of the Fire World raised his eyes, and immediately felt that the crimson power of his body was completely absorbed by the time and space armor, the smoke disappeared, and the erosion of his own cultivation stopped immediately.

"What a powerful armor!" The Lord of the Fire World said in surprise.

"Sometimes the space armor exists, why should I be afraid of the vicious aura of the crimson plane?"

"Following the Venerable is indeed a good choice!"

The masters of the various planes were so excited that they all shouted to hurry to find the ancient temple.

"Master, what if these guys are against the water?" Fang Han couldn't help but ask.

Chen Beixuan was expressionless, and responded coldly: "Kill."

With Chen Beixuan's style and methods, everything that goes against him is bound to be cut and killed. Moreover, what these plane masters use to fight against themselves is nothing to him.

"The horror of the Crimson Plane is not only that, do you see the white light in front of it?" Chen Beixuan said lightly, "That's where the ancient temple is, there are countless gods, but the Yuanshi Demon Sect is also rushing. , Then there will be a fight."

"Venerable is powerful, Yuanshi Demon Sect is not worth mentioning!" The Lord of the Earthquake Realm just flattered.

In an instant, everyone came to the crimson plane and stretched out, and the outline of the source of the holy light became clear. It was indeed a huge ancient church, which was in the shape of a spheroid and located in the center of the crimson plane.

The size of the ancient temple is equivalent to the realm of the gods. It runs through countless time and space and is filled with dense castle sculptures, revealing the atmosphere of the ancient times, as if the ancient civilization is reappearing.

The turbulent holy light flows slowly like a stalactite, and various divine texts, like hymns of praise, expand, and envelop the entire ancient temple, blooming with immortal light.

Just at this moment, a huge skeleton ship shot up and stopped not far from Chen Beixuan and the others? The Sin Ship was the power of the Yuanshi Demon Sect.

The people who saw the evil only saw Chen Beixia and others at a glance, and Chen Beixuan could also see them clearly. From their breath, it can be seen that they were Meng Bai, Xiantian, Su Xiuyi and others. They belonged to the Yuanshi Demon Sect. Demon Lord, the realm of cultivation is also at the heavenly monarch level. The eyes of the three major demon masters immediately fell on Fang Han, as if he could see the blood of the Lord of Arbitration at a glance.

"Fang Han, the emperor of the era, or the reincarnation of the lord of arbitration?" A **** light burst into the sky and appeared not far from Fang Han. All the energy of the crimson plane was revolving around him, and he was the lord of the blood river.

The Lord of the Blood River was one of the ancestors of the Yuanshi Demon Sect, and the three major demon masters were all his disciples.

Chen Beixuan's eyes fell on Ying Tian, ​​one of the three major demon masters, and said coldly: "Ying Tian? Is this the Lord of the Temple?"

"Not bad!" The Lord of the Blood River said lightly, "Are you Chen Beixuan?"

"It's the deity!" Chen Beixuan said lightly.

"Chen Beixuan, since you are from another world, why bother to fight for the treasure of my immortal continent? I hope you can give me the lord of arbitration. Every demon lord of my Yuanshi Demon Sect can spare your life, otherwise, This crimson plane is where you fell!"

"Bold!" The Lord of the Fire Realm roared, but was stopped by Fang Han.

Fang Han abruptly stood in front of Chen Beixuan and faced the Lord of the Blood River: "Are you the Lord of the Tomb? Why don't you stay in the tomb and climb out?"

The Lord of the Blood River was born from the tomb, yet another name for the Lord of the Tomb, but this is a shame to him. Now that Fang Han raised it, he immediately became furious.

"Hmph, I'm talking to your master, what are you?" The Lord of the Blood River angered.

Before Fang Han said anything, Chen Beixuan said calmly: "The words of the deity's apprentice are the words of the deity, the master of the tomb, you really should stay in the tomb and enjoy the life."

"Presumptuous!" Hearing this, the Lord of the Blood River almost went crazy, immediately exuding turbulent weather, and the blood on the crimson plane became more intense.

Even so, Chen Beixuan didn't have the idea of ​​taking action personally, and said indifferently: "I am afraid that you are not even an opponent of the deity's apprentice, and you are still trying to challenge the deity!"

These words made the Blood River God completely crazy, but he still held back alive, and came to the Crimson Plane this time to control the ancient temple, so why bother with Chen Beixuan.

"From now on, you will lead everything, and you will no longer be easy to export as a teacher." Chen Beixuan's voice appeared in Fang Han's mind.

Fang Han nodded, realizing that this was the test of the Master, and immediately said: "Is that the Yuanshi Demon Sect? This monarch gives you a chance to surrender to glory and wealth, otherwise you will kill you without mercy!"

"Fang Han, I'm afraid you are crazy, right?" Su Xiuyi said sharply, "I used to be in the world of Xuanhuang, and one of my clones could make you exhausted."

"I am the master of the temple, and this ancient temple is mine. Fang Han, I advise you to do it yourself!" Ying Tian finally said.

At the instant of speaking, he rushed to the crimson plane of the sky, causing the ancient temple to change.

The endless holy light shrouded him, and Ying Tian's power rose rapidly, seeming to communicate the power of the ancient temple.

"The baptism in the ancient temple, can't I?" Fang Han said lightly, rising up, the blood of the Lord of Arbitration activated.

Seeing this, Chen Beixuan was a little bit empty, a crack in the void opened, and a temple sword appeared, hovering above Fang Han's head, helping him to shuttle through the holy light and draw strength. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this time (Chapter 826 The Power of the Ancient Temple), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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