I Have Hundreds of Millions of Disciples

Chapter 827: Lord of the Ancient Temple

Fang Han’s cultivation base was cultivated by Chen Beixuan, but it was nourished by the power of good fortune, and there were 33 days of nourishment in the treasure world. I don’t know how much stronger than Yingtian, because of the original power of Refining Heavenly Sovereign, so that he has a strong interest in energy. The cognition has also reached an unprecedented level.

Under the endless holy light of the ancient temple, the energy in Fang Han's dantian moved very fast, and there was even a kind of accumulation for a long time, and once again there was an impulse to break through. He feels that he only needs to have a renewed understanding of the will for eternal life to achieve a breakthrough in the next era.


At this moment, the entire crimson plane shook violently, and thick clouds rolled in the sky. It seemed that a catastrophe was about to be born. This meant that at least one of Ying Tian and Fang Han was about to break through.

The two temple masters immediately attracted everyone's attention, but Fang Han's energy rolled around, bursting out with a brighter light, revealing the aura of welcoming the catastrophe.

"It's Fang Han, he's about to break through!" I don't know who said it, and everyone looked at Fang Han with a surprised expression.

Chen Beixuan didn't have any doubts about this. The energy contained in Fang Han's body was extraordinary. It was not only the source of refining the heavenly monarch, but also the power of good fortune and the power of eternal life. You must know that there was still a Nine Rank floating in his dantian. Eternal Life Pill.

For Fang Han, Tianjun is definitely not a matter of chance, but an inevitable way to accumulate huge energy. In Chen Beixuan's cognition, Fang Han's becoming the Supreme Immortal King is just a matter of time and spiritual realm.


Fang Han's whole body space shattered, and the heavenly tribulation carried the void torrents, and struck him mercilessly, making a huge noise, and the entire crimson plane trembled.

As long as he survived these heavenly calamities, it meant that Fang Han had entered a new era in the realm of Heavenly Sovereign, and his strength would be even more terrifying.

"No, once Fang Han's strength suppresses Ying Tian, ​​he will completely control the ancient temple!" The Lord of the Blood River shouted loudly. This was definitely something he didn't want to see.

"Predecessors, let Fang Han stop, otherwise my bloodline of the sanctuary lord will be useless!" Ying Tian's face was pale and eagerly shouted.

How could a group of demon masters know that the situation is urgent, shouting to kill them in unison, and rushing to Chen Beixuan, the formation of thousands of troops shaking the entire crimson plane.

The first to bear the brunt is the Lord of Inverse Demons. He originated from ancient times and is the demon **** of war. He emerged from the skeleton ship to culminate. There were countless **** wars and flames between his waves. The **** axe in his hand was sharp and sharp, causing space shock.

The **** axe is a divine object of the Lord of Inverse Demons. Although it is not an immortal weapon, it has no spiritual life name, but its power is far beyond the immortal weapon.

Fang Han swept away, and he was very surprised. He didn't expect that the one who shot himself was the Lord of Inverse Demons. This is the Heavenly Monarch who has lived for four epochs, and his cultivation is strong enough to fight against the Fifth Era Heavenly Monarch. It was Hua Tiandu and Mu Ye Huang were not his opponents.

"When the deity does not exist?" Chen Beixuan said lightly, his voice running through the world.

Although he wouldn't make a move easily, the cold ahead was the time of the breakthrough, and Chen Beixuan would not let any forces disturb his apprentice's breakthrough.

With a flick of his finger, a powerful finger shot out, bombarding the **** axe. With just a finger light, the **** axe trembles violently, making a loud bell ringing, shaking the earth, making everyone present dizzy with tinnitus!

The Lord of Inverse Demons couldn't help trembling, and his menacing momentum came to an abrupt end. Numerous cracks appeared on the surface of his body. He was hit hard by Chen Beixuan!

"This..." As a result, the formation of the demon masters stagnated, and they all showed shocked gazes, looking at Chen Beixuan in disbelief.

They were all able to see the power of the Lord of Inverse Demons. They used to kill the Heavenly Monarch with ease, and a **** axe had no idea how much blood of a powerful man was contaminated, but now he was blocked by the white-robed man in front of him at will.

"How is it possible?" The Lord of Inverse Demons looked at Chen Beixuan in horror, his understanding of power and the world was a little shaken.

"Strike the stone with the pebbles." Chen Beixuan said lightly, disapproving, and the leisure court hung in the air calmly.

"The ancient war lord’s secret method of immortal war against demons, I don’t know if you can resist it!" The lord of demons took a deep breath, the scars on the surface of the body slowly healed, and the **** axe set off a huge violent Energy vortex.

When the Lord of the Blood River saw this scene, his contemplative brows suddenly stretched. After taking a look at Chen Beixuan, he rushed up without hesitation and joined the battle.

"Chen Beixuan, let me see how you deal with the two of me?" As the Lord of the Blood River spoke, a seal was formed in his hand, and the space collapsed and a crack appeared. The blood flowed down three thousand, and he shot Fang Han directly.

Chen Beixuan's strength was rumored to be able to compete with heaven and earth. Although he did not see his strength with his own eyes, the Lord of the Blood River knew that the top priority was to prevent Fang Han from receiving the baptism of the Holy Light of the Holy Temple.

Once Fang Han breaks through the next era of Tianjun, and the bloodline of the Lord of Arbitration is conquered to the approval of the ancient temple, then Yingtian's bloodline of the temple master will completely lose its effect.

The Lord of the Blood River summoned like a waterfall of blood and swept towards Fang Han. Before Chen Beixuan had started, the Lord of the Fire Realm was among them. The masters of all major planes who were surrendered joined forces to block the Blood River. In front of the Lord. The latest chapter address of I have hundreds of millions of disciples in Wanjie Login: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/ 111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who are logged in to read the full text address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com /read/111717/I have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world. txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/down/111717.htmlI have hundreds of millions of disciples who log in to the world to read: https://m .wuxiaspot.com/read/111717/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on \"Favorites\" below Record the reading record of this (Chapter 827 Ancient Temple Master), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "I have hundreds of millions of disciples", please ask your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ) Recommend this book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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